UPDATE: http://forums.bit-tech.net/showpost.php?p=527607&postcount=48 http://www.overclockers.com/tips1133/ From this: To this: I'm not surprised he looked sick, it's so awfully done!
Holy s...... Is this guy insane????? I mean, the G5 is one of the best massproduced computers going, and he puts in garbage componants into it? This guy seriously needs mental help. I found this comment to be especaly worrying: Abslute and complete dissreguard for it. He makes me sick.
yeah, ripping the guts out of a $2,000 computer to put in an Athlon. If he did double watercooled Opterons it would be a good read, but he puts a 2200+ in it. I'm sure his parents wanted to surprise him and get him a very nice and expensive coputer instead of a Dell and when he gets it he rips out the computer, gives it away, and destroys the case so he can put his Athlon in it.
If I got a G5 PERIOD, I would keep it and learn all the neet functions of it (again). I don't know what people have against Apple in general, they've got some of the most innovating and desireable pre-modded computers arround.
He could have at least just used it as a file server or seti/folding machine, if he didn't want to learn how to use it. I can understand how his parents would feel. This christmas I got a new case explicitly for the purpose of modding it (nothing to big either) and my parents seemed somewhat shocked.
i don't like apple computers and i wouldn't spend money on one. but if i had one, i'd learn to use it. the first thing to go would be the mouse though. stupid single button design, ugh. being a gamer though, it probably wouldn't get much use.
Btw, the adaption programs for Apple computers that allow windows games to be emulated onto the OS are a lot better than anything you'll find for a Linux system I've used them before, and they are a treat to setup, allmost install and go capability. Where as with linux (from what I've heard) there is a lot of messing about to get even the most basic of games to work on it. And, there are a few great games for Apple computers, can't be smegged to remember any of emm though.
Agreed... Man... How could someone do that? Like many other have said here, I'd learn to use it, use it as a server or a seti machine (hey, why not waste more energy?)
oh my fooking god that made me he could ov had my 2Ghz DELL for that G5 he destroyed the pc i most want what a loser oooo it wont run crappie windows so ill rip it to bits this is the WORST MOD I HAVE EVA SEEN THIS GUY IS A STUPID PERSON (and thats been NICE) i want a dell (a dell is crap compared to a G5)
Agreed with Altron here - if he put something worthwhile and as powerful as dual G5's it would have been cool but to totally downgrade the machine so dramatically (and do a bad job of it) is just insane. i dont see why people are so scared to use a different OS, yeah it might take some getting used to but so what? learning something new is always a good thing to do
if he'd put sumthing like dual 2.2Gig Intel or AMD that wouldent of been so bad. and at the min i would do anything to get my hands on a G5. and then i see some lil sad person ripping one appart because it doesent run Microshaft Windows is so so its so sinful like why dident he just take it back and like by a top end PC that runs Microshaft on it lmao that dude should be BANNED FROM MODDING FULL STOP. MODDING IS TO MAKE SUMTHING BETTER.
A tragic waste of a superior computer . At least the parts appear to have gone to a good home... Personally, I prefer both Apple Macs and (gasp!!) Acorns (remember them, new ones are still being made!) to PCs running Windows, but I cannot afford to upgrade either my Mac or Acorn as they are so expensive. Does this guy have any idea how much expensive kit he just gave away? People not recognising a good thing when they see it and wasting it - that makes me reeeeally angry.
whats up with this guy "o i want a dell not a g5" so what dose he do he puts crap for parts compared to the g5 jeese peaple these days
a G5 is not just the parts its the case as well its a work of art like all the NEW apple computers are he needs to get his head fixed and see what he has done. The apple G5 is a work of art full stop and look what he done to it thats got to be the most expensive case eva he could of got vapochill case and a mint as motherboard if he took the G5 back i am not saying any more about this really really bad mod