Company's losses continue to mount.
My oh my. One can only imagine how much longer they can stay afloat... they're treading on very thin ice I'd imagine.
AMDs big mistake was walking away from the higher end products and thinking it could win by selling mediocre performance at low cost. This gave them a reputation for being poor performers throughout all segments. It's nice to see the Fury series performing well (bought an X myself) and seems to be sold out pretty much everywhere. It's future designs look more promising, they need a new platform desperately.
It's probably sold out everywhere because they are having such a hard time producing it, I forget the correct terminology but the yields for the GPU are not very good apparently. And agreed, they should never have dropped out of the high end CPU game. I do wish AMD would stop blaming the poor market for their loss though, is it so difficult for them to admit they have made a series of mistakes that have led to the current problems ?
$360 million loss for the year so far crazy stuff. Not even $1bil in revenue thats a big shock. Biggest worry in those results is not the losses though its the Profit margin. 25% is on the edge of survival. Want to buy a buyer for AMD please. Fury X is sold out because of lack of availability if what retailers are saying is true on OCUK forums they got 2 in stock for launch for example.
Yeah availability is a shame as there is obviously good demand (eBuyer have sold out of several pre-orders) and they could do with getting them out the door whilst the buzz is still there.
Phase one: AMD was leading the high-end and outperformed Intel across the board but Intel went back to the drawing board, designed the Core range and came back stronger. AMD eventually lost the high-end and then couldn't even compete so they walked away. Phase two: AMD had an advantage in the low-mid range market until over the years Intel has worked their high-end advantage down through the various grades and are now overtaking AMD in those markets too. Phase three: AMD saw Phase two coming and pretty much turned their back on low-mid range and went after the console market. Where they gained an advantage in contracts but not in money. AMD are still several years from seeing profitable returns from the console markets as neither XBoxOne nor PS4 have sold as well as expected, or should I say hoped? Over the years AMD have made many promises about new monster architectures that will change the game and yet much like what they have done with the GPU market, they are trying to compete with re-branded older architectures with a few tweaks here and their. So their APUs have usually more cores... so what? Very little needs those cores and the software that does, runs much faster on i5's, let alone i7's and E's. Yes, if you look at various benckmarks and other tests there are Pro's for AMD but my issue and the reason I won't be buying from them any time soon is what I see as broken promises that have for years amounted to little more than out-and-out lies. I do not support companies that are blatantly trying to pull the wool over my eyes and make me believe things that just aren't true.
As Nvidia before them said console money is poor after first year and can end up costing you long term. Nvidia was loosing cash on every sale at the end of its life. Ps4 and Xbox one will likely be on sale for at least another 3 years as the highest console you can buy and easily double that once the next gen one launches. It's a long time to support a product. AMD got very good year 1 money off Microsoft Sony and Nintendo. Now all they get is the regular orders. Xbox one and 360 together only sold 1.4million units for the quarter. Even assuming AMD gets $50 a console it does not work out at great cash once you factor in cost. ( ps4 numbers are not yet avail ) Microsoft is selling the Xbox one at close to cost now. Ps4 has always been sold pretty close to it. Both are relying on extras to make the cash.