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News Mass Effect Trilogy remaster may be out in October

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by bit-tech, 1 Sep 2020.

  1. bit-tech

    bit-tech Supreme Overlord Lover of bit-tech Administrator

    12 Mar 2001
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  2. Merglet

    Merglet What's a Dremel?

    28 May 2012
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    I'd only buy it if ALL the DLC is included. They don't need to update the crap out of it other than the engine, (I'd love to have the hopping over stuff mechanics from 2&3 put into the original). But it'll be hard to tear me away from SW Squadrons at that point.
  3. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    I'd wager it's going to be a mediocre "remaster" at best.

    Given how little press it's had and how close the potential release is, it feels off. I'm not getting excited.
  4. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    Update the engine in the earlier ones (although taking all of them to UE4 would be rather neat), improve textures, add some little QoL improvements regarding the conversation choice system and ability to skip various bits 'n' bobs, provide ALL the DLC - even the stupid little pre-order bits, and don't make it too expensive and it might be OK.

    I decided to see what Mass Effect Andromeda was like, given all the uncanny valley stuff that was a problem early on. Animations still have their oddball moments - particularly transitioning from running to walking/stationary IMO - and occasionally the eyes do weird stuff in conversations, but it's fairly enjoyable so far.

    I doubt EA will do as well with this as they did with the C&C Remaster, but as with most things... time will tell.
  5. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Honestly, Andromeda isn't as bad as it was made out to be. There were bugs, there were weird dialogue lines, but IMO none of it was that much worse than the first ME game. Personally, I didn't encounter most of the issues that were widely mocked, even before the ~1.5gb patch that was released to rectify the most glaring issues. The most common thing I encountered was character models disappearing in the background after they walked behind something (Something small enough that they should have been visible behind it..). I even tried to make Ryder do some stupid run/walk stuff and never got as wild as the memes.
  6. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    While I never bothered checking it out early on, I think you're right. I was never going to buy it day one anyway, and I've got quite lucky over the last few years with picking up (supposedly) AAA games after they've had about a dozen patches. It's definitely a better game than its reputation would indicate. I think it copped quite a lot of hate because it might have been in the Mass Effect universe, but it wasn't actually Mass Effect. If you see what I mean.
  7. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    I'd definitely agree with that. It had big, ish, shoes to fill and its development was fraught with problems that'd have caused issues for even an established team. Still, I've played it through four or five times and I still quite enjoy it.
    Paradigm Shifter likes this.
  8. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    Once they fixed it about 5 months after release it wasn't that bad, but when you get to the end I challenge you to see if you can remember anything about the plot or the characters that aren't Krogan.
  9. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    The Mass Effect Trilogy doesn't need a remaster. It ain't old enough. I know the first game is a bit ropey when compared to the 2nd and 3rd games, but they still look good enough. They are a good 10 years away from needing updating.

    [Edit] How could I forget..duh! There is a texture mod for all 3 games you can get on Nexus Mods. It's called ALOT (a lot of textures) and it basically makes the games look more up to date. I'm willing to bet it looks better than any remake will. Remakes are always half-assed while the modding community actually puts in effort.

    Andromeda at launch was rough. I gave it a hard time. I tried it a year later after they fixed most of its "issues". It is actually a lot of fun. It starts off weak and it ain't no Commander Shepard. But it picks up pace and has some nice locations and the game-play is pretty awesome.

    What REALLY lets it down is the music. Music makes a game memorable in the same way smells make something memorable. This games music is sparse and forgettable, and that makes the story and game forgettable too. Look at all ya fav games..I bet they have music you love. This game needed a soundtrack.

    Frankly this game came out a good 6 months before it should have, maybe more. And it tanked the franchise.
    Last edited: 5 Sep 2020
  10. Anfield

    Anfield Multimodder

    15 Jan 2010
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    Stuff like Spyro Trilogy, Yakuza Kiwami, Shadow of the Colossus, Resident Evil 2 & 3, Crash Bandicoot Trilogy beg to differ very much.
  11. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    You are picking out the cream to disprove my point. Those games are the exception. Not the norm.

    As an aside, the RE3 remake cut half of the game. I don't care how shiny the rest of it was.
  12. monkeylove

    monkeylove What's a Dremel?

    30 May 2016
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    I wish they had developed the ending of the third game. I was expecting a big boss battle.
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