Used ways and means to get this for £24.56 There is no way I was ready to pay what EA were asking. As I had Origin Access it gave me 10% off the price making it what I paid. Busy downloading the trial which will let me play up to 10 hours before the game is released tomorrow. Still not sure I will like it though but I am a sucker for buying games
I had an offer for a tenner back from quidco making this around £25 (eventually) so went for it as I won't get it cheaper in the near future (I think!) Having played the Beta I think it's worth betting on a preorder which I wouldn't normally do!
Played the campaign and 3 hours or so in multiplayer. 0 crashes here and very fluid. Looks so much different from BF4 at launch...
Managed a couple of hours of multiplayer and also no crashes but a few obvious glitches now and then. I have it in my head to play like BF4 and this is getting me killed so much. The game looks nice enough but not really sure if i am going to like it. Maybe a few more hours and a few more unlocks will sort it for me
Enjoying it so far - really brings back some memories of BF1942 - except I don't run out of ammo as quickly!
anyone wanna join me on this today, not had game long so only level 2 origin user name is: neocortez2084852
Made it to level 6 today and quite impressed with the game. Like the dreadnought etc adds for an intense battle. Anyone else wanna squad up sometime with me?
its been a few days... what do you think of the game, worth the $130 price tag or wait a year for the bargain bin?
Its not a patch on old school BF games. Played it for 17hours and it still feels like COD/Console mess to me. Can be fun but it feels off to me like BF4 did and I cant get a feel for it at all.
I knew that after playing (and when I say playing I mean enduring) the beta for 4 or 5 hours. I'm still playing BF3 for crying out loud. It's the last good game in the franchise.
thanks for this post but... that's like a *double layer blue ray of info, looking forward to trying this one, looks pretty impressive. * Blu-ray Disc discs contain 25 GB per layer, with dual layer discs (50 GB) being the industry standard for feature-length video discs - clicky
The truth right there. That said I am adapting to BF1, you just can't play it in the same way as you would BF3 as its much quicker.
I don't think that's fair to say at all. BF1 has been widely lauded across the press as being a fairly great game - both have the same score on metacritic. I too prefer the slower pace of BF3, but to claim that its the last good game in the franchise as fact rather than opinion is a bit outlandish.
It's an enjoyable enough game and there's nothing really wrong with it from what I've played, but I'm struggling to really get into it and don't think I'm going to be playing this one for as long as I did BF3. Main reason being it doesn't really feel like a BF game to me, more CoD with tanks and planes (and horses) and no matter how much I try to convince myself it isn't I can't shake that feeling.
Yes and everyone knows BF2 and 2142 were leagues above BF3. Hell i'd be tempted to say BC2 (Yes Bad Company 2!) was better than BF3! Back on topic though, enjoying BF1 more after putting in a few hours. The maps are lovely and my only complaint would be some games feel a bit one sided, but the best games are the close one!