I told you forever ago that some mods are never done. Just like building cars or motorcycles. "Well I could have done that better" It's the way the hobby works. john
What does one do on a Bank Holiday when it's 25 degrees outside - spend it outside of course. But two out of the 3 days have been a bit overcast with some rain so then you can spend them inside modding! I received my slim Yate Loon fans for the exhausts last week so i could now go ahead with the plan or using them to secure 2 perspex "L" shaped sheets inside the case. First i tapped both sides of the fans with an M5 tap... E Viola! Securely attached to the inside of the case. Next i used an old 120mm fan as a template to find out where the holes in the perspex needed drilling Perfect fit! Then i cut out the hole for the PSU exhaust in the roof. Still haven't got round to getting a scroll saw so it's back to the trusty dremel. This took far too long though so for the fan cut out next to the mobo tray i drilled around it first with a small drill bit then used a dremel. And the same method for the lower piece of perspex Test fitting both of them Then i needed some holes for the PSU cables that are routed behind the motherboard tray and come out near the base Final pics, after some sanding, with it all in place. I havent posted the pics of sleeving the individual PSU cables but i should mention how amazing the Sunbeam Kit it if you ever want to do it - it makes it so easy. Well worth the £10. I bought a second hand ASUS Maximum Formula SE in the end as i can't justify a complete i7 upgrade right now. Looks like i forgot to take off the backing from the top piece of perspex! I will be adding white fan guards on the black fans and black guards on the white fans. What is left i hear you ask - assembling the simpler water loop and working out whether i can afford a Solid State HDD and a new GFX card! Cyp.
HOW do you braid cables like that? Is there a guide or something somewhere? I really want to try it Great looking so far!
There is a mini review of the tools needed here. I got all the braiding and heatshrink from Chilled PC. You basically remove one wire at a time and braid them individually. It doesnt actually take that long. Cyp.
Really loving the multiple braided cables , although theres a bunch of them they look really tidy in one uniform colour .
really nice u still keeping this project up to date... loves this project and i keep track of it even before i joined looking nice and clean there.
New fans look much better Cyp. I have always loved this mod and you are taking it up another level. Thanks for the link to the sleeving tutorial BTW, I always new how to do it but it's good to have stuff like that on file .
That's a great site! Too bad they're UK-based. I found a MurderMods Psychopack - any good? I loved the Murder Box, so...
The pack is good but very expensive lol. You should be able to find individual sleeving for much cheaper in the US stonedsurd.
The MurderMods pack is awesome... pricy, but the quality is top-notch. You get what you pay for. The diameter is very small (smaller than the 1/8" I used in my project) and fits the single wires to a "T".
So if not the psychopack, then where do I find the individual sleeving and heatshrink? I've gone loony hunting. Don't know too many online sellers, so that might be the reason
going great, man. my case is going quite slowly, because I was a few weeks on holiday and at the end I broke my hand ps: the maximus formula is a great MB, it's the same as the rampage, you should try and search an update for it on google to transform it into an rampage. greets!
One of the absolute best threads on sleeving is here, unless you speak german and in that case they have 200+ pages of sleeving pron. In that thread I linked you'll find additional links to everything you have asked and more, as well as great pics of some very well done sleeving. Here's a german link anyways for you - great comparison of different sleeving available today - very indepth and artisically shot. EDIT: @cyp - hej, I hope you don't mind the post, I don't want to take away from your proj! You case is awesome and you have inspired me to start a G5 mod (my case arrives this week from the US) and I hope I can only emulate the pure awesomeness that is your case!