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News Analysts say Sony will win the Next-gen battle

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Da Dego, 18 Aug 2006.

  1. Bladestorm

    Bladestorm What's a Dremel?

    14 Dec 2005
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    We know sony themselves say they wont make any money on the PS3 for 5 years, so we can probably assume that unless they give up on the PS3 completely (if in a few years the bluray drive is a complete failure and MS are starting to show off early developments on an impressive new console, I figure there is an outside chance they might) they won't be producing a new console till after then.

    Microsoft I think are highly unlikely to do the same, when they know that they can probably produce a new console in 4 years time, have had a good 5 years run with the 360 and completely throw a spanner into sony's works with a console that absolutely blows it away for a low price (4 years = 16x the power of silicon, or imagine 8x the power at 1/2 the cost)

    However, I think its easy for us enthusiasts to obsess over details and knowledge and forget that a large part of the console-buying market doesn't really care, they just see it in the shop, a friends house or on tv and go buy it, which allows for a fair few blunders along the way or future developments to matter far less than we'd tend to think.

    On a final note: Its going to be interesting to see how the general public reacts to seeing a £500 console with £50-60 games with seemingly no other redeeming features (BluRay isn't one like CD and DVD were untill its already taken off - I dont think joe average will care much about a drive he hasn't even heard of before)
  2. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    BOOM!!!!! headshot with a nail, thats why i think PS3 will flop, blue-ray is an unproven technology contrary to CD and DVD.
  3. Tyinsar

    Tyinsar 6 screens 1 card since Nov 17 2007

    26 Jul 2006
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    I think Swafeman figured out where they pulled the numbers from.

    Lots of good posts on this subject
    Good point (& BTW I've been sharing your? wisdom on duct tape & WD-40 :hehe: )

    I'm constantly amazed at how many times I've seen people in several forums write that they'll likely pick up the Wii. Quite frankly I'll be surprised if it doesn't land at LEAST 2nd place for a while. It might not stay there as long but then again, how long did the original GameBoy stay on top? (even when it was sadly outdated and faced superior competition)

    I'm also quite surprised at Macro$loth's attempts to open up to the gaming community on the 360 so I think Sony has a real uphill battle this time.
  4. Uno1_

    Uno1_ What's a Dremel?

    14 Nov 2003
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    Ahh, PS3... It's listed for 1000 AUD over in the land of convicts. 1k for a console. That there is a significant psychological barrier for a lot of gamers, I think. Course, this is Australian specific, but you get my point.

    Assuming the Wii costs $300 AUD and games cost 100AUD, then that's a Wii and 7 games for the same price as just the console for PS3. Add that to, what is it, 27 odd currently scheduled launch games for the Wii compared to 15 odd for the PS3, are the figures I think I've heard? PS1 won their marketshare on 3rd party titles...
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