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Other Any 'vapers' out there?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sentinel-R1, 13 May 2013.

  1. FuzzyOne


    19 Sep 2002
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    My new toys :lol:

  2. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    That's interesting really. Most people who do reviews on that stuff seem to agree with the chart I made... actually I made the chart based on those reviews and personal preference.

    The max I've seen people use on their Genesis-atties is some 12 Watt and most use some 8 or 9. And then, most mods don't even deliver that much ooomph, unless they're using very low resistances.

    If you go with the standard 0.2 Kanthal than you can only do what? 1.5 rounds around the wick to get below 1 Ohm?

    If you go with the standard 1.8 to 2.2 Ohm you'd need 6+ Volt to get to 20 Watt.
  3. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *torches a dandelion*

    25 Nov 2002
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    Forgot to mention that those "low power" charts apply to clearos and cartos. Gennies and drippers can deliver a lot more juice to the coil while former two lack in that department.
  4. Panomama

    Panomama I once signed up on uniform dating

    11 Jul 2009
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    Picked up an MVP 2 from vapercaper.co.uk
    Ordered it yesterday too, came today!

    Really liking it, apart from I bought 2 liquids that I can't use because it could crack my plastic tank
  5. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    I just got a Smoktech RSST as it was on sale for €19 including shipping :p

    Today I also ordered the new version of the Smoktech RSST with a Pyrex-tank and tomorrow I'll pick up my new Vamo V5 and some little things. I also thought about ordering a Squape-clone from EHpro, but I really like the simplicity of the gennies, especially the RSST.

    The RSST is actually quite nice, especially as you don't have to bother about shorting out the circuit due to the sealed tank and the insulated hole to put your wick in. The only thing I don't like is the drip-tip, but that's an easy problem to solve really.

    I just threw a 400 mesh wick and some 4 rounds of 0.2 Kanthal (something between 1.2-1.6 Ohm, no equipment yet to measure it correctly) on the RSST and it's nice, even with eVic EasyHead set to 3.3V.

    EDIT: Hey FuzzyOne, could you tell me if the 18650-tube that comes with the Vamo fits ontop of it instead of the standard topcap? As I'm using 18350s I might cut the 18650 tube and build a staright topcap out of it.
    Last edited: 31 Jan 2014
  6. ThirtyQuidKid

    ThirtyQuidKid Minimodder

    11 Jun 2010
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    To be fair the chart is correct and still relevant but mainly for wire around the 0.2mm mark in a single coil config. A lot of people now are running single, dual & quad coils using anything from 0.16mm to 0.40mm wire. With the thicker wire and extra coils you need the extra power or it takes forever to heat up so you either use a mechanical with a 30A discharge battery or you get a DNA 20/30 electronic mod to give you the required current output to heat the coils.

    It's all about personal preference really and how much you want to "chase" the perfect vape. I tend not to worry about the power on the coil and concentrate on how the vape tastes. Most of the time I end up between 8 and 11 watts on a single coil of 0.30mm kanthal with about 8 wraps on a 2mm diameter coil.
  7. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    TBH, my new Aspire Nautilus with the 1.6 Ohm dualcoils is actually pretty much what I'm after regarding smoke and taste, but constantly buying the coils is not really what I wanna do, so I ordered the RSST after giving it long thoughts watching tons of reviews.
    The Squape or the Taifun GT would be my next choices, but as I've now experienced soome troubles with the eCom and the Aspire Nautilus and the BDCCs they're using (they get flooded or start to bubble from time to time) I decided to go with the most simple tank-design that's outthere, and that would be the gennies design.
    With the Taifun GT and the Squape both being bottom-coils I see them flooding and bubbling aswell and I've read and seen reviews where this got spoken about aswell.

    The new Smoktech RSST with the Pyrex-tank is basically the best design when it comes to ease of use and reliability, allthough I'd wish that they had made a glasstank in the style of the normal RSST, instead of going with multiple parts. I'm now even starting to think about maybe building my very own Genesis from scratch and have the parts CNCd from a local shop :p
  8. ThirtyQuidKid

    ThirtyQuidKid Minimodder

    11 Jun 2010
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    I've never used the squape or the GT but I can recommend the Kayfun range of atomisers. They are easy to set up, leak free, gurgle free and are easy to coil. It's pretty much all I use now. As for the RSST if you intend to use it as a genesis atomiser you have the hassle of making the wick with the stainless mesh and it can be a pain for shorting out and needing some time to fine tune the coil. I used the AGA-T which was a pain, but also a good vape once I got it running OK.
  9. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    The RSST can't short out, as it's tank and the hole for the wick are fully insulated. That's the beauty of the RSST, you don't need to burn and oxidate the steel-mesh as it's not making any contact with the body at any point ;)

    Oh, and you can allways use a silica-wick instead of the steelmesh to circumvent the hassles.
  10. ThirtyQuidKid

    ThirtyQuidKid Minimodder

    11 Jun 2010
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    Really. I would have assumed the coil would short to the wick if it was not oxidised as the mesh would be conductive even if the wick is isolated from the body of the atomiser......
  11. Sentinel-R1

    Sentinel-R1 Chaircrew

    13 Oct 2010
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    Nice mech mods. That's Rolls Royce vaping right there :thumb:
  12. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    If that would be the case, then the coil itself would short out the circuit ;)
  13. FuzzyOne


    19 Sep 2002
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    It does indeed, bear in mind the Vamo is only 22mm and (I think) the rsst it 23mm or at least my GT is so you might want to try flaring the top a touch.

    One thing to look out for is the craptastic fire switch on the Vamo.

    Did you get the SS version?

    Edit: Make sure you set it to RMS when you get it, I believe they all come set to AVG from the factory.
  14. FuzzyOne


    19 Sep 2002
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    Buy some 3mm SS rope from the bay and some 3mm eko wool, you can stretch the wool over the top of the SS rope then coil around the wool, you'll get a pretty amazing vape from it :thumb:
  15. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    The RSST is 22mm :)

    And yeah, I've read all the quirks about the Vamo V5, but it was the cheapest and still somewhat good looking with all the VV/VW/Ohm-features. Especially the resistance-control is why I bought it, so I don't need to buy a seperate Ohm-tester. I probaly will use the RSST on my eVic EasyHead anyways, as it has a USB-charger with passthrough, which I find to be quiet nice. And with my untested coil I threw on the RSST it vapes actually quiet good, even at only 3.3V regulated.

    Thanks for checking tho, as the Vamoo V5 might actually look quiet good with a straight top-cap and the RSST ontop... if the colours match that is :p
  16. ThirtyQuidKid

    ThirtyQuidKid Minimodder

    11 Jun 2010
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    Thats what I'm saying. Every youtube video I have seen shows an oxidised mesh or they use the pulse method to oxidise the mesh in situ or the coil shorts to the wick and produces a hot leg or pops the coil.

    Have you actually setup the RSST before??? If you have the kanthal touching stainless mesh it will short to the wick and find the path of least resistance producing a far lower resistance than required or just popping the coil

    See these videos below



    This one uses the pulse method


    I wish you luck but I can see frustration ahead for you.
  17. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Yeah, sure you still need to pulse the coil, but it's easy to do imho. What I'm talking about is, that you don't need too care about the wick touching the body shorting out the circuit. That way you can forget about oxidizing the wick all the way through and just need to pulse it.
  18. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Shameless double post to push the thread :p

    So, as I've got my Vamo V5 today I instantly started to mod the 18650-tube into a new top-cap :)

    This is the standard top-cap which is made for 19mm atties and has a ugly gap. Next to it is the topcap I made from the 18650 extension that come with the Vamo V5.


    The new staright topcap looks pretty good even without an attie attached...


    The gap is closed and a 22mm attie sits flush now. Here with the Smoktech RSST...


    And in full size. Vamo V5 18350-sized with RSST added. Length without driptip is 153mm now and pretty much what I was aiming for, firing with the middlefinger thumb and index-finger on the top-cap. Only 15mm taller then my Aspire Nautilus + 18350 eVic EasyHead.


    Only thing missing now is a straight driptip.
  19. bigc90210

    bigc90210 Teh C

    7 Oct 2003
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    is that a green pixel in that first photo?! i nearly papped myself i thought my monitor had a dead pixel till it moved!
  20. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Ooops :p

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