I know it's far too late now, but if you paint your foam with latex house paint, it'll stop the resin from attaching itself to your plug. HTH. Another thing to try is Duratec Surfacing Primer. It'll build up to 1mm (actually higher, but that's the max 'recommended'), and will sand to a very high gloss. Resin won't attack it, you can polish it, wax it, and then take a perfect mold from it.
Yes, it is too late for this project, but you gave me some really useful advice for the future, I'm might use it for replicating KN3s shell. thnax for that! Thank you jeff!
I've just installed top perspex panel... it's basically just a one piece . When I was designing BETA I didn't want any screw or bolts on the surface, so this top part just slides in place from the side and it's kept in place by it's own tension. I really like it edit: perspex is not clear, its a light dark tint and you can also see one of the sata cables. I wanted cabling green to make it a bit more interesting inside and create one extra contrast
Hey, subbed. Quick question: Will you do anything to cover the gap between the side panels and the mobo tray on the back?
Patience marcos! I will take some more soon !!! Thanx again john. You mean between the top and side panels... I could make the top perspex bit larger and cover whole top of the case, but as there is just one single intake fan and its a positive pressure system I left a pretty large gaps between the panels for air to get out...
this project is so inspiring.. im having some serious modders block to the point i cant even bring myself to raise a tool to anything... i have even cancelled customer orders etc that i have had.. i love every aspect of this build, i applaud you on the design and execution of the side cowels.. i love playing with foam to shape things.. mostly using carbon fibre but this really makes me want to build again.. the only thing if possible that maybe i could add would be your choice of foam, the blue foam that you used i think was polystyrene that gets dissolved by the styrene in the resin so requires all that prepping with filler etc.. plus the density of the blue foam is low so will make it harder to get a super smooth finish. use polyurethane foam next time, easier to cut, can be resined directly onto, can be left inside for structural applications and can be most readily found in the construction industry as loft insulation foam. Its yellow in colour and cheap too! http://www.wickes.co.uk/celotex-cavity-wall-board/invt/190546/ wickes sell it as celotex, i have used it many times and its great stuff and can be made super smooth. again thanks again for the inspiration.. hopefully soon i can get back into making things again..
No, actually I DID mean between the back panel and the side panels, as seen in the back of this shot: http://forums.bit-tech.net/picture.php?albumid=944&pictureid=17116 But, when taking a closer look at the later pictures, I do believe that you have covered those gaps with something?
Thank you for you kind words and advice... that blue stuff is styrofoam, which is actually polystyrene just extruded, its much harder. but has it's disadvantages you mantioned. I will try polyurethane as you recommend, text time... thanx again Thanx man I will post final pics, without components, just now. I will see if I'll manage to actually build a system for it later on... if so I will of course update it oh, I see, sorry I didn't get you. I've put some parts in there, just to optically fill that empty space, but gaps are still there. Both the top and the back of the case are quiet opened, but that's how I like it
This is AMAZING!!!!!! Cant believe how you came up with this top design man! This is unbelievable I really really love it!!! Now we want pics with hardware installed pls!!!
Love the end result mate! Excellent work! My only complaint would be that the dvd drive isnt "masked". Other than that, fantastic build, good luck with your next project K3N.