Hello just a little preview of what I've done so far thank cyp for the guideline and tips next step : paint (2 colours inner and outer), hide cables, and I think i'm done.
hey Xfab could you please point me in the direction as too were you got that button?! i need one for my g5 case soo bad. thanks.
Looking really great xfab. Very neat case rear and side window. Can i ask why you dont create your own project log thread? I'm sure many people aren't looking here as my ApplecoreDuo is pretty much over. Cyp.
Xfab29: Cut your work is really superb. Cyprio: All changes to your box, the implementation of hardware, it's great art. Honestly I have read and reread your posts to see tips and mistakes to not do, thank you for all, and I hope that my mod will be at your level.
hey could someone help me out. i am on FrozenCPU and i found the power button i want but i do not know what size i need for the G5's case. the hole doesnt look too big but idk the size. anyhelp? xfab?
lmao i suppose i could, well thank you for your help. and btw your G5 case is beyond amazing. ive been watching your thread for a while, ever since i saw someone post it up on insanelymac.
From the log I presume you have the motherboard tray being supported on the back of the case without the use of standoffs? Excellent job by the way, you took G5 modding to the next level
There are actually a couple of standoffs behind the tray screwed into the side of the case (using 3mm 'bolts' that were already welded/glued to the original). If you dont use standoffs the board warps and not that easy to attach a mobo to as it moves backwards slightly. Cyp. edit: Here is the pic:
I can't believe you finished this and it was awesome and then you went back and took it all apart and started the inside again. Craziness! But respect for perfectionism. I can't believe how nice you made the G5. Just insane. I have one sitting next to me being all Apple and stuff, it makes me feel ... funny and somehow inadequate. it could really do with a hardware upgrade too. hmmm. I guess what i am wondering is whether this is still alive? Where are you up to? I know you wouldnt be able to just leave it half finished I would love to see the finish (?) of this thing. Update me/us and fill us/me with awe. Please
hi cyp! i just love your mod! best G5 mod i've ever seen!! i assume, since there is so long since the last update, that you've done some more to it? i emailed you some time ago, and you said you where doing something more to it (cant remember what i asked you about). i remember to have read somewhere in here that you were working with a guide to this mod. are you, and if so when do you think it will be finnished? henfjel