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Multi Elite - Dangerous by David Braben

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Jedra, 6 Nov 2012.

  1. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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    there is a paint job sale, I am just starting out so will pick up a sidewinder pack, im interested in the starter pack sidewinder plus eagle and a bubble head but id want the female bubble head.


    I take it once you get a skin pack, it also allows internal updates to the dash etc.

    I have 50k credits in game with just the base ship, any recommendations? I can afford a basic eagle but I think its better to upgrade the side winder.

    Also does any one know any good starter regions to get to and easy missions, I did a simple clothes drop off for around 6k credit which was nice just to build up a little experience.

    any must have colour pack to pick up for the side winder? pirate colours is obviously not smart?
  2. Goatee

    Goatee Multimodder

    19 Apr 2015
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    I haven't played this in a long while. Anything much changed?

    I have an anaconda sitting in a hanger somewhere that could probably do with flying.
  3. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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  4. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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    any players out there with a car wheel and pedals and want to play elite but cant afford to get combat pedals for the yaw access, you can enable your car clutch(brake) and accelerator to control the yaw access,

    UJR - Universal Joystick Remapper


    I don't have change out my car sim pedals any more now, it works fine, open the UJR and move your clutch and accelerator and it will move sliders in ujr, then update the virtual axis. focus on the Axes tab 1 to sort out the first part of the joint axis that will be your vitual rudder which is one long axis normally, this software joins the two to create one axis (merge).

    Pretty sweet tip for those with car pedals only!

    make sure you tick that QB option on the right to engage your line / row. quick bind keys can be any thing and makes a small noise in game when setting the yaw (you don't move your pedals but press quick bind key and the software passes on the axis, for me I set it to RZ) instructions on the binding of the two axis into one is on tab axes 2.

    nice :thumb:

    My end result is:
  5. Silver51

    Silver51 I cast flare!

    24 Jul 2006
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    Silver's; I just bought this game and have just about managed to land on an outpost after pin balling off the control tower but now don't know what to do, guide.

    1. Fly to the Nav beacon near the sun. Target ships to see if they're wanted. Wanted ships, scan with a Kill Warrant Scanner (utility mount) then shoot until they explode. Collect a few bounties and periodically cash them in at the nearest station.

    If you get blown up you lose you bounty info stored on your ships computer. Don't wait until you're 50% through hull to head home.

    2. Upgrade to a Viper. Find a system with a Resource Extraction Site (RES site,) drop in and scan/kill anything wanted. Chose a Low or Medium site to begin with as the local space cops will turn up and help (or fly into you like an angry comet). RES sites are fun with the added hazard of big rocks floating around. Turn on your ship's lights, if the big rock turns blue you're too close.

    Also, by now you should be targeting subsystems. Go for the power plant, shut it down, shut it all down.

    3. Buy a Vulture. Bounty hunt like a mofo. Buy whatever ship suits you. Get bored, buy a Type X and haul stuff, land on planets, give Arena a shot.

    Powerplay is available under the navigation menu. I'd read up on that before pledging to anyone but I guess most people will just go for the blue-haired space princess because portraits. If you do pledge, be prepared to get intradicted more in opposing faction space.


    You can use Roguey's site to locate ships and equipment to buy.

    You can use the Elite: Dangerous Database to plan trading routes and other space trucking stuff.
    boiled_elephant likes this.
  6. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    The most popular PP factions are Hudson and Lavigny-Duval, aka Mr President and the Empress. That they get the best bounty hunting rewards is entirely coincidental I assure you.
  7. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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    I am in solo mode and just pledged to zeenia, I am 38 jumps away from our home world and I have an adder 3x nice big cannons.

    do you guys think I can get back home with out being interdicted and killed, have 30k for insurance.

    have to pick this up tomorrow, I have added a fuel scoop.
  8. Silver51

    Silver51 I cast flare!

    24 Jul 2006
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    If you're bouncing between stars, you'll be fine. Its when you super cruise through a star system things can get tense. An adder should be able to play the intradiction minigame just fine given the size.

    If the worst happens and you're blown up without enough to cover the insurance, you should be given the option to take out a loan to get your ship back.
  9. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    In solo you'll be fine, AI pirates are so dumb you can just turn to a random vector and hit the booster should you be interdicted. As long as you keep the speed up and jump out ASAP you're unlikely to even take any fire.

    It's human pirates that'll turn your ship to scrap metal before you even get your bearings.
  10. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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    In motor cars there os a thing called sleepers, its when you take an old or pretty crap car and then put a monster engine and upgrade all the parts so the car is a compleye beast but looks like a crap old car. With the adder if you maxed out all componets and got stopped by a d class weapons or better cobra could the adder take on the cobra, so max level sheilds, i guess three racks of biggest cannons?

    Has any been in thr opposite situation, so picked on a much smaller ship but found your self put gunned by a sleeper ship.

    Is there any way to scan a ship to its level of offense, or block scanning?

    How fo you pick up the in flight repair tool. The one you can use up to fix upur ship? Its in yhr right pannel area i saw in a video.
  11. Silver51

    Silver51 I cast flare!

    24 Jul 2006
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    Use a mix of energy and kinetic weapons? Energy works best on shields, kinetic against hull. Target subsystems, stay behind them, strip the shield then hit the power plant.

    Canons have decent penetration but smaller weapons take penalties against larger ships. So a small weapon hits for full damage against a small ship but reduced damage against a medium or large ship; while medium or large weapons would hit a small ship for full damage.

    Target them and look at their subsystems in the left hand monitor.

    With an AFM installed; modules menu, turn it off then click on it again to change the state to repairing. Once repaired, switch the module back on.
  12. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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    took the jumps down to 6, upgraded to a viper after I had a few run ins and was lucky to get away, all smashed front window gone.. just about jumped out.

    have 250k and a stock viper mark 2 (one after the adder)

    looks like the jump range is down from 12 for the adder to around 7,

    have to pick it up tomorrow but I def prefer having a powerful ship that can handle an eagle with a few hits? how good is a 50k rocket rack?
  13. Zoon

    Zoon Hunting Wabbits since the 80s

    12 Mar 2001
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    I've been pirating with some new friends I found on Mobius. One in particular swears by all multi-cannons. Given pirating with him in one evening netted me 1.4mil credits I can't say I disagree.

    I am tempted however to put some missiles in my small slots and see how they work out for me.
  14. JasmineJasmine

    JasmineJasmine What's a Dremel?

    24 Feb 2016
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    Are there plans to mesh persistent NPCs with power play? One thing you could do is have Powers (Like President Hudson, Emperor Arissa, or Prime Minister Mahon) actually appear on missions. You could do that by putting them on a capital ship and make it part of the mission to defend them or force them to retreat. They would never die (since capital ships aren't actually destroyed).
  15. Silver51

    Silver51 I cast flare!

    24 Jul 2006
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  16. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    13'000 LY from Nanomam and I'm finding that over a thousand light years below the Galactic Plane travel is more or less impossible due to the distances between individual stars. This is with an Anaconda set up for 40LY jumps.

    Smeg, I've already gone 250LY 'up' and it looks like I'll be having to go even further towards the middle. Still, at this rate I might make the furthest point in the galaxy before the end of the year!:lol:

    Didn't see that one coming.

    What next, Emperor Hengist alive and well in a suit of power armour? He is the Emperor after all.
  17. Pieface

    Pieface Modder

    8 Mar 2009
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    OK guys, I haven't played for a fair few months (even a fair few months before Horizons started), When I last played Powerplay had just started. What's the best way for me to get back into this game? Last time I let as I found it started to get a bit repetitive and all the grinding I was doing was just to get a bigger ship.
  18. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    ^^ and that's exactly the problem. Nothing in Horizons or any update since has changed that issue.
  19. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    erm, not sure why that double posted :S
    Last edited: 7 Mar 2016
  20. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    Elite's repetitive nature is seeping into your very existence!

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