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News 40GB PS3 could do backwards compatibility?

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 9 Oct 2007.

  1. devdevil85

    devdevil85 What's a Dremel?

    29 Nov 2006
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    and when was "the time"? Every console all the way back to the Sega Genesis (that I know of) has had hardware revisions (remember the 32X adaptor?)

    Now, here's a question: when were the days when a console didn't have any of it's original features removed at a later date?

    Revisions and updates are what keep consoles "fresh" and help drive additional sales for companies along with bringing added value and maybe some reliability to existing/future owners.....sadly in this case, it hurts Sony's credibility and affects customer relations, but from a business standpoint it just makes sense to focus on what really matters (to everyone) and that's looking into future endeavors....
    Last edited: 9 Oct 2007
  2. Flibblebot

    Flibblebot Smile with me

    19 Apr 2005
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    The problem with PS3 is that we're on the third or fourth (forget which, I'm losing count already!) iteration of the console within the first year. That's why Sony is losing face - the changes they've made are tantamount to Sony putting up their hands and admitting that the PS3 has been a flop so far.

    At least with the other consoles, they waited a bit longer before bringing out new editions - and they tended to add functionality on to the console, not take it away.

    That said though, I'm not at all interested in backwards compatibility (never had a PS2), but I am seriously thinking about buying a 40Gb model...
  3. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    It could also be taken as Sony listening to the consumer, having had one from the start I'd say its been quite good, Sony have gone a long way to addressing featureset through the firmware and very quickly responding to problems that there have been with the unit. BC was very important to me and when Sony gimped the Euro unit I was pissed, fortunately ASDA had the slims at £50 at the time so I picked one up, Sony fixed the software very quickly though and I ended up trading in for the 3 and all but 2 titles worked, a month later all my titles worked :cool:

    It took MS until about June/July this year to get decent BC at all on the 360 and that was only because Sony did such a good job of it in the first place otherwise it would have remain the pit of **** that it was.

    All consoles go through component reduction as part of cost cutting measures its just never been as visible as it is these days with the popularity of trashy 'net media sites, theres been about 15 versions of PS2 and same sort of thing for PS1, it happens a lot and it happens early on as they loose a bucket load of dosh on the hardware.
  4. completemadness

    completemadness What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2007
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    My release day PS2 died, the video chip broke or something

    But Sony replaced it, and it worked fine :) (until i broke it by attempting to mod) the latest PS2 i have is a V4 (so its pretty old) the laser is dead but the console is still going fine
  5. whisperwolf

    whisperwolf What's a Dremel?

    1 Sep 2004
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    N64 as far as I’m aware had only one version of the hardware, though you could buy expansion pak memory addition. I'm more fed up with different versions of the same console being around with differing capabilities, Microsoft are by far the worst offenders to me with the 360's lack of hard drive in the core. in the past new variations of consoles have come along for two main reasons, change in technology has enable the console to be produced cheaper/smaller, fair enough, and to alter the colour of the console to horrid pastel, clears, metallics and pinks to cater to people who don't know what paint is. But in both those cases the consoles kept all the functionality of the previous editions, and apart from a stock sell of period didn't sell two versions at once, you just bought a ps2, or a megadrive.

    I want to be able to just buy any game in the consoles life cycle, insert and play, not have to worry about some saying in the future, ah well that game wont work with the 2.36b version as they took out the pinkness chip.
  6. rexer

    rexer What's a Dremel?

    22 Dec 2009
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    ps3 compatlblity

    i wouldnt have wasted my money on a ps3 if i had known it wouldnt play the ps2 games
  7. Baz

    Baz I work for Corsair

    13 Jan 2005
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    thread Necromancy!
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