For their first offence, yeah. But these are already convicted Paedophiles, who have most likely been to prison etc. If they would re-commit they're probably more likely to be more careful.
perfection! especially if you manage to link the recession into that somehow, there heads would implode at the same time as exploding!
I think that the more relevant question is: how do you prevent your child from being a victim of abuse? While you are scrutinising Mr. Registered Sex offender over there, your child may be being felt up by that not-yet-caught-out fine upstanding relative/friend of the family over here. Don't worry about the paedo who just moved in down the road. Most children are street wise enough not to trust strangers (and if they aren't, what have you been teaching them, parent?). If they do befriend an adult not known to the parents, they may have to ask themselves some hard questions about why their child felt the need to seek attention from a stranger rather than at home. People that prey on children look for the quiet, neglected, unattended ones. Child sex offenders also look for a child with a poor sense of personal boundaries. A parent shouldn't just teach their child about personal boundaries; they should also respect them. It's no good warning your child to come tell when a stranger touches them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable, when you then make them kiss Granny, aunt/uncle or a family friend hello or goodbye, even if they don't want to. Don't force your child into acts of social intimacy that they do not feel happy with. For that matter, don't enter their bedroom or bathroom without asking them as soon as they become self-conscious about their bodies. Respect their boundaries so that they learn that their boundaries should be respected. So instead of protesting against the local sex offender or, for that matter, getting all paranoid about the notion of peadobears grooming their children on the internet, perhaps those parents should use that time to spend some quality time with their kids. You know, talk, relate, show an interest in what is going on in their lives and minds. Show respect for their feelings and their privacy. If you have a decent relationship with them, they will want to stay at home; they will tell you if some weirdo makes a pass at them --either in the street or in a chat room. If you teach them by example that their boundaries should be respected they will protest loudly when they feel they are being violated. But all that parenting takes a lot of time and attention. Perhaps protesting and lynching people is just more fun.
Wow a serious post after 23 posts Heres the reality about paedophiles. The chance of your child being abducted by a stranger, a paedophile, is minuscule. In fact its so small, you may as well discount the probability all together. And, theres absolutely nothing you can do to prevent it from happening. If I want to go a grab a child off the street into my car, theres nothing to stop me or anyone else from doing that. Now whats the chance of you, or your children, dying of heart disease. Well its pretty significant, especially considering you can do a huge amount to either increase or decrease your risk. Same with cancer. Theres also considerable risk via smoking, mental illnesses and diabetes. Now to get to the small but significant risks in life. Interesting fact of the day - more people each year in the UK commit suicide than die on our road. If you kept going down the statistics, you would eventually get to the hit by lightning, killed by shark, hit by meteor, killed by suicide bomber, and abducted by paedophile.
I got to be careful what I say here. But how many criminals in the UK actually worry about being caught doing anything in the first place. Until they bring back the death sentence for serious offences nothing will change but in fact get worse. Nothing will change my outlook on that fact. We let too many things go here.
The death sentence has NEVER ever reduced crime or serious crime. It has never been a deterrent for crime. It is deluded to suggest that bringing back the death penalty will have the slightest effect on crime rates. Lets take the US for example, which has the death penalty, and also has a lot more people per capita in prison, has a lot more murders and a lot more crime in general. The death penalty has never worked and will never. Its just for very vindictive and hateful people to feel better in their beds at night. EDIT: Aside from that, its an utterly barbaric way of dealing with a problem. Why not just do everything Taliban style, lets start chopping off hands and feet, execute people for nicking a tenner, and throwing people in prison for dressing a way we don't approve of.
the 1st statisitc I found was. I have seen the proportion of stranger as low a 1% in some reports. It is also of note, between 33 and 50 % peadophiles were sexually abused as children. Scaremongering is not the solution. No peadophile in his(or her) right mind would come forward for help with the rampant scaremongering going on. Peadophiles need intesive treatment and I would expect alot of pschological help. Not being driven out of thier house and forced to move around every few months for fear of attack. This would put them in a "high risk" behaviour model for peadophiles. most serous and repeat offened "stranger danger" peadohpiles move hose every few months. Attack and move on. 90% (or more in some reports) of peadophiles are family members or close family friends. People should get thier fact straight before going on a march mouthing off. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Also intensive treatment for peadophiles wil reduce offending. acording to the "auckland" report to about 5% from five times that. Driving them away from support will do more harm than good.
According to some of these statistics then; whilst the mums and dads are out protesting about the neighbourhood paedo little Timmy is back at home being babysat by Uncle Jim and not having a very nice time of it
Yeah because smoking a cigarette/having a pint/eating a burger is really on the same level as a paedo! Grow up! You really expect someone to be more worried about eating that burger than the welfare of their own kids? Thank christ your not a social worker! So if you've got kids (have you?) and someone murdered them or felt them up the wrong way you'd be fine with that would you? NO course you wouldn't you'd want them dead, and if you say you wouldn't (with the greatest respect!) you sir are A LIAR! What's wrong with my shellsuit from the 80's
With the greatest of respect to the relatives of the victims of crime, their feelings are to be taken into account, not acted upon verbatim. This isn't the Dark Ages, we don't do an eye for an eye any more, and the victim doesn't get to mete out the punishment to the offender. When we got burgled I felt like beating the s***s to death with a spade, but that wouldn't make it right. When people get stabbed or raped or molested, I'm sure the victim would dearly like to see the offender strung up, and then drawn and quartered. That doesn't make it right. You also haven't answered the essential point, which was that the death penalty categorically does not decrease the frequency of violent crime. So, if it doesn't discourage criminals, it is only to the victim's benefit (it's certainly not to the offender's, right?). So when we say that the only people that profit from the death penalty are vengeful and vindictive victims we are, in fact, correct. The justice system exists in part to protect people from the irrational, ill-considered, and above all unfair meting out of punishment. So the death penalty and state-sponsored paedophile murder-by-prisoner are right off the menu.
Well let me put it this way (and I have the right to say this) if ANYONE dared to touch my kids in anyway, shape or form that wasn't in a good way I'm proud to say I would want them dead! And I know I'm not in the minority. Also the fact is even if we don't do an eye for an eye anymore, if you had caught the person or persons who had burgled your house I would bet my life that you would have done exactly what you said you wanted to do (but just stopped short of the killing bit) it doesn't matter if it makes it right or not it's what they deserve for breaking into your house, if they don't want to be hit with a spade or made to suffer then DON'T BREAK IN! or DON'T TOUCH THAT KID! They deserve everything they get and more. So in reference to you saying I haven't answered the essential point about the death penalty not decreasing the frequency of violent crime, I wasn't referring to the death penalty I was simply quoting Ph4ZeD to get my own point across, I was referring to what I and everyone would do if they caught the sick f*cks who do sh*t like that, and I know for certain if anyone breaks into my house ever they won't leave again, and if they somehow manage to get out they'd never come back that's for sure. Because at the end of the day my property is my property, touch it at your peril, break into my house at your peril, if they don't want to take the harsh punishment for what they've done then they have a choice DON'T DO IT, and if they do then they deserve everything they get and more. So basically they DO have a choice, if they make the wrong one then it's their mistake and their problem and they should face the consequences and take what they've got coming, it's no one elses problem but theirs. So the thing for them to think about is this, what they do is their choice, but they have to take what's coming to them, they have choice DO THE RIGHT THING! or GET WHAT'S COMING. I'm sorry but that's how strongly I feel about this! If I beat up an old woman I'd fully expect to get what's headed my way but I wouldn't do it because it's not right! No ones perfect but what's the harm in trying to be and why do people go out of their way to harm other people? It's disgusting!
No paedophile in his or her right mind would touch a kid in the first place! That way they wouldn't be a paedo would they! And who cares if they would or wouldn't come forward for help, they don't deserve help, shoot them all and move on I say! As for the intensive treatment and psychological help, again if they didn't do the downright dirty disgusting things they do they wouldn't need the help, and if they do those things they don't deserve anything, they deserve nothing! Far as I'm concerned your right in this, they don't deserve to be driven out of their house (because they don't deserve a house when they have a perfectly good gutter to live in for the rest of there days!) and the only moving around they should do is from gutter to gutter where they belong, and they wouldn't have a fear of attack if they DIDN'T DO WHAT THEY DO! Like I've said previously I feel strongly about this and everything I type are my views and mine only, I'm not forcing them on anyone else I'm simply voicing my opinions.
What seperates us from animals is our frontal cortex. The reasoning. Hence those without the ability to regulate their emotions are in prison due to serious crimes. We should teach moderation, control and patience with our children, as they will encounter differences in everybody. With this methodology we can raise even minded people with the ability to reason and accept. And also spot a wierdo/scam/exploiter a mile off.
Kind of circular reasoning here. I would like you to imagine a phase space. At one point is an abused child. At another point at the opposite end is a damaged adult trying very hard to come to terms with what happened to them, trying to treat people with more consideration than was ever afforded them; trying to give their children a better childhood than they ever dared to hope for. About 85% of abused children end up here, by various trajectories through the phase space usually characterised by multiple traumas, disappointments and upsets. At another point at the opposite end is a damaged adult who has become an abuser themselves: of other people, their partner, their children. About 15% of abused children end up here, by various trajectories through the phase space characterised by multiple traumas, disappointments and upsets perhaps not that different from those in the previously mentioned trajectories. A small subset of points --perhaps less than 1%-- of these 15% become the child molesters that you so despise. That's right: they weren't born that way, they were made. Every paedophile that you think does not deserve help started out as an abused child that didn't get any. Now ask yourself: at what point does an abused child stop being deserving of help? When they ostensibly grow up and become responsible adults? When they inevitably act out the combined effect of their own abuse experiences in an explosive, destructive rage? When they try and meet their psychological needs through the twisted and warped survival strategies that have been beaten and raped into them from toddlerhood? Child abuse is not that simple a crime. We empathise with the child victim, and well we should. But we don't want to empathise with the abuser; we don't want to acknowledge how suffering abuse made them an abuser in turn. Not even as we are ready to tear them apart for the hurt they inflicted on us and in doing so, re-enact the same dynamic: abuse victim become abuser. Perhaps we don't like to understand abusers because they are so uncomfortably close to the monster in all of us.
Can I also add; does anyone choose to be a paedophile?Do they wake up one day and think 'i'd really like to touch a kid today?' Taking out the 'abused become abusers' where do the rest come from? Is it just part of them, something they cant change? In the same way some people think being gay can be cured? I'm not expert and I dont have answers but I find it a curious question. You could even extend it to many peversions and sexual preferences like those who like to have sex with animals, etc.
There is no 'rest'. They have all been warped in some way. We have stereotypical views of abuse. We think of random battering, screaming threats or physical rape or touching up genitals. We think of neglect as a cold, starving dirty child. But abuse and neglect can be more extreme and also more subtle. Being exposed to adults being violent to each other is abuse. Being coldly and deliberately ignored for days is abuse. Being reprimanded for showing emotions (rather than expressing them in an inapproriate manner) is abuse. Being repeatedly told you are dumb, ugly, worthless, useless is abuse. Being told you are wrong in what you think or feel all the time is abuse. Being deliberately isolated from normal peer relationships is abuse. Being parentified (forced to take on the role of the parent because they can't be arsed) is abuse. Being deliberately stopped from developing interests, abilities, education, identity and relationships is abuse. Not allowing it to have any control or decision making over its own life in any aspect at all is abuse. Forcing a child to hug or kiss (even a parent or granny) when they don't want to is, in my opinion, sexual abuse. Walking in on a child in the bathroom or bedroom without knocking or asking when it is old enough to have a sense of nakedness and personal privacy is sexual abuse. Making sexually inappropriate jokes to a child is sexual abuse. Deliberately exposing a child to the overtly sexual (not to be mistaken with affectionate) acts of adults is abuse. Sexualising a child (making it, or allowing it to wear make-up, high heels, entering it into beauty pageants at an inappropriately young age) is sexual abuse. Teaching a child that sex or masturbation is wrong or evil is sexual abuse. Making a child feel ashamed of its body is sexual abuse. Not caring about a child is neglect. Not giving it any attention when it needs it is neglect. Not responding to a child's fright, distress or upset is neglect. Not spending any time with it is neglect. Not being mindful of the fact that a child is a child and cannot be expected to think, reason and act as an adult is neglect. Not giving a child a basic sense of safety, love and belonging is neglect. Not giving it the opportunity and encouragement to develop interests, talents, abilities and relationships is neglect. Being drunk or stoned in front of a child is neglect. Leaving it alone at an inappropriately young age is neglect. See my point? Yet a lot of people will think nothing of many such behaviours; it is socio-culturally accepted or considered 'normal'. The parent screaming in out-of-control anger at an upset crying child ("I'll give you something to cry about!") or telling it to "SHUT UP!!!" because it keeps asking "Why...?" questions; forcing it to give granny hug even though it really doesn't want to, parking it in front of the TV in the bedroom for hours for a quiet life (not knowing just what it will tune into), feeding it junk food every day because the parent is too tired to cook a decent meal, telling it that it will go straight to Hell if it touches itself there... it all adds up. Of course that is relatively mild stuff. The real abuse that risks creating monsters are stories that mental health clients have told me: cowering under the kitchen table at age 6, managing to stay just out of reach of an angry, drunk mother wielding a kitchen knife hell-bent on killing the little ******* so he doesn't grow up to become a big ******* like his dad who left her (a social worker eventually became involved. His first act was to molest this little boy. His second act was to beat him up and tell him to "be a man"); or the eight-year old and his brother who were forced to fight each other for their step-father's entertainment. To motivate them to put up a good fight the loser got beaten by the step father with a bicycle chain. Incidentally, these patients did not become abusers themselves. Imagine what must have happened to those who do. Another mistake we make is to think of paedophiles as violent sex offenders. Many child sex offenders do not specifically target children. Many offenders do not even limit themselves to sex offences: they will beat, oppress, intimidate and/or molest anybody who they perceive as weaker, including children. They are not specifically fixated on children; like the elderly or disabled they are just an easier prey. Especially for those who not feel up to taking on fully capable adults. Some paedophiles are so immature themselves that they cannot handle normal intimate relationships with adults. Sexual intimacy and adults are too threatening. Children are much less intimidating, because they are smaller and weaker and sexually naive themselves. In their head, a paedophile feels pretty much like a child themselves (think Michael Jackson). Paedophiles have no fully developed, differentiated sense of affection, intimacy, sensuality and sexuality and the boundaries between them. It is all tangled up in their head. We can look at a little boy or girl and consider them cute or pretty and we can feel affection for them. As parents we may get pleasure from the physical affection of a cuddle and smelling that freshly washed little-child-smell. But that is not the same as sexual intimacy or sexual attraction. In our heads those are very different things. In the head of a paedophile they're all muddled up because something went wrong around puberty when they should have started to develop a sense of sexuality and sexual arousal as a new and different thing from other forms of sensuality, physical affection and intimacy.
I'll admit the social workers don't always do a good job.. remember one kid who kept crawling on his knees and noone could figure it out.. called cps and they checked out his living situation and said nothing was wrong- but he kept doing it it really comes down to an alert teacher.. why there shouldn't be un-credentialed teachers teaching anywhere.. like when I was a kid, you didn't have to have a credential to teach like today- teachers learn child psychology and what to look for in an abused child, also get to work with a master teacher for around a year to understand all the work that goes into making children comprehend what's being taught any doofus can read a book to kids and then say.. oh that's the dumb one, then they get passed over year after year and eventually flunk out to become a statistic.. seen teachers like that and it makes me sad.. those same teachers don't get to know their students enough to make calls home and get an idea of what they do after school, try and get parents involved with lots of letters home and fund raisers.. I've been pretty proud to see my girlfriends students from 10 years back working and they still remember you.. she's called cps many times during her career but sadly her health isn't that good anymore and she's only working 3 days a week now- has a student teacher who's not credentialed (just a ba) teaching the other 2.. the lesson plans are done and all the other teacher has to do is read and follow step by step- hate to say it but she can't even do that right funny too.. she sends half the kids to the office that have no problem.. gl catching anything wrong I'm kinda with raven on this still.. adults I'd say 20+, if you haven't developed enough to know right from wrong, I mean were not animals we can control ourselves.. just shows a total lack of reason and to be honest lazy or no sense at all despite what they went through as a child.. if you had common sense it would make you stronger given a lot of issues.. if they can't keep it in their pants and go after kids, oh well no sympathy here catching the child who's abused early is what's needed.. trying to fix some **** who rapes kids isn't.. it's not being simplistic, just they are too old and probably had plenty of chances to get help- instead they took the low road.. least over here prison is not a holiday inn- I wouldn't want to be in there as a convicted pedo
well you get an axe murderer come out of prison here- he's still able to hire.. some of them are really dependable workers (old saying there's no axes around here) now a pedo.. they have it really bad in prison- then they get out and can't get work.. remember some posts where some here were saying the uk had a easy prison system and noone cares to go in *edit actually in the uk I would think the whole argument against pedophiles applies even more.. because you guys have the nhs- there's no excuse not to use the services, they're free go see someone like nexxo, get it all off your chest if you have noone else.. over here you can say- well I can't afford it.. and you'd have a point oh well had to add that =[ think adults really need to accept and take responsibility.. I can see why it would be interesting to dig deep into someone like that as a psychiatrist.. but in the real world- it's more about catching it early imo