Hi guys, been awhile since I built my last PC and it's getting a little tired. The new one has been in planning stage for aaages, but finally started building so thought I would post some pics. My last build was all scratch built, acrylic and aluminium blocks. This time I am going for something a little rounder. And use my 3D printer to best effect. The white parts are all printed, the black is 5mm acrylic and it sits on a 20mm aluminium extrusion frame. And to prove it's not just vapour ware. Frame and fixings from KJN really good cuts and they did not charge for them like a lot of places. brackets from angle aluminium. And some printed in polymakr extra strong PLA. First two parts of bodywork printed and test fit to frame. they still need some tidying up. Lower internal cover print just starting. took nearly 8 hours. Hopefully I have sized all the bits to print out on my Replicator Dual clone machine, about 250mm x 150mm x 150mm. Here is the PSU bracket. It just fitted on the print bed and the lower half, pre clean-up and still on its raft. Now I in no way promise to update on a regular basis as I am pretty much just building at the weekends and I am bad at remembering to take lots of pics but if anyone is interested I will do my best.
Looks great! Too bad not custom reservoir, that would really finish this design And apparently you can do it!
Yes I must admit I chickened out on the reservoir. But I already have the XSPC Photon Tube sat in its box. My early early plans did have a custom reservoir on the right side of the arc where the covers are but in a bid to actually get something built I settled for a combo res/pump. And I also have my Radiator also an XSPC model. And that is my trusty printer it's sitting on.
Can you 3D print a replacement collar for that D5 pump? XSPC should pair those Photons up with a nicer pump collar.
Iffy print Little update. Picture of the two parts of the PSU support backplate fitted. I printed a middle section, just under 7 hours, this isn't a fast process by any means, but something happened round the mounting holes, I think it retracted to change between main body and supports and had difficulty getting the plastic flowing again. Trying another print now with a slight re-design and some changed settings in the slicer. The old drive is just for sizing
Looks promising. Some kind of hand-operated version of the print head would be nice for screw-ups or fusing individual parts together. -Kinda like a hot glue gun.
Closest would probably be the 3Doodler http://the3doodler.com/ The other option would be to use car repair paste like Bondo and paint it afterwards. There is also an epoxy paint just come on the market that goes on and fills all the small grooves setting flat and smooth. Only available in the US I think atm though.
Ok noobie question, more a general question, how do you edit the title? I have tried all the buttons and nothing seems to let me change the very top line. ie Arc3D. I see updates appearing in other posts but for the life of me I cant find it.
some updates Here are some update pictures. I managed to kill my printer so that's put a cramp in things. A new one ordered (ummm new toys), so hopefully will pick up again soon. been slowly getting the perspex parts into shape. Power supply test fit. not the final supply. Backplane thank goodness for the power fret saw. Pretty much decided to get a Rampage V. So I need that and my water fittings before I can get much more done. Need to get all the spacings right.
New Pictures Hi Guys my updating skill is lousy, I have been slowly completing my project. There have been some changes and re-doos, I have moved across to Autodesk Fusion 360 instead of Sketchup for designing, a much better output when printed, especially on curved parts. I have water in and am just waiting on some more bits before powering up for the first time. I thought I would just drop some pictures to show where I am at. No particular order. All for now, I will try to update more often.