Hi folks. I'm batting around the idea of a third monitor. A lot of the research I've done leads to a debate between getting a 144hz monitor or a third monitor for surround gaming. Was wondering if 144hz is all it's cracked up to be. Spending that much money on a TN panel doesn't sound like a smart proposition to me, but if it's really -that- good then I might consider it.
im in the same position im looking for a new monitor and cant decide whether to go IPS or 120/144hz TN
You need to consider, can your GPU run at them speeds most of the time on the games you play? You need to be matching the FPS with the Hz, otherwise your wasting your money. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221239034169?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT This uses panels that are in very expensive monitors. Just don't come with bells and whistles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlVbGcv0g-g Can be overclocked to 120hz but is more stable and realistic at 90hz If it was my money i would go for one high end high hz monitor than surround.
I don't have a 144Hz TN panel but I do have a Catleap 2b which I've overclocked to 110HZ and I can tell you that it really is amazing. It makes such a difference in how smooth my games are and I really can't go back to 60Hz. That said if I was in the market for a monitor I'd wait and see how the Freesync and Gsync war goes because I've heard Gsync is pretty good. Also Acer have a 144Hz IPS panel coming out soon enough and you could always look at the Korean PLS monitors that overclock like a Qnix if you wanted IPS and 100Hz+
I'm tempted to just wait. I'm using an AMD card so freesync is my only option. I know some of those have been shown recently but the jury is still out on them. I really can't bear to spend 300 on on a TN panel, even if it was 144hz. I know there's a 1440 ISP 144hz Acer coming soon. Any clue as to what that may cost? I'm guessing it's going to be in the 500+ range.
Personally I feel that it is "worth it". I'm not heavilly into FPS where it would matter the most, but I enjoy the silky smooth motion it gives, I can really tell. I'm using a 27" 120hz Catleap and a 144hz Asus VG284QE. The strobing "Blur buster" led's in the Asus really add to the smooth motion at the cost of brightness (~30% reduction). I can't go and will not go back to 60hz for gaming. However everything is subjective, my friend says he gets motion sick watching me play games @ 144hz and can't really see the smoothness, but 60hz for me is a judder fest. If I were you i'd find a buddy who has one and go and have a play for a bit. NB. I use the catleap for "pretty" games, like E: D (IPS Goodness) and the Asus for FPS's (Speed)
It depends on the types of games you play and the type of gamer you are. If you love seeing pretty things in games then possibly not, as most of the 120hz+ panels aren't great image quality wise, but if you like performance then I would recommend 120hz+. I've currently got a U2711 and have considered selling it for a 120hz+ monitor for a while, don't think I will but if it ever dies I'll certainly be switching.
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/X-STAR-DP...313?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d1be17589 200 quid for a dp710 aint bad.
Need a gpu that can drive it first and even 2 980s would not be enough for max Rez gaming at even close to the fps needed to get a benefit out of it in certain titles. Friend of mine has one of the 120hz ones on a pair of 980s and bf4 does look very good but I don't like it for rts and mmo titles the image quality sacrafices to me are not worthwhile. In heavy fps or racing games they do have a use but I'd be after a g sync monitor if I was buying today.
I have a 144hz monitor and it is so smooth it is like the old CRT days again. Like everything else you just get used to it and start thinking there is no difference until you go on another rig, its then you want your own screen back.
iv ordered lots of things from china and south Korea and never been stung with import tax. If your just ordering one or two things you should be fine, as they get labeled as "Gift" which lets it past customs taxing. but if you buy lots of things in one go whether its labelled "Gift" or not it will probs get taxed. so if you ordering one monitor, im pretty dam sure you will be ok.
Wrong, a gift still gets charged. We had happen to us from the USA a few days ago. Source: https://www.gov.uk/goods-sent-from-abroad/overview
True. Quirky brand named 1440p IPS monitors seem to be nicely overclockable, Hazro & DGM both overclocked to 110hz, way better than a 1080p 144hz monitor & possibly cheaper but it probably is a bit of a lucky dip. Drivers need patching & you don't need to do this in test mode anymore. AMD http://www.monitortests.com/forum/Thread-AMD-ATI-Pixel-Clock-Patcher Nvidia http://www.monitortests.com/forum/Thread-NVIDIA-Pixel-Clock-Patcher