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Apple Apple's new iPhone 4S

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by wyx087, 5 Oct 2011.

  1. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    I was waiting for a DC iphone. I still don't hae a smartphone and the Galaxy isn't bad either, but it's all down to carriers now.
  2. andrew8200m

    andrew8200m Multimodder

    4 May 2009
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    Haters have to hate!

    I have played with the Galaxy S2. Its nice, its quick.

    How.. iphone has a better screen, it doesnt feel like a toy from a cheap seaside crazy grabber machine and even though everything it does can pretty much be out done by one device here and there depending on the subject out there it manages to do everything very well.

    Now every function "very well" in my opinion is far better than "some functions are perfect, others are poor"... With a phone I would rather have a professional stanard "jack of all" rather than a perfectionist of one and a failure to another.

    The S2 is a brilliant phone let down by the odd clunky error and a poor build quality.

    Some bits are better than the iphone, others are worse. All in all I feel the iphone is the better device because of the above. Some may agree with me, some may not.

    Just the way the cookie crumbles...
  3. j4mi3

    j4mi3 What's a Dremel?

    28 Jun 2011
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    i agree that the back is flimsy. but frankly other than that it is very well constructed. the screen, is actually on of its main selling points. the ipone screen may be sharper, but not that much, and i have used both and it is hardly noticeable. the s2 however has much more vivid colours i have noticed and is much brighter, which actually makes up for the better resolution that the iphone has and makes the difference unnoticeable.

    moreover, i actually cant fault the s2 in anything which is does. granted i have only had it for about a month now but i am yet to come to any shortfalls.

    i know i sound like a samsung rep but i just cant fault it lol.
  4. j4mi3

    j4mi3 What's a Dremel?

    28 Jun 2011
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    fair enough, you cant ask what the weather is, but on the s2 the weather widget is the first thing you see when you unlock the phone. something which ios doesnt have. you need to actually go into the weather app.

    and actually, you can search for any shop or business using voice in the samsung. i have searched for the nearest tesco many times


    'navigate to tesco'

    and it will give you live navigation (car or walking) to the nearest shop.

    another feature is obviously messaging and memo's

    i think its (not used many times'

    'new memo' then it will ask you what you want to say. pretty straightforward.

    and thats the thing anyway, these features, il admit in the samsung too, how many times would you ACTUALLY use them. they are cool to say you have them i agree but frankly i dont use voice that much. its just apple claimed its thing was unique when it just wasnt.

    that being said, i tell you one part of voice i DO use, the google search. when you are searching for long stuff its so much easier to say it than type it.
  5. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Yeah, but the galaxy S2 is almost an Apple 3G clone in shape and GUI. And both got their icontastic interface from the Palm. Which in turn got it from the Apple Newton. So who's your daddy? Apple is. :p
    M7ck and andrew8200m like this.
  6. andrew8200m

    andrew8200m Multimodder

    4 May 2009
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    + rep for that man right there!! :D
  7. j4mi3

    j4mi3 What's a Dremel?

    28 Jun 2011
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    i actually dont know enough about previous technology to give a decent comeback to this so i wont embarass myself

    however what i will say is, even if the s2 copied the 3, it made it better. the 4s copied the s2, and it is on par, if not arguably worse.

    no doubt they purposely left out certain aspects to add into a later iphone, typical of apple. at least with other brands you know you are buying a great product and not the tactics apple employs
  8. Cei

    Cei pew pew pew

    22 Mar 2008
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    Eh? Apple can't make magically faster CPUs grow on trees, or invert the laws of physics regarding photosites on digital camera sensors. They have to use the technology that exists - sure, sometimes they can be the first ones to get access to it, but that has never been always the case.

    The 4S doesn't "copy" any phone, except for the iPhone 4 in some areas (talking hardware here). Yet you'll see that the smartphone market has very much stabilised these days - the high-end phones are all dual-core 1-1.5Ghz CPUs, 512-1GB RAM, 5-8MP cameras... there is so little to differentiate between competing models. Apple have their own design language with the glass/metal usage, and don't need to copy anybody else.

    What could Apple have introduced that they're holding back? The only thing I can think of is NFC, the technology that nobody uses.
  9. j4mi3

    j4mi3 What's a Dremel?

    28 Jun 2011
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    you do make a fair point i guess. but apple does have a reputation for holding back on features in the past. e.g. phones had 8mp cameras when the original iphone 4 was released, hell even the 3g phones had them. features like that. and higher res screens etc. they purposely make their phones. 'not bad' so they can make improvements later. its a pretty good strategy actually but for the people who arent brainwashed, wow they are such (insert swear word).

    sure the 4s is a great phone. but i still prefer my s2, judging by specs and what ive seen
  10. Cei

    Cei pew pew pew

    22 Mar 2008
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    I think you're demonstrating a little bit of not understanding things here.

    The iPhone 4 camera, whilst only 5mp, was widely regarded as the best camera phone back then, because as any decent photographer knows, megapixels isn't everything. Apple had somehow managed to get higher quality results (not resolution) off their 5mp sensor than you were getting on the 8+ affairs.

    How did they do this? Back illumination of the sensor. Not found in any phone up until that point. So no, Apple didn't hold back, they broke ground, but to do so they had to concede the megapixel nonsense.

    The only feature they held back on was copy & paste on the original versions of iOS, but that was solved long ago now. I can't think of a hardware feature that was artificially held back to inflate demand for a future device.
  11. j4mi3

    j4mi3 What's a Dremel?

    28 Jun 2011
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    yeah il admit i am not very informed i am only going by what i thought was true.
    Cei likes this.
  12. Cei

    Cei pew pew pew

    22 Mar 2008
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    Aye, and that's how fanboyism starts ;)

    +rep for knowing when to stop :)
  13. j4mi3

    j4mi3 What's a Dremel?

    28 Jun 2011
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    that said, call me an anti-mac computer guy if you like, because there, i really do think they are ripping you off. but im not gonna deviate from the title of this thread.
  14. wyx087

    wyx087 Multimodder

    15 Aug 2007
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    which part of NATURAL language recognition you don't understand?? :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

    "Note down that some fanboys can't read"
    and it will note that down like a personal assistant. there is no need to remember commands such as "new memo" or "navigate to". in fact, iOS since 3GS had command based voice control.

    it is unique to mobile phones (no idea about other platforms). it is very unique to that kind of OS level integration.
  15. driftingphil

    driftingphil What's a Dremel?

    17 May 2009
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    i think apple are loosing it! who came blame them now tho.
  16. Pullen

    Pullen What's a Dremel?

    10 Aug 2011
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    These are some benchmarks from Anandtech I feel is worth bringing up:





    Which shows that the SGS 2 is not better or even on par with the iPhone 4S even though the SGS 2 has better spec (1.2GHz Dual Core CPU compared to iPhone's 800MHz Dual Core CPU). Remember, it's not the hardware that counts, it's the software that uses it, something which Apple are extremely good at optimising :).
  17. Cei

    Cei pew pew pew

    22 Mar 2008
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    That's pretty insane - an 800Mhz CPU running a 1.2Ghz CPU in to the ground?

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