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Case Mod - In Progress GoldTouch - Lian Li PC-A60C CU edition

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Shuper' Luu', 6 Dec 2010.

  1. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    Thanks :thumb:

    Thanks Brian :D hope you like it :D

    (thanks to moderator too;) )

    [Portuguese part for Brian understand better with some language advices]
    Brian muito obrigado :thumb: sempre que precisares de ajuda a postar e vires que o google translate não te ajuda, envia-me PM que assim que eu a vir ajudo-te :thumb:
  2. k.3nny

    k.3nny Minimodder

    27 Jan 2010
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    i wanna see where this wil get :D
  3. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    Thanks :D

    Well here we go :D

    Since last update a lot happened, like i can’t miss the opportunity to go the the Pombal edition of XL LAN PARTY, the biggest lan party on Portugal, and even will glossy acrylic i manage to create a temporally, fast and simple interior, and won the 2nd place of the modding contest with it ;)
    Will be a lot of photos so please read the text above them so you get in touch will the ideas ;)


    Everything start like this, aircooling only.

    Let’s get started with the acrylic. Pump and reservoir support, and bottom cover. The beautifull PSU, frontal fan and sleeving used ;)

    Sleeving Phobya pump!

    More and more interior work. Thing on position of the 120mm Rad, that fit perfectly with almost no empty space, take off the HDD cage and put them on 3,5”. Lucky I ask for Phobya data and power cables for HDD, because after put the acrylic the tolerance if really small :D

    Photo of templates of the acrylic, made of parchment paper (I use google tradutor on that work, hope it’s the right)

    Work on the acrylic with my “blade cutter” (really I’m not remember the English name for it buhh)

    Mount for reservoir for use on the 80mm back fan ;)
    Time to watercooling and try the acrylics. The big piece was made in 3 parts and glue with liquid super glue.

    Geral aspect ;)

    Photos on XL Lan PArty :D
    Sorry for not have better photos, but the dSLR I used before is from my neighbor.
    Attention that this is only a provisory phase. The WC will have the 240mm Rad too, I’m searching for a store where I can buy a top and side panels to go more extreme on this project ;) more extreme but simple and minimalist ;)
    Hope you all like it, comment and follow ;) more photos will come and better quality :D
  4. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    Here i come with final photos of the phase 1 of this project. I've more material on the way to this project to start the phase 2. But some parts i didn't find yet :(

    Hope you like the photos ;)



    I'm still young with my new dSLR so don't push to much hehe

    P.S: Yeap, during the travel back from a Lan Party the reservoir support broke and i had replace it with a bootlace, for now it works and have use it to travel and didn't move :D

    Thanks to everyone, hope you enjoy it :D
  5. KoSoVaR^

    KoSoVaR^ Professional Sleever & Modder

    19 Dec 2010
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    i love the case !
  6. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    Thanks KoSoVaR^ :thumb:

    Hope you like the next developments ;)

    I still waiting for the GPU water block, hope will friday it arrive :lol:
  7. KoSoVaR^

    KoSoVaR^ Professional Sleever & Modder

    19 Dec 2010
    Likes Received:
    good, i am subbing you :)
  8. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    Thanks ;)

    Not forget to get a look at others 2 projects i've posted here on BT: Showtables - Modelo V and T and HTPC Code Lyoko :thumb:

    Have others running but no time to post all of them :hehe:
  9. KoSoVaR^

    KoSoVaR^ Professional Sleever & Modder

    19 Dec 2010
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    nice ones but why are they unfinished ???
  10. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    I'm still constructing them, i'd say "i've posted" but is more "i'm posting" :hehe:

    The GPU block will arrive tomorrow, together with wc material to other scratch build :hehe:
  11. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    Hello all,

    After some long time without news, here i come update everything in one post, now that the board will continue to phase 2 with a golden board.

    Some ideas and decisions:
    # Board ECS Z77H2-AX Golden Board for this project!
    # Convert to inverted ATX
    # Grill and metal sheets with copper finish (paiting or anod)
    # Restyle the internal black acrylic to the new layout
    # Do golden backplates (that cooper color) for memory and GPU

    As you can see the project with suffer some changes, hardware some of it will go for AVAREZA project, and this one will be to mine little brother as him personal computer. As i can let the project finish with just a phase 1, i will work with mine brother to achive a look he like and mount there the Z77 board for all he needs.

    Suppper dubbber ubber RAW sketches from SketchUP:
    Orange=copper, black=aluminium and brown=mate acrylic
    Not a deep draw, just a sketch with no chamfer or fillet, and working on the pump + rad + reservoir in middle air. What do you think?

    Unboxing of Z77 here: ECS Z77 Golden [Unboxing & SneakPeak!]

    Photos of day 3, when i try some layouts and place of cooling. I will wait for inversion to comfirm the places of everything, mainly after tube routing.

    What do you think of the cooling this way? I will use Phobya Nano-G 12 Silent 1500rpm, in a total of 5, i like that red and was the first ones i tried on the phase 1 and love them. Will import to this project mine ZM-MFC1 Plus too.

    Hope you like! I will continue improving the visual :D
  12. Vetalar

    Vetalar *learning english*

    21 Jun 2011
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  13. Juan Carlo

    Juan Carlo What's a Dremel?

    27 Feb 2012
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    looks awesome!
  14. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    At the time was this two phobyas that AQUATUNING had send me, so i will use them, maybe i "coat" them myself. I've contact Coolgate before, but they had not reply, the problem is i can only use 120mm and 240mm ones, do they have 120 size?

    Thanks Juan :thumb:
  15. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    Modification to inverted ATX

    Hi all,

    Here i come with some photos of the modification to inverted ATX.

    First step taking out things that was not more necessary and save them,

    It was necessary to cut and fill on 2 zones, up and down to make it possible to slide the MB module. Not if to fill and paint till perfection,

    The dust from having the case stoped and without side panels at the moda'a'foca man cave,

    The place where the cut and happen, next to mine Square1 to film everything!

    Global look of the beast! With the modification i can still use the same screws at the back of the case, so more points for Lian Li to make it happen :D

    Do it look good?
  16. siliconfanatic

    siliconfanatic Johny-come-Lately

    10 Sep 2012
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    great log! I absolutely luuuuuuuuurveve copper! but no offense, the color them on the mobo made me dry heave till the gpu covered up the the pci slots. then i really saw why you got it :rock: lookin forward to more!
  17. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    Thanks man!

    Good that i won this case on a modding contest and that ECS had send me a sample of the golden one for this mod, they're true gold friends. Now i've to make the other components copper too, i'm thinking make custom heatsinks and backplates for GPU and memory, and anodize or powdercoat them to the same copper look.

    Hope mine brother like the end result, as this project is a gift to him :D

    Had people enjoy the video? I will try make every step that way :thumb:
  18. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    After the cuts on the back it was necessary to mod the slide system to be compatible with the new case format. With this, i'd change the slides to new position, and let you here a result and step-by-step process of it,

    Start with the down slider. Remove, 3 rivets, and see how it lot on the other side and how the holes change. To do the hole near back it was necessary to remove the feet. But you can see it align with the cut i'd done.

    It was necessary to take the limited badge too, so i can mod the read to fit a fillport where i want. This bagde will go to top, between the 2 Phobya Fans and the ar supply for PSU.

    Top slider out, i need to see out it fit, for the situation of the top sheets aren't simetrical. Good it was and i'd put "paper tape", mark the holes and drill with DREMEL. Next, 3 m3 revits and its perfect on place.

    Next rivet the down slider with 3 m3 rivets too.

    Now check if it need anymore filling or cut.

    The tray half the way! Perfect!

    Till the end of it travel hehe everything slide perfect, just with a new position. Maximun rate for Lian Li make the case simetrical, mod it was simple and fast.

    I want to put the 240mm rad on this position, but i afraid it knock on CPU waterblock or MEM block, will it work? And what you think of the Koolance rad on that position? I think it work really good to make the suspended pump as i'd try before.

    Top marked with the help of a Bitspower 240mm grill and this is the look of the cut on the top panel. After will have a copper sheet on top with the same cuts for continuity.

    Main photo of the work place during the mod.

    Case close is this the look, like the look cuts?

    And overall look and position of thing. The limited badge will be on top of a black acrylic to give it more feature.

    This is the big NO for the rad not be on top, it is too much big for the case.

    What do you think of the look? And the videos, are good?
  19. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    Post Sponsored by KINGSTON


    After i finish Valentine and ECS .99 Golden, i finally put ECS Z77 Golden inside the case and continues phase 2 of this project,

    Back side flipped, as you can see.

    The beauty Z77 Golden in the place, with Phobya 240mm G-changer inside. But here the problems start...

    The memory are low profile and are close to radiator, really close. That seems nice right? But no, because this way the memory Bitspower block will not fit. So i will have to find another position to radiator. But if the block don't help now, BP have always one way to help, you will see!

    It looks good this way, but it don't fit. I will have to mod some more, but this is not problem to moda'a'foca hehe

    So here comes the new memorys, sponsored by Kingston. They're the HyperX Predator 16X. In the future they will have Bitspower black memory block, so don't let the blue scarry you.


    True predator look!
  20. Shuper' Luu'

    Shuper' Luu' Moda'a'foca modding power!

    4 Jul 2010
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    I let you here with the first ideas for the watercooling loop. The video is in Portuguese, mine main language, but i think is easy to watch in the same way and understand. I'd make short video because more will come, i want to show you all the evolve step of the process of trying something like this layout.

    Anxious to see it?

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