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Motors Aftermarket exhaust swap

Discussion in 'General' started by Mister_Tad, 24 Aug 2024.

  1. Mister_Tad

    Mister_Tad Will work for nuts Super Moderator

    27 Dec 2002
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    I've had a passing fancy of making my mostly obnoxious truck around 12% more obnoxious with an exhaust swap - with this exhaust specifically - https://milltekexhaust-roadrunnermo...-twin-turbo-cat-back-exhaust-valved-ssxfd449/

    The thought of doing this myself hadn't even crossed my mind until reading their fitment instructions, which boil down to basically:

    - Remove stock exhaust
    - Fit new bits in the same spots
    - Bolt, bolt, bolt
    - Clamp, clamp, clamp
    - Profit

    There's enough ground clearance to get under there and move around pretty easily - so lacking a lift/stands shouldn't be a problem.

    Those of you that are more mechanically minded - is this even worth considering DIYing? I'm thinking there's more to it than that, but also I don't want to get charged hundreds for a shop to basically find/replace old for new.
  2. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Multimodder

    27 Aug 2003
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    I'm no car mechanic, but I have worked on cars and have been a bicycle mechanic for a job so I'd say I'm technically minded.

    From the odd car build video I've watched, it looks that easy. Specially if you are buying a kit for your make, model and year. The hard work has been done in the design stage to make it work.

    You can always have a try, bolt the original back on and go to a garage with your tail between your legs.
    Mister_Tad likes this.
  3. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    Your car is new so it should be a breeze to work on, no rusty nutz etc, I'd imagine it is completely doable on the drive, slip on, slip off, easy.

    That said, I would imagine that even with your clearance from your 4x4, you won't have a load of room really and some ramps (even floor ramps) would make things easier as doing stuff on the floor on the drive is uurrgh at the best of times, my favoured approach is to pop to the local motor shop wang the lads £30 and don't even get my hands dirty even if I have the gear :D

    For this sort of stuff if I didn't do some off book thing with the local guys, I would rent a ramp, which sometimes has all the tools and ramps, just makes it easier, also can often get an extra pair of hands to help underneath, my local one closed COVID though maybe you still have one.
    Last edited: 24 Aug 2024
    Mister_Tad likes this.
  4. Mister_Tad

    Mister_Tad Will work for nuts Super Moderator

    27 Dec 2002
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    Appreciate the sanity check gents :thumb:

    I'm reasonably mechanically minded to actually do these sorts of things, but also doing my own car stuff is just a zone I never particularly been interested in. if it really is a bolt-on though then that's different.

    I was looking at some ramps to make it perhaps slight less of a PITA as it happens - but will make a few calls too. If its cheap enough not to matter then no sense me burning a Saturday afternoon.
  5. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Multimodder

    27 Aug 2003
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    Just a thought, maybe having an Axle stand or two, or a bungee to hold the exhaust up while you undo, then do up the nuts, saves needing to grow extra hands
    Last edited: 25 Aug 2024
  6. mrlongbeard

    mrlongbeard Multimodder

    31 Jan 2010
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    About an hours work, if you've got O2 sensor to remove maybe longer, depending on what state they're in
  7. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    Just remember
  8. ElThomsono

    ElThomsono Multimodder

    18 Mar 2005
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    Get underneath and try and remove one of the bolts and decide based upon that?

    The only times I've ever jacked the Land Rover up were when I needed to remove a wheel, absolutely everything else has been done just by clambering under it.
  9. RedFlames

    RedFlames ...is not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    How hard can it be?

    Famous last words.
  10. Nealieboyee

    Nealieboyee Packaging Master!

    14 Aug 2009
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    Go for it mate. Just fitted a whole new exhaust on mine a few days ago. It took about an hour. Your biggest worry will be rust bolts/nuts on an older car. Hit them and the rubber exhaust hangers with some wd40 the night before to make it a bit easier.
  11. blackerthanblack

    blackerthanblack Minimodder

    17 Sep 2004
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    My last one took a couple of days on a small car on ramps. That was due to having to cut rusty bolts off the cat in a tight space though, a newish car shouldn't have that problem but maybe worth just getting under to check the condition of them.
    Other than that it should be straightforward, I'd just echo what Cookie said and if there's an O2 sensor make sure you can get to the connector and be extra careful not to damage it.
    Possibly the most difficult issue may be if the new system isn't a perfect fit but that usually just means a bit more effort shoving it in and stretching the mounts over the posts.
    Oh and remember (I'm sure you are aware anyway) that the old system coming off will weigh much the same as the new one.
  12. Mister_Tad

    Mister_Tad Will work for nuts Super Moderator

    27 Dec 2002
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    Could eat off this undercarriage…




    The sensors are on the down pipes, which I might also swap and seems more of a PITA, as the bolts on the turbos are accessible through the wheel arches… “accessible” being a very generous term based on the videos
    sandys likes this.
  13. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    WD40, penetrating oil, more spanners than you think you need, job's a goodun.

    IME, which is limited, exhausts are heavier than they look like they should be and can be a sod to wrangle, especially in limited space. Prepare to swear at it, yourself, the truck, the spanners, and perhaps the neighbours cat.

    Oh, and maybe something designed to extract exhaust hanger pegs from the exhaust hangers.
  14. Cerberus90

    Cerberus90 Car Spannerer

    23 Apr 2009
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    THIS +1

    I've been struggling with pry bars, screwdrivers and brute force for years with exhaust pig nose rubbers, bought a cheap tool not long ago and it's a game changer, sooo much easier.

    Looks like a pretty easy job, even that one flanged joint looks nicely positioned to be able to get some torque on the bolts if required, although they look like they'll come apart easy.
  15. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    At least buy me dinner first…
  16. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    Very tidy but watch out that replacing the valve in the exhaust here doesn't cause you further bother with EU6 emissions and driveby requirements, it may throw a malfunction if the new exhaust doesn't have a cheater etc. [edit] Looks like it does have the valves etc. so you're ok

    Otherwise exhaust fitting is straight-forward technically, but practically you're dealing with long, heavy pipework under a car which has to be lined up methodically etc. It can be a doddle, it can also be a cursed pain. Thankfully yours is nearly new so not all crusted together.

    That will be a much bigger pain for (mostly) tiny gains. I'd leave well alone if I were you. :D
  17. Mister_Tad

    Mister_Tad Will work for nuts Super Moderator

    27 Dec 2002
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    Yes - maintaining the much beloved "Baja Mode" (straight through), whilst also having quiet mode to not drone on the motorway, was a base requirement.

    What happens here is likely to depend on the outcome of some discussions with a few different tuners as I'm also wanting to give it its teeth back, since the EU tune really neuters it. There's an ECU swap that looks to be a good option, but the new ECU doesn't know what a GPF is, and they "recommend" removing it - they've tuned another EU-spec to 565bhp with only minor work, but that was with a GPF removal. I'm not going to do this because of it being sorta illegal and all, so just trying to ascertain the impact of leaving it in - perhaps some freer flowing cats to compensate, or perhaps the lack of active regen will make it a non starter.

    Ford Performance USA has just launched a package, naturally in Europe we're the unwanted child though. Mountune is "working on something" with no ETA.
  18. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Open headers and just call the police haters, I'm sure that'll work just fine
  19. Mr_Mistoffelees

    Mr_Mistoffelees The Bit-Tech Cat. New Improved Version.

    26 Aug 2014
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    May well be worth waiting for, given they have a good, solid reputation.
  20. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    If a little pricy and hard to get hold of

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