In todays world, where there are all sorts of evil people maybe culling the worst of them is not a bad idea. I may be old fashioned, brutal , barbaric etc but I have no sympathy for rapists, paedos and such. How can you justify exposing children to paedos? If the abused become abusers surely its better to take the abusers out of the equation. If I found myself having sexual thoughts about young children and felt I couldnt seek help id take my own life. Mental illness or not these people go after the weak and many show no remorse and go on to re-offend. Would you want one living next to you? They are, in my mind worse than the terrorists. At least terrorists are fighting for something they believe in (not that I condone terrorism). Or let the people they abused decide their fate....
Do convicted paedophiles have any worse time in prison than any other random inmates? As to why they don't just book an appointment with the shrink to "get it all off (their) chest," do you really think it's that easy? One day, a paedophile just decides, "Hey, you know what? I'm just a bad guy. Guess I'll pop on down for a session or two on the couch and voila! Cured!" I really don't think it works that way.
I totally agree about thinning the herd of evil doers, but let's take a rational approach to it, shall we? Who does the most damage? I mean, a paedophile will get to abuse a dozen children, perhaps up to 50 if they are in a position of opportunity and they don't get caught. A terrorist can take down a few hundred. Higher up in the hierarchy they orchestrate campaigns that can kill thousands. But a political leader can do some real damage. Saddam Hussein killed a hundred thousand. Idi Amin and the Hutu government in Rwanda were responsible for half a million. But they are small fry compared to the big guys: Western government leaders who funded the Iran-Iraq war from both sides (1 million dead), did conflict investment in South America for decades (a few million dead) and invaded Iraq (200.000 dead and counting, 2 million refugees). Yessiree, if we are going to kill some real evil doers, let's start with people like George Dubya Bush and Tony Blair. And then I'm not even talking about various religious leaders and their entourage, who for instance shuttle child molesting priests from parish to parish so they can do more damage or denounce AIDS campaigns in Africa that advocate the use of condoms, or who provide the fundamentalist ideology that gets terrorists foaming at the mouth. When you decide to kill evil doers, you have to start thinking big, not personal. But I don't see you, or the Daily Mail reader for that matter call for their heads. Er, which abusers? The abusers who made the abusers, or the abusers they made by abusing them? On a total scale, terrorists do more damage than paedos. You're just getting all sentimental because some vulnerable little kids are involved. But little children get hurt by terrorist bombs and bullets too, and little children got hurt in our righteous campaign to depose an evil dictator in Baghdad; their bodies just as maimed, their minds just as traumatised, their lives just as ruined. But on a larger scale.