the 3 panels below the large image says it all, 3 improvements over iPhone 4: -Siri voice assistant -A5 dual-core processor -8MP camera Siri looks really good. natural language recognition. i wonder if it understands this: "make me a sandwich". A5 dual-core processor is a much needed upgrade to keep up with other phones. although not slow, but iPhone 4 is definitely showing its age. 8MP camera doesn't mean anything. but improved and sharper lens means a lot. can't wait to see comparison shots. video stabilisation is also a much, much needed feature, since iphone 4 produces some very amusing jelly-vision. overall, it seem disappointing to not have the rumoured tear-drop iPhone 5. but why change a great design? (no antenna issue is not there anymore. they've used iPhone 4 CDMA's antenna system that is similar to MIMO routers. dynamically switch between 2 antenna to get best signal) having an iPhone 4 myself. i don't see myself spending £150-200 to upgrade (after selling my current one). Siri is cool, but without app API, i don't see much point in it yet. A5 is good, but i'll wait a year for more apps that take advantage of it. camera is great, tempting, but low-light shots is still unknown (high ISO shots).
I might get the 4S or the 5 seeing as I still rock a non-smartphone. Either that or a Galaxy S, but honestly that all comes down to whether or not I have the money for it.
At least 3/4 of the parts are from samsung. Of much rather stick with the galaxy at the moment. What I will say the new sony ericsson s are so much better than there previous models Sent from my GT-I9000
Siri? How well does the Siri thing work? Is it accurate enough? And I heard that it only works in English, French, and German. I wonder if it will cover other languages too.
Apple sheep with be all over this, not worth the upgrade unless your contract is due, you'd be gutted though if on a 2 year contract, sure the new one will be out before that
i could allready do this 'siri' thing on my galaxy s2.. i swear 90% of the time apple chucks random names on their stuff so people think its unique. if they said 'use voice to send texts and search'.. people wouldnt be as excited. well. the people who buy apple wouldnt be. because thats typical.
Gettin the GF an 16GB 4S when it finally comes to Taiwan. She is due for an upgrade of her Legend which now has a battery life measuring in minutes and the top button is about to fail. Didn't care that it's not a special new shape tbh and 199 is quite reasonable.
Orly? show me. ask it "what is the weather like today?" or "i fancy a bit of KFC, where is the nearest one?"
We had a big discussion in the office this morning about this. Apparently in one demo they asked the Iphone "whats the weather like outside? I asked my android "Weather in Manchester?" and it took me to the BBC weather site for Manchester. They asked the Iphone "whats my dads email address?" I asked my android "email [my dads name]." It opened an email with my dads address in the the to field. It's very old hat I'm afraid. It's like that apple airplay thing. The adverts says something like "listen to your music on your tv streamed from your iphone/ipad. Airplay only on Iphone/Ipad" Isn't this exactly what DLNA does which is available on loads of devices?
the difference between Siri and all other voice command programs is that it recognises natural speech. you don't have to use command-style speeches such as "weather [location]" or "email [name]". the thing with airplay is that it just works without hassle. i got DLNA to work after an hour of fiddling with my Sony bluray player. it's more about simplicity rather than a tick box feature.
I'm from Newcastle. I've got a broad geordie accent. Any voice command system that recognises geordie is good in my book.
Maybe true however generally when talking to a computer/smart phone or whatever it actually feels more natural using command style speech. If you were in the street and said to your phone "i fancy a bit of KFC, where is the nearest one?" I could imagine getting some strange looks when people realise you're not actually talking to someone else on the phone.
There's a lot of 'outrage' amongst nerds that the iPhone 4S isn't the iPhone 5, yet the only differences rumoured was a case redesign - same internals! Don't understand why there is so much internet rage over this. Smartphones are now all about the CPU/GPU speeds, amount of RAM and that's about it. The differences are evening out very quickly, unlike when iPhones were new and so on. Siri looks nifty, but not sure how much I'd use it. Couldn't care less about the increase in camera megapixels, and the CPU/GPU bump will just make it a bit snappier - but then I've not been disappointed in my iPhone 4. Really don't see what else Apple could have added beyond NFC anyway...
I was one of the geeks/nerds/enthusiasts hoping for the redesign, mainly because if Apple had an amazing piece of new hardware, the Android players would one again have to step up their game. Since phone technology moves so fast these days, maybe the iPhone 4S will have a shorter life cycle than the 4 as the top tier phone. Saying that, I am not surprised that they were unable to release a slimmer redesign, they would run into too much trouble with decreasing battery size and handling the A5 processor's size. Perhaps on 28nm we'll see the tear-drop design since it'll take up less die space. As for Siri, I think it is a nice idea, though in practice I doubt I would ever use it!
What ? The Apple Elite will buy the 4S without question then the 4GS then the 5 eventually, Ill get a free one with work and put up with having to charge it all day in the car and should I lose my job ill just charge up the Nokia 5210.
Could you imagine with my broad yappie accent trying that. The iphone would reply "diplomatic immunity "
I'll stick with my 3GS, tyvm. Still has plenty of life left in it, unless it breaks I'm not interested in upgrading just for the sake of upgrading. Don't give a rat's ass about this Siri stuff either, even if it would make sandwiches. The kitchen's already populated as it stands.
brb basically stole loads of **** from the galaxy s2, so many of their interfaces look the same. dont know if other phones do this to, the notification tab you pull down from the top, galaxy has that and so does iphone. list goes on. but the biggest lol, is their main 'partypiece'. siri. they claim it is unique in what it does, which is text, search internet, amongst other things all with voice command. brb my galaxy 2 does that. the s2 still craps on the iphone, and apple even had a 3 month window to make their phone better. but they just made it the same.