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Modding CNC acrylic cutting mills parameters doubts

Discussion in 'Modding' started by 37ModdingLab, 20 Jul 2020.

  1. 37ModdingLab

    37ModdingLab What's a Dremel?

    2 Jul 2020
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    Hello guys,
    My name is Davide from Italy, I have a small laboratory with a CNC.
    I have been using this machine for about a year and now I think I have the necessary skills to start doing something serious.
    For example acrylic distroplates and pump tops.
    I bought some Datron mills, some following Bit-tech guides and some according to my ideas.
    I downloaded the "cutting guide" from the Datron website and realized that it is impossible to run my CNC with those parameters.
    For example, for the 2mm single flute end mill with polished cutting edge they recommend 32000 rpm.
    With my cnc, maximum I can reach 18000 rpm.
    (I have a 1.5kW 220V spindle and a 300hz inverter)
    My question is can I use these mills with my CNC?
    Maybe changing the cutting parameters according to my rpm.
    Are the parameters that I found on the Datron site the maximum mills limit and not the recommended ones?
    I must have to change the inveter and / or the spindle?
    I would be very happy if someone is available to share their cutting parameters and / or some tips.
    Thank you, have a nice day
  2. Nealieboyee

    Nealieboyee Packaging Master!

    14 Aug 2009
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    Keep your rpm at 18000 and increase your feed rate to about 700mm/min. From there you can play with it. 2mm single flute bits snap quite easily. How long is the flute? Depth of cut around 1mm.

    The longer your bit, the more they flex. Carbide doesn't flex. It snaps. So you have to go slower and keep your pass depth to around 0.25-0.5x your diameter. Single flute bits are lovely for plastic but with such a small diameter, start slow, ideally around 450mm/min. If it's melting the acrylic, go a bit faster or lower your rpm a bit.
    Last edited: 20 Jul 2020
    37ModdingLab likes this.
  3. Nealieboyee

    Nealieboyee Packaging Master!

    14 Aug 2009
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  4. 37ModdingLab

    37ModdingLab What's a Dremel?

    2 Jul 2020
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    First of all thank you for the tips i really appreciate it.
    The flute length of the 2mm milling cutter is 7mm.
    I bought it because at the moment I'm often using a 2mm cutter to make simple cuts, so I thought I'd use it often.
    I will switch to the 6mm one for this kind of work.
    I will use the 2mm one to make the distro oring channels or to make small engravings, drawings, etc...
    However here is the list of all the cutters that I bought:

    -0078310E 1mm Single flute end mill with polished cutting edge (for carving, drawings, signs, etc)
    -0078320L 2mm Single flute end mill with polished cutting edge
    -0078360L 6mm Single flute end mill with polished cutting edge
    -0068460B 6mm Single flute end mill
    -0068460B 2mm Single flute end mill
    -0068480 8mm Countersink tool
    -0068233L 3.3mm Drill Mill
    -0068420L M 2.5-4.0 Thread mill
    -0068493S 3mm Single flute end mill with toric cut
    -0078442 12mm double flute end mill with polished cutting edge

    As soon as I have the chance I will try to make some cuts following your advice with the 2mm mill.
    Thanks again , I will update you with the results.
  5. Nealieboyee

    Nealieboyee Packaging Master!

    14 Aug 2009
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    Same size as my 2mm bit. With all my single flute bits, I keep my rpm high and play with the feed rate. If you are moving as fast as your machine can and things are melting, then start to back off your rpm.

    Stick to the chart I linked. Do the calculations. End mills can become expensive very quickly when you're snapping them in 5 seconds.
    37ModdingLab likes this.

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