Graphic designers... what a stupid question. They then pass that on to you layout designers. Are you sure you work for a magazine company?
I love the way he tries explaining to a photographer, that all photographers use Macs, and conveniently skips that and replies to the next post So the layout guys using Quark or InDesign... it's expected that they use PCs then is it? Not creative enough? LOL Damned fanboys. Anyway... I best go buy a Mac as I'm the only photographer in the world who doesn't use one apparently ...which does beg the question why Adobe develop their CREATIVE suite for the PC. I wonder who actually uses it? I must be the only one. I'm special
The friend I mentioned earlier who really really wants a Mac is a GRAPHIC designer. She works on a PC. Wanting a Mac in this case is irrelevant, she does all her work on a PC just fine. Another friend of mine who builds PCs for a living has done a LOT of work for two professional accredited photographers, and he damn sure wasn't building them Macs. If only they knew how much better their work would be if they switched computers
CS6 flies on my macbook pro. After reading this thread I am not sure if I should be happy about it or I should throw it out of the window and go buy a PC because I could get 'MOAR POWAR' for less money. Shame they don't sell MOAR POWAR in such sleek and sturdy chassis as macbook pro. Wanted to get a thinkpad but it was just as expensive but uglier.
If you have the money to spend then why not, they are indeed sleek beasts. I don't think anyone would deny that Apple hardware works, and looks damn good whilst doing so. But as you can see lots of people *cough*Sexton*cough* seem to think that Apples are the only way possible to do certain kinds of work, and even more laughably, the only reliable and usable way to run certain programs. Obviously, the shiny on the outside amplifies the shiny of whatever work one might be doing... Although, CS6...? Typo or super secret Adobe privilages? Or blatent point-proving exaggeration
Personally, if I liked OS-X (which I have no real problems with actually), that's what I'd be doing. Faster Mac, less money... and I could have a decent GPU. Well played for not treating a computer as a fashion accessory or status symbol. Have 10 man points
Ah yes... ignore all my other points I've raised in the past 2 replies to you, and go straight for the lowest common denominator. Well done I bet all the Apple users on here are really glad you're here to act as their ambassador - you're doing such a great job an their behalf
The illogical equation of a customer base to the quality of the product is baffling. Likewise, it seems that both sides make equally pointless debates seeing as when it comes down to the nitty gritty both systems are relatively operable.