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News AMD sees 18 percent revenue increase

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Tim S, 19 Oct 2007.

  1. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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  2. completemadness

    completemadness What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2007
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    How can they survive with such losses

    Its getting quite worrying, if AMD dies we will be stuck with intel crap and nvidia crap for some time :( lack of competition sucks (a-la Internet Explorer)
  3. Tyinsar

    Tyinsar 6 screens 1 card since Nov 17 2007

    26 Jul 2006
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    Even though a reduced AMD would still push Intel (like the relatively tiny Mac & Linux force Windows to improve) I'd like to see them closer to equal. I'm Really hoping their next move puts them back on top (or at least back in the black).
    Last edited: 19 Oct 2007
  4. completemadness

    completemadness What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2007
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    The problem is, can they get back in the black by reducing themselves, i think not in the long run

    Ok maybe for a year or 2, but then as they will have cut back crucial stuff, their technology will fall further behind and they will just die, they need to make some good products, and fast

    A gfx chip that competes with Nvidia, and decent drivers, and a processor that competes with intel

    Although everyone says AMD sat on their ass when they were ahead, Intel's R&D is massive, and AMD really had no chance of keeping up with that behemoth
  5. devdevil85

    devdevil85 What's a Dremel?

    29 Nov 2006
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    and you don't think AMD was expecting such an immense loss from the merger? c'mon people they aren't stupid and with CPU's on the incline (during a rough time) imagine Phenom.....give them until Xmas.....
  6. cyrilthefish

    cyrilthefish What's a Dremel?

    15 Apr 2004
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    Personally i find this to be the exact opposite, i went with ATI soley for the better drivers :lol:

    (i've had so many problems with nvidia graphics drivers)
  7. HourBeforeDawn

    HourBeforeDawn a.k.a KazeModz

    26 Oct 2006
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    actually there as far as the consumer market is concerned AMD cant and wont be allowed to shut down it would actually get aid if that was to happen as that would make intel a monopoly and thats a no no here in the states so you dont have to worry about something like that happening.
  8. Guest-17499

    Guest-17499 Guest

    not good, we need the competition between intel and amd for more progression
  9. Yemerich

    Yemerich I can has PERSUADETRON?

    15 Sep 2004
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    AMD have the stigma of being "the second". As Intel's CPUs droped their price, people start to get more for the same price. I think AMD need to get rid of this image with perhaps a heavy marketing campaign a a really good cut on its prices.

    Buying ATI was a great move on a bad time. By now AMD would be out of the "red light" and perhaps in a good time to buy the GPU company. I am no AMD fanboy, buy if the company crashes, we all loose. Both with CPU and GPU - at least for some time as ATI would surely be bought from another huge company. Wasn't Sansung trying to buy it?
  10. Max Spain

    Max Spain What's a Dremel?

    18 Jul 2007
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    It's actually in Intel's best interests to keep AMD wounded, but still alive because of that. That being said, I think that AMD mgmt has been doing a bang-up job since the AM2 socket came out.
    I have had the exact opposite experience. The last ATI card I purchased was a X800XT. I have used Nvidia in several systems running Win XP and Linux. Since AMD recently released the specs of their GPUs, I picked up some X1950Pro's and an X1650Pro (both without HDCP.) From a gamer's perspective, I have been very disappointed with the driver quality under WinXP. It takes up way more system resources than Nvidia's drivers and I'm not even using .NET or CCC, just Ati Tray Tools. Also, I have been getting crashes where I never used to. I just hope my Linux experience will be better.
  11. Teyber

    Teyber ******

    18 Mar 2007
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    even tho at the moment, i love intel and hate amd, i do not want to see amd go out of buisness do to the constant price drops of intel. No competition=suck. watch, in 5 years intel will be in amd's spot and i bet i will say the same thing except with amd instead of intel XD

    im not a bandwagon/fanboy. I buy whatevers best.
  12. cyrilthefish

    cyrilthefish What's a Dremel?

    15 Apr 2004
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    CCC is a little bloaty, but i never had a single crash or driver problem with my old 9600pro then x800pro cards except the times i tried overclocking them.

    well, with computers it's not that unusual to have people with completely different problems on similar hardware :)
  13. completemadness

    completemadness What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2007
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    Ive had terrible experience with ATI, Firstly, the CCC is horrible, its like putting aids on your computer, Next, The drivers aren't that good IMO, and the support isn't great either
    I had a problem with my X1900XT where it wouldn't play any source games, after about a month of chatting with ATI rep's, they basically just said bad luck ....

    They tried sure, but that was basically a £300-400 card down the drain

    Also ATI's drivers for Linux are a joke

    In the end, Nvidia's stuff has worked great out the box, and i haven't had an issue with my 8800GTX once, and the nvidia control panel is pretty nice, and the whole lot seems to work quite fast

    Ive had a couple of ATI cards, and a lot of nvidia cards (I'm using 3x FX5600's ATM in Linux PC's) i had a couple of FX cards during their prime, a couple of geforce 4's, a 6800GT, and a 8800GTX
    And the ATI card's have been the only ones Ive ever had issues with, and actually really disliked the drivers - so for the near future, i will not buy an ATI card
  14. 8igdave

    8igdave Counting down the days to November!

    1 Sep 2007
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    With all the info ive been looking about the new ATI cards coming out it looks like they have only put the 2900 on a smaller die but because the 2900 is pritty much a fail compared to its compeition they had to give it a new name. Sothey are pritty much selling the 2900 again on a new name. What with nvida shrinking the die and adding more stream processors to the GTS looks like tahts going to be the card to buy what with it already overclocking to the clock speeds of gtx and now closing the gap further with more stream processors :p
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