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Other Any 'vapers' out there?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sentinel-R1, 13 May 2013.

  1. ThirtyQuidKid

    ThirtyQuidKid Minimodder

    11 Jun 2010
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    I see, at least we were arguing the same point.......

    Nice work on the VAMO top cap makes it look a lot better without the gap :thumb:
  2. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Someone needs to do a brass and wooden Steampunk version.
  3. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    There's battery-mods available in brass and wood. The atomizers tho never use brass, as brass contains lead.
  4. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *torches a dandelion*

    25 Nov 2002
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    I was bored. 2x0,25mm kanthal A1 twisted.



    Yes, top cap gets very hot very fast.
  5. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    I think I'll use silica or cotton-wicks instead of the steelmesh, as the steelmesh simply tastes very bad in comparison. Even after completely oxidising and burning in the steelmesh on my RSST for two days now I can't get rid of the metallic taste.

    So I ordered a AGA-T3 now, as it seems to be better suited for silica or cotton-wicks and I like the central wick-design. So now I've got a RSST, a RSST Pyrex and an AGA-T3 gennie to compare different setups, once all the parts have arrived.
    That's some €300 spend on vaping-equipment since X-mas now, but I would've spend this much on cigarettes in the same time aswell :p

    The Vamo V5 with the modded top-cap is awesome tho and I can very much recommend it at a price of only €40-50.
  6. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *torches a dandelion*

    25 Nov 2002
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    That could be a hidden hotspot. Finding it is easy on fresh setup: drip few drops on the coil until wick seems saturated (only top end needs to be). Hotspot is near the area where kanthal dries up first.

    This does work with old setup but you'll have to 1: remove juice from tank 2: push ~50ml of water through it 3: dry the wick (tissue paper and dry fire). Rest of the procedure is same as for new setup.

    I do that every time I whip up a mesh setup. No need to adjust it until I get careless when filling and bump the wick.
  7. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Too much hassle imho, and good silica or cotton-wick isn't really any less good than steelmesh, even on a gennie.

    I'd go for a Taifun GT nano, but I dislike the fact that they are prone to flooding and gurgling. I've not had too bad experiences with the eCom BDC or the Aspire Nautilus BDC, but they do gurgle alot, even with their perfectly sealed coils.

    The gennies are just so damn resiliant and easy to build when using silica-wicks and that makes them so attractive for me. And if you're using high-temperature silica-wicks they're just as good as a steelmesh tbh.
  8. bigc90210

    bigc90210 Teh C

    7 Oct 2003
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  9. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
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    The best wick I've made for my RSST so far is 3mm ekowool over stainless mesh with a swan neck coil of 28 gauge kanthal. Second best is stainless mesh over braid. No need for oxidation at all on the first one and only a small piece of mesh on the second, just to act as an insulator for the coil.

    I haven't managed to get ekowool over braid yet, it shreds itself too fast as I can't torch it to tighten the braid first, it tightens up too much. Maybe finding a smooth sleeve I can pull out after putting the ekowool over the braid? Hmm...:idea:

    Next up is a mesh wrap around an ekowool core with a twisted pair swan neck wrap as while I get a shedload of vapour on seven full coils it runs in at 2.2 ohms, takes a few seconds to heat properly and eats batteries :eeek: I'm generally running it at around 12 watts, it doesn't heat fast enough lower than that.

    I've only been running a genesis style for 10 days so far, I have a lot of learning to do!
  10. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    Anyone recommend a kit for a starter?
  11. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    I've posted this before, so I simply link you to my post about a good starter-kit.


    I've rebuild my RSST now with a 2x2mm high-temp silica-wick and a 1.4 Ohm 0.32mm Kanthal-coil. It works perfectly fine the way I want it to and vapes very nice on my 3.3V eVic.
    No hassles and wicks very good so that I can take three long draws in a row without burning anything.

    Anyways... I said that I didn't want to buy another attie, but I got a good deal for a Kayfun-clone (EHpro Lite Plus) for only €30, so I bought it to try out some microcoil-cotton setups with it.

    But that's definately enough hardware bought for the time being now and I'll keep you updated on different setups and how I like them during the next weeks.
  12. Panomama

    Panomama I once signed up on uniform dating

    11 Jul 2009
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    My vivi nova came today from vaper caper.

    Apart from I ordered the large vivi nova with appropriate aluminum tank and got the mini vivi nova with the large tank so it's all pretty unusable..
  13. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Got my RSST Pyrex and the AGA-T3 in the mail today.

    Three gennies in a row :p

    Left to right: RSST Pyrex, RSST Standard, AGA-T3

    And a closeup of the differences between the RSST and the AGA-T3.


    The RSST Pyrex is sealed with lots of silicone to keep the steelmesh-wick from touching the body and I don't know if that stuff is resilient enough to use liquids with menthol or citrus in them. For my tobacco-flavoured juices this should do however.

    The AGA-T3 has a central wickhole as you can see in the image and the centerpost holding the wick is where you attach your positive wire to aswell. Pretty nice solution if you ask me.
    The tank looks alot smaller than on the RSST, but alot of liquid will be hiding in the centerpost around the wick.

    Quality is good on all of them. No ugly edges, scratches or whatever.
  14. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    And here's the Kayfun Lite clone.

    Comes in a nice packaging...



    ..with some spareparts and a screwdriver.


    The quality overall isn't bad, but the base isn't upto par with the original.


    The screws for the airadjust and the fillhole are both on the bottom.


    The two acrylic-tanks that come with this clone are nice aswell and the threads are well done. I'll probably be using the full acrylic one.


  15. erratum1

    erratum1 What's a Dremel?

    30 Apr 2009
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    Crazy this is just trading one habit for another.

    I went from 20 cigs to nothing just put out the last one before bed and that was it (15yrs ago) first couple of weeks was a feeling of something missing but after that it gets easier.
  16. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Yes, it is somewhat like trading habots, but once you've got the equipment you want then it's really saving tons of money.

    If we're only talking liquid then it's some €50 per week for fags vs. €5 per weeks for liquid. And eVaping doesn't smell like normal cigarettes would either as there's no tar, ashes, etc, so it's a step into the right direction imho, if you don't want to give up on nicotine.

    And I know alot of people who vape liquids without nicotine aswell. they just like vaping like you would vape a shisha.
  17. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *torches a dandelion*

    25 Nov 2002
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    Is it really silicone or just popypropylene like tank in original RSST? Soft or stiff material?

    Anyway. Some silicone seals will absorp smells and be impossible to get clean again. But some are completely immune like those white ones is my Aga-T2 and they've tasted 33% licorice (dont try, gunks up the coil like mad) and Trololo for example.
  18. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Definately soft silicone on the RSST Pyrex around the centerpoost and in the bottom sealing the tank.

    I've now setup the Kayfun with a 2Ohm coil (0.32mm Kanthal) and it vapes quiet nicely. For comparison I installed a 2 Ohm coil on the AGA-T3 with a 0.2mm Kanthal-wire as I did on the RSST Pyrex.

    The best result is achieved - who wonders - with the Kayfun, but when vaping it whistles and I don't like that at all. The whistling is caused by the airhole.
    The AGA-T3 is better than the RSSTs, but still not as good as my Aspire Nautilus, which has a BDC @ 1.6 Ohm, so I need to lower the resistance on that one aswell, probably building a microcoil with 0.32mm Kanthal to get a better vape out of it.

    I also got a 18650-tube for my eVic EasyHead and a 2600mAh battery, which makes it as tall as my Vamo V5 with the 18350-tube. I'm basically using the Vamo V5 only for setting up the coils and testing as I like the ease of use and the USB-passthrough on the eVic.

    To get the best vape out of the Kayfun or the AGA-T3 on my eVic EasyHead @ 3.3V I need to lower the resistances on the coils to some 1.4 Ohm, which shouldn't be too hard to do, but I'll vape them with the 2 Ohm coils now until the tanks are empty. Just for comparison.

    The RSSTs are cheap and easy to setup using steelmesh, but I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. The AGA-T3 is just as easy to setup using 3x 2mm silica-wick or cotton and it vapes better, allthough it's also an gennie.

    The AGA-T3 needs more oopmh than the Kayfun to be enjoyable so you'll drain your battery way faster, but at €30 it's definately a very good RBA as you can use it with silica or even cotton-wicks - something I wouldn't recommend for the RSST or most other gennies. The central wick is just perfect for silica or cotton-wicks and you don't need to tilt the attie to get it wicking decently.

    The drawback with the Kayfun - besides the whistling noise of my clone - is that it doesn't have a Pyrex-tank, but some sort of plastic. So you either need to use the steel tank, which makes it kinda hard to fill imho or you're limited to liquids that don't destroy the plastics. Same goes for the other bottom-coil RBAs like the Taifun GT or the Squape and these two don't even have a fillhole, so you allways need to unscrew the tank to refill them.

    All in all I'd recommend the AGA-T3, as it's quiet cheap at €30 and you can use silica or cotton-wicks. You can also reduild it without draining the tank and if you build a nice microcoil at < 1.6 Ohm you can even get a good vape out of it with a 3.3V regulated battery-mod like the eVic EasyHead or your standard slim 510-batteries.

    For those who don't want to built their own setups I suggest getting an Aspire Nautilus with 1.6 Ohm-coils, as it's a very decent vape, and if you apply a little more oopmh to it - I tried it on the Vamo V5 with 4 Volts/10 Watts - it's just as good as the Kayfun Lite Plus imho, but the coils won't last as long.

    So that's it for now :)
    Last edited: 5 Feb 2014
  19. ThirtyQuidKid

    ThirtyQuidKid Minimodder

    11 Jun 2010
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    Is that a slowtech clone or sourced from the UK/EU??? It looks quite good for a clone.
  20. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    It's from EHpro. And yes, it's one of the better clones, especially for it's pricepoint of €40.

    The threads and the overall finish are perfectly fine, but the base is alittle messy. Works without problems tho.

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