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Other Any 'vapers' out there?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sentinel-R1, 13 May 2013.

  1. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
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    Any tube mod will fit a pro tank 3, they look pretty swish on all of them. You could just use an eGo with the beauty ring which doesn't look too bad but I have three letters for you - SVD :D

    Only £40 per week on baccy and bits here but I've spent at least £10 per week on mods, tanks and juices - I regret nothing as I have new shinys to chase :p Self build as far as I'm concerned is more about getting it right for me than cost. I bought 5 extra coils with my iclear 30B for the utterly hideous total of £7. At least one of them will be pulled apart to see how they tick and I'll be trying ecowool, cotton and regular silica wick to see if it makes any odds on the vape.
  2. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Was looking at the innokin SVD too, but it has too much electronics allready, just like my new eCom to be honest.

    I'm searching for something that is as simple and robust as possible with a 18650 battery. A simple case with a firebutton and only some very little electronics to regulate the output from the battery is basically what I'm looking for. Something like the CoolFire I but with an even simpler design.

    After smoking my new eCom for a few days now I really don't need any VV, VW or even displays.
  3. mrlongbeard

    mrlongbeard Multimodder

    31 Jan 2010
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    Love my SVD, just like my MVP.
    Set em once and forget about the electronics, the only time I fiddle is upping the wattage as atties start to decline.
  4. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Setting it up and forgetting about it is the one thiing, but what about the lifetime of all these electronics?
  5. mrlongbeard

    mrlongbeard Multimodder

    31 Jan 2010
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    Not something that concerns me personally.
    I could buy 1 a week and still be quids in, but I don't expect to have too...
  6. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Yeah, so far I've spend a fortune on smoking. €50 a week smoking a pack a day :rolleyes:

    I guess I've found what I was looking for, but it only works because of the new low-resistance (1.6 Ohm) coils found in the Aspire Nautilus. With such low resistance I can actually use a basic unregulated mechanical mod with a protected 18350/18650 ICR and still get 8.5 Watts out of it :)

    But instead of the mechanical mod I was thinking Joyetech eVic EasyHead as I can comfortably charge through microUSB and use unprotected IMR-batteries, as all the electronics is in the EasyHead. With some 1200mAh 18350-batteries this would make a lovely small device with enough oomph.
    Oh, and the Nautilus-coils aren't that expensive either at €2.40 a piece, and viewing alot of reviews they seem to be far better than the dual-coils in the Kanger ProTank III anyways.
  7. xxxsonic1971

    xxxsonic1971 W.O.T xxxsonic1971

    5 Dec 2010
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    I'm giving up the fags soon and need advise on a good value electronic ciggie, any suggestions most welcome please.
  8. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Kanger eVod Starterkit.


    You get two eCigs, charger and some spare-parts. The Kanger-parts are also the cheapest to replace, which is important as you'll be changing the coil-heads every ten days or so depending of how much you vape them.

    Hardest part in the beginning is to find a juice that you like and have no problems vaping everyday. The 10ml-bottles are not too expensive at €5 a pop, so even if you buy one every day in the beginning for research-reasons you're pretty much even with smoking fags.
    Liqua makes some good liquids that taste like normal fags, if that's what you're looking for. Liqua American and Bright taste like a Marlboroo or Marlboro Light for example.

    If you've found a liquid you like to vape for everyday use, then I suggest getting bigger 30+ml bottles as this makes the liquid not only cheaper, but also more relaxed as you don't need to constantly buy new ones.

    EDIT: I started this journey a month ago and now I'm basically through with the whole trying and researching process. I've spend some €250 in the last month for hardware and liquids, but compared to the €200 I would've spend on normal fags in the same time it's not too bad, given that I now have four eCigs and lot's of liquid.
    From now on I'll be saving a grand per year, if the prices for e-cigarettes (hardware and liquids) don't explode suddenly.
    Last edited: 19 Jan 2014
  9. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
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    ^What he said is one option, it's what I started with.

    Another option that may cost more short term but be a touch better - buy an Innokin iTaste V3 kit from here and grab the protank 2 mini with it. £32.49 at the mo and it has USB passthrough. If your battery runs out you just just plug it in to the PC and vape on :thumb: It's a variable voltage/variable wattage device but if you stick it in variable wattage mode and change the output to what you think suits the juice you're using it doesn't matter about coil resistance. I may be able to run ohms law in my head, it doesn't mean I want to when putting in a new coil :p

    Same coils as in the EVODs but a pyrex tank (invulnerable to any juice, just don't drop it) and a replaceable drip tip. I don't like the chromed ones so being able to switch it for an anodised aluminium or acrylic one is good.

    Liquids are always personal, I tried the tobacco flavours initially and still ended up smoking as well, dropped them and went for what sounded interesting and I generally use either mojito or black cherry on a day to day basis now. Keep trying different ones until you find what you like, a fair few companies supply sample packs of 5 5ml bottles so there's the option to try a few before you dive in. However, as jrs77 said, once you find one you like buy 30 or 50 ml bottles and do so when your current one gets to half. They often need to steep for a few days from some sellers so you can't vape them immediately (if they say it's mixed to order, leave it at least 3 days).

    You also need to learn a different method as the usual cig draw means that you'll lose most of the flavour and nicotine. Take either a long drag or a few puffs then exhale through your nose. Dependant on what strength you choose it may be about right or give you a nicotine rush. Much as I love treating it as a healthier cig it's different and so much better! (20+ year smoker, 3 months without and haven't killed anyone yet. I vape instead and love it).

    @jrs77: You meed a mech mod. No circuits, just power to the juice. The taste is going to change over the battery life but there are a shedload of mods out there that'll suffice. ("Nemesis" is something that springs to mind - WANT! Just can't afford it :(). Alternatively you could just build your own :p
  10. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *torches a dandelion*

    25 Nov 2002
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    Ok its a knockoff, paid something like 25€ for it. But its so nice that its my favorite device when paired with RSST or Aga and the Panasonic's 3400mAh beastly battery gets me through a day with sub-ohm setups.
  11. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Allready thinking about building my own, but not purely mechanical tho, as I can't find any good switches with around 10mm dia.
    So I'm currently thinking of building a tube-mod with a small PCB (tactile switch + MOSFET). The only problem is, that I dont have the tools (a lathe) to build the tube with the needed threads.
  12. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
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    I've actually heard good things about the HCigar clones as they seem to be a cut above the rest and easier to work on to correct any little foibles they have. The Nemesis in brass looks so damn sweet :rock: I've found my first mech mod though. It's not available yet (mid Feb) but is labelled as the Clone V-1 from Stealth Vapes.

    First off get over to Stealth Vapes and start browsing through the mod parts section. I can highly recommend the 12mm anti vandal switch as not being too big and having a very nice action to it but they also sell mini momentary switches as well as full eGo VV circuit boards. You can also buy battery connectors from there so no need for the correct taps and dies to make your own. For the tube a 22mm OD copper pipe will take the batteries and a liner, steel or brass should be about the same and the solder ring end caps for plumbing have a nice enough finish as well as plenty of metal to work with. Not that I've thought about this or anything...
  13. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *torches a dandelion*

    25 Nov 2002
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    Mine is the ~$30 one on Slowtech. They did so good job copying it that owners of real Nemmies have been fooled. Only easy way to tell that its a knockoff is non-aligned vent holes, otherwise its pretty much identical.
  14. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Nice collection of parts there, but the 12mm switches are still far too big, as the switch itself isn't 12mm, but 16-17mm. You can't really mount such a switch very good onthe outer side of a tube without it sticking out too much.

    They sell the eGo-PCBand 510-connectors tho, which is exactly what is needed to make a nice stealth mod with a flush sitting button and connector.

    EDIT: Anyways, I guess I'll be quiet happy with the eVic-Stuff I've ordered, as it's basically exactly what I want, and I can charge the battery via microUSB, instead of needing an additional charger. At €30 (head + tube + battery) it's also a steal.
    The picture of the two parts is only slightly bigger than the real device. Diameter is 23mm. The whole thing hides in your hand and only the atty will show.

    Last edited: 21 Jan 2014
  15. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
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    Nice! Looks like an 18350 battery? Safety tip - buy spares as they're only 800 mah so you'll likely go through two or three a day. For a real stealth mod try looking at a gripper though. Absolutely tiny but they do look rather swish :)

    Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
  16. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Yeah, this tube is for 18350, but it's also available for 18650 batteries.

    I've got some 1200mAh 18350 IMR-cells for this tube and going by my experience these batteries should actually last some two days per charge, and even if they don't it doesn't bother me, as the eVic EasyHead units have passthrough-capability via the microUSB-connector. This way I could even smoke them while charging them via my laptop ;)

    My currently used 1000mAh eCom batteries set to 8Watts last two days per charge btw and the eCom uses 2.4Ohm atties compared to the 1.6Ohm atties I ordered for the Aspire Nautilus clearo.

    EDIT: Made a mockup with the Aspire Nautilus clearo... The tube + eVic EasyHead is 90x23mm and the Nautilus is 83x23mm. Allmost 50/50 ratio between the clearo and the battery :p

    Last edited: 21 Jan 2014
  17. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
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    I suppose it depends on how much you used to smoke as to how much you currently vape but I'm on my second battery since 2 PM at 800 mah each. I've also gone through about 3 ml of juice today but that's about on par for me.

    It does look a little dinky to me though, my SVD only feels right with a pair of 18350s or an 18650 (the Cool Fire 2 has enough mass and is shaped so that is just feels right full stop).
  18. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    I used to smoke around 20 Marlboro Light per day and now I'm vaping some 1.5ml of 12mg juice per day. It's definitely an improvement with the eCigs as I can just smooke as much as I need, instead of burning a whole cigarette at a time.

    And yes, it may look a little dinky what I've ordered there, but as the coils only have 1.6Ohm and the eVic can be switched between 3.3 and 4.2 Volt, basically nothing changes to what I'm currently using (eCom set to 8 Watt).
  19. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    So, I got my Aspire Nautilus and the eVic 18350 + eVic EasyHead...



    Unfortunately the black colours don't match up, but I like the general look of it. The coils are 1.6 Ohm and the tube is regulated to 3.3V which results in some 7 Watt. I totally like the Aspire Nautilus as it's coils are producing a nice fine vapour with good flavour.

    Next on my list is an Smok RSST to go with my new tube, and for those interested in RBA (rebuildable atomizers) I made a little list about wires, resistances, volt and watt and what to expect from different setups.


    Green to yellow is what you want to achieve, when wiring your RBA. Under 3.5 Watt usually doesn't work at all and above 15 Watt usually ends with a burnt taste and you'll also burn your wire and/or wick.
    5-10 Watt should be the sweetspot for most people, while I personally like to vape at around 7 Watt, right in the middle.
  20. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *torches a dandelion*

    25 Nov 2002
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    I guess vaping has become a hobby to me. Six parcels are on their way to me.

    Those charts are off for gennies. Kayfun and similar silica atos want ~10W, gennies start to really live at double that. Heck mine toot ~25W on full battery even with micro+cotton.

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