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Other Any 'vapers' out there?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sentinel-R1, 13 May 2013.

  1. notmeagain

    notmeagain Minimodder

    29 Jan 2009
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    Depends on longevity, I can get 3-4 months out of 5 atomisers and 6 or so a battery @ £30-40 a pop.

    If i can get something that consistently holds a charge for that time frame, a battery that lasts most of the day (i get through 2-4ml a day), is economical and sleak... £70-100 for a complete new set up.

    Considering it's saved me close to £1.5k since making the transition two years ago, I'm happy to continue investing.
  2. saspro

    saspro IT monkey

    23 Apr 2009
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    I'd say get a protank or two and a 1300ma battery. Although I'd still go for a vamo if it was me.
  3. notmeagain

    notmeagain Minimodder

    29 Jan 2009
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    Both look absolutely massive! :)

    for an inhome solution that's fine, but i spend 30-40% of my day dashing from A-B.
  4. saspro

    saspro IT monkey

    23 Apr 2009
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    I use a vamo all the time, fits nicely in my trouser pocket (in both 18350 & 18650 modes) and the protank isn't very big.

    All day lasting power means a big battery.

    If you want smaller go for something like this. Cheap enough to buy a couple of them and last a good while.
  5. docodine

    docodine killed a guy once

    10 Feb 2007
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    Last edited: 15 Jan 2014
  6. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    Anyone recommend a decent kit for around £30? I find myself smoking more and more at the moment and I'm not getting any younger so would like to try and conver myself.

    I've only had a try on the ones that are made to look like cigarettes and think I would prefer a proper one. New to all this so a bit lost. Would like something portable and upgradable (as you chaps seem to be suggesting changing bits on them).

    Just been looking at an Ego-T Ce4... Any good?
    Last edited: 12 Sep 2013
  7. AlienwareAndy

    AlienwareAndy What's a Dremel?

    7 Dec 2009
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    I wouldn't buy the Ego as a kit. It's expensive. I would buy a good clearo/atomiser like this, along with some new coils.


    With 5 atomiser heads. You're looking around £12 or so. Then go to Ecigsoutlet and buy a battery for £10.99




    Basically the atomiser that comes with the Ego is rubbish. A pain in the balls to fit and gives out sod all vape. Bottom coil atomisers to me have been the best as they prevent "dry burning" which is fookin rank. Plus with the one I listed you can replace the coils as a unit.

    I would avoid getting batteries from Ebay as the last one I got fell apart in my fiancees hand. Ecigs do good quality batteries :)
    Ljs likes this.
  8. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    Sweet, thanks man. I really appreciate the help so I don't waste money on crap!

    So if I buy all of the above it is all compatiable? Sorry, I really am new to all this stuff. Is it worth going for a variable voltage battery (I assume this controls the strength to a degree)?

    Is it worth going for this Protank people have mentioned in this thread? I'm not in any rush (I have a stockpile of duty free) so shipping from the US isn't a major issue if it would be better to order it all from FastTech.

    Another question (although I realise the answer is purely subjective), is what is a good starter liquid to use? How much do you guys generally go through (so I know how much to buy)? Any brands worth a shout over others? I'm was thinking apple flavour but I don't fancy anything to sweet and sickly (and some of the flavours I have seen sound a bit gross in that way).
    Last edited: 12 Sep 2013
  9. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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    I got an E-lite starter kit via ZiiP almost a year ago and it was fine, but the refills were hard to find in Ireland when I first got it and getting them from England was a bit too costly for me.

    Recently got a Liberty Flights eGo from my brother with all the necessary kit, some igniters, chargers, 3 spare batteries, bottle of liquid (50/50 mix) and a few other bits and pieces for about €60. Need to order in some wicks from a polish site he recommended.

    Haven't had a cigarette in 2 weeks now and feeling good about it. Noticing the difference in most cases where I would have had them (drinking out, farmers market that I run) where I would churn through a pack as I don't smoke at home. I used to always just "smoke 'em if you got 'em."

    Now, even the smell of a regular smoke is just rancid. Goal is to give up altogether.
  10. notmeagain

    notmeagain Minimodder

    29 Jan 2009
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    If anything, the e-cigs are more habit forming/reinforcing.
    I found that they broke up my regular cig breaks as I had the freedom to use them when/wherever, productivity went through the roof as I wasn't craving the *** breaks :)

    Anyway, the best advise, stick to the 12-24mg strengths for a few weeks, and gradually ween yourself down to the 6's.

    Stick to your routine, use it only when you would a normal cigarette, try not to justify to yourself that it's a healthier alternative as that will start to sink in subconsciously and reinforce your new addiction.

    Trust me, been using E-cigs for almost 2 years now, and I started with the intention to "Quit" totally, and these are the traps I fell into.

    I'm on week 3 of the 6mg fluids, with the aim to switch to low nicotine (2mg) tic-tacs next week, with a full removal of nicotine in my life within the month.
  11. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
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    I'd tried the cig-a-likes before (Elite, Skycigs) and just not really got on with them, the menthol ones are just way overkill and the tobacco ones just aren't anywhere near close. I've bought a kit from vapercaper (Kanger EVOD and 2 eGo Winder 1100 mah batteries) which seems to be hitting the spot. It feels a lot more like smoking a pipe than a rolly though, I'm not used to it yet.

    I'm running a 19:1 mix of 70/30 12 mg cherry and menthol liquids at the moment which give a nice flavour without being too potent. I'm hoping to drop to a 6 mg liquid in the near future and will probably end up going down the homebrew route as it gives a few more options with strengths etc.
  12. Panomama

    Panomama I once signed up on uniform dating

    11 Jul 2009
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    I just ordered an ego V, CE9, ViVi Nova and Protank 2 from fasttech,
    should be here by christmas.

    My Vamo V3 got caught by customs and returned, the 18650 batteries are too expensive to buy in the UK.

    Looking to get an itaste MVP2 aswell.
  13. Apocalypso

    Apocalypso Fully armed and operational.

    15 Sep 2007
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    I picked up a new Protank 2 and some Mrs B's Vanilla Custard from my local vape shop. I bought a starter kit about a month ago and haven't wanted a real cigarette once, in fact the smell is quite off putting.

    Think I might look at a variable battery soon.

  14. Panomama

    Panomama I once signed up on uniform dating

    11 Jul 2009
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    Only just realised that ZiiP is based in Cambridge :lol:

    Anyone know the approximate delivery times to the UK from Fasttech?
    I had a protank 2 on order along with my VamoV3, unfortunately that got caught because of the 18650s so I've ordered an Ego V instead.
    It's been roughly 2 and a half weeks now and tracking still states 'Physical Item Received HONG KONG' since the 11th October.
  15. slaw

    slaw At Argos buying "gold"

    13 Feb 2003
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    Hey, I have ordered twice from fast tech. The first order took about a month to get to me and my second order is a month and still waitin. Neit her of these orders had batteries or eliquid.

    A friend ordered a vamo for himself and 2 weeks later ordered one for a friend and they both arrived last week. It took between 3-5 weeks. They were cheeky and wrapped the batteries in foil
  16. FuzzyOne


    19 Sep 2002
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    Ego-T 2x1100mah and 2x600mah + Kanger Protank + Evod's

    Not had a real cig since January

    I order from Fast tech, as slaw said expect at least a 3 week wait

    thealchemistscupboard.co.uk does some awesome juices, like parma violet flavour :D
  17. docodine

    docodine killed a guy once

    10 Feb 2007
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  18. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *banshee howl*

    25 Nov 2002
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    Does anyone know of any ecig stores in London? New trip is being planned and I'd like to visit another B&M there.

    Visited UK Ecig store on first trip and liked it. But any others?

    Not for long, seems to be one of those 350mAh minis which might get a light vaper through a day. Others like me need one or two 2000mAh 18650 cells.
  19. docodine

    docodine killed a guy once

    10 Feb 2007
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    Last edited: 15 Jan 2014
  20. Panomama

    Panomama I once signed up on uniform dating

    11 Jul 2009
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    If that's the same as what I have, its a 650mAh
    One of those will last me a day if I use it between rollups.
    I do have two batteries though, so I can alternate between the two.

    Only one CE4 though, I can't wait for my FastTech vape mail.

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