Didn't fully pay out last time, mind. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/bits/2015/10/21/aria-ddos-reward/1
I have a feeling the same thing may be happening to OverClockers as their entire site has mysteriously gone down today too.
I have had issues logging onto Scan over the past couple of days too. Obviously it makes a lot of sense in the current market if you have a dispute with all the independent computer retailers in the country to put them all out of business because: 1. who doesn't like getting shafted by the large e-tailers, 2. the amazing range of products at PC World should be good enough for anyone and C. the price hikes that come with the removal of competition surely benefits everyone. Mr mystery soon to be wetting your undies when the feds boot your door off its hinges L33t H4X0r: I salute you
Twats, sentencing for DDoS attacks needs to be tougher. Some people think they are "stickin it to the man" but in reality it's the average man on the street that suffers. Case in point the Ashley Madison outage, it's a disgusting site IMO but there was a lot of collateral damage to innocent people. The problem is worse because it's very easy to rent your own botnet and detection is very time consuming for Police and rarely results in anything provable. 15 Years in prison would sort them out.
Gaming servers are also constantly the victim of this sort of thing ...Fragnet was particularly hard hit over the last month-ish.
This is the way of things now, the trouble is the DDoS attacks can originate from anywhere in the world and we know a lot of hacking attempts are coming from the far east, mainly China. It's upto every country to harp onto the Chinese government and just say to them, if it continues we will ban connections from your country, not to mention imports, that will get them to do something I bet and the Chinese government won't be subtle about it either. My Hotmail account was being targeted repeatedly over the last 3 years from there continuous failed password entries to attempts to reset my security information, so I added another layer of security and they cannot reset anything now. It made me realize that this is a major thing thats coming from that part of the world and something needs to be done to stop it and needs to be done Now! Harsh sentences and seizure of all assets, to hard labour for these types would be a good start.
They didn't pay out the full £10k as the prosecution wasn't made. I hear the pair pocketed £500 each though for their efforts ...
Who exactly is going to give information? The guy leasing out the botnet? The one who's business model is probably based around not getting his customers arrested. Or the ones who are instigating the DDOS? Anyone else involved is simply a pawn in a botnet and more than likely had no idea that their computer was involved in a DDOS. Or what a DDOS is. In fact that's probably why no prosecutions happened after the raid they talk about in the forum.
The last one that was carried out was done by a single bloke with access to Chinese servers with approx. 10 000 connections at once. Aria's forums can be given a denial of service with a BT Infinity connection and a user holding down F5. Their website is more robust, but I don't think it can handle that many connections at the exact same time.
There was an article on the 'net about the 'Hack Busters,' and let us just say that one of them was of Dutch origin.
That was more of a sarcastic sort of hint, Gareth. I know he paid out £500 to two guys. Have a read of my post just above yours.
Holy necro thread Batman Someone that knows more than you is exactly the right person to pose a question to.