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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    I don't think you really need to learn a melee champion to be good on the top. Learn one of Kennen or Vlad as your AP pick for top, and then you can pick up Yorick as an AD alternative.

    I love playing Lux, but don't play her as much as I probably should, I have a lot of other AP champs I've been rotating through and usually someone else I'm queuing with wants to go mid. Her passive is just so strong early game that you can out trade most champions, and the ability to pick up snipe kills in the side lanes is just awesome!

    As for supporting, do what Kyle said and play an aggressive support and feed your carry kills on a platter. I'd push forward blitz and Alistar on top of the ones he mentioned, as both are really fun to play and practically beg your carry to get kills when played right. Janna is always worth a mention as well, she is a more conventional support, but is quite involved in fights and has one of the highest (if not THE highest) win ratios in ranked games.
  2. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    I am on EUW, 'Leejs' is my summoners name. Feel free to add me and we can feed the other team together (jokes)!

    Level 30, but I have to admit I got to 30 mostly by playing bot games! I tried a few normals early on and it really put me off - didn't really like dragging other people down and definitely not the abuse I got for doing so. Thing I came to realise is that its only normal queue and people need to not take it so seriously.

    I actually quite like Soraka, shes a bit OP except the fact that she can't really contribute much pew pew. Global ult is nice for aiding other people whilst away from the action.

    I'm planning on buying Blitz after Kennen actually. Alistar I do have (courtesty of Riots Youtube channel). I'll see how that goes after I've saved up...
  3. SamL

    SamL What's a Dremel?

    27 May 2009
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    Only just discovered this thread! I've been playing for a good few months now, great game. There's me and about 7 other mates that play, any of you guys on EUW server? PM me your usernames!
  4. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Just post usernames.
    BentAnat is me, on EUW.
    I am presently level 21, and very very very rusty. Also - I mainly play on weekends, mostly early in the mornings. I ahven't been playing in over a year, and only got back into it last weekend.

    That ebing said, I used to play a decent Mordekaiser and Ashe.
    Nowadays I am not so great at Morde, and much MUCH better at Ashe and Caitlyn, thanks largely to the community on THIS board, rather than anywhere else.
    I do own a Sion and a Fiddlesticks, as well as a couple of other champs whom I picked up somewhere and never really played (like a Gangplank)
  5. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    NefariousNipple - on the NA servers. When we started playing the NA servers were usually a week or so ahead of the EU servers in terms of patching, and there was always a ridiculous queue to get on to the EU server, plus a couple of our friends are US based. Can't say I've really noticed any problems playing with a ping ~ 150ms.

    Leejs: You should be focusing damage over attack speed on Graves. Get the BF sword> IE/BT before grabbing the zeal/PD. Also, you should get flat AD marks and Quints instead of the armour pen ones you are using, they will help you out in the laning phase far more as you'll be able to last hit much easier, and then get a Last whisper/Black Cleaver later on if there are a couple of guys stacking armour. Also I'd recommend MR per level glyphs over flat ones, because by the time you run into the enemy caster (around 10 mins into the game) you'll be benefitting more from the per-lvl ones than the flats.
    Last edited: 21 Jun 2012
    Ljs likes this.
  6. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    I understand where you are coming from but I think its down to preference. Zeal is cheap and offers a variety of stats including movement speed which invaluable should you try and get ganked. I did usually build BF sword and then IE/BT first, but items are situational and it really depends how its all going.

    Also, the guys who initally got me into LoL are considerably better then me (1600-1800 ELO) and watching them AD carry, thye also do this.

    Yeah, I agree. I read a few guides and the endless debate about ArP vs AD glyphs but bought my glyphs pretty early (I saved up as soon as I could use them for a few sets). If I were to buy them again, I would definitely pick AD glyphs. The way I see it is that glyphs are for early level advantage and items are for late level. The MR glyphs are just recycled from another glyph page to save buying more!

    As you know, glyphs & quints add up to a lot of IP - Buying new ones is a ballache when I want to save up for new champions to keep the game fresh and my attention. Also, I have no health glyphs which is an issue playing tanking support (Ali, Leona et al) and they are UBER expensive! It makes me wince when I see the price of those.

    Cheers for the advice though, appreciate it and will take it all into consideration.
    Last edited: 21 Jun 2012
  7. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    Each to their own. I think with Graves specifically, Quickdraw should be all you need if your support is warding sufficiently, and flash if you're desperate. I just feel that the major damage output from graves is buckshot, and this isn't helped by zeal at all.

    With supports, I roll with gp10 quints and seals. Wards all over the world!

    I completely agree with the pain of getting the runes you need, but in some ways it is good because people will need to have played significant amount of games to get the IP needed to have runes needed to play different roles, rather than just throwing money at it with RP.
  8. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    I think there lies the problem! At my level, people don't really roll support so who ever last picked or w/e ends up in bot lane, stealing the AD carrys farm and not warding.

    You are of course right though, BF sword would be better for buckshot. I dunno, I just go with whatever I feel I need at the time.

    Almost have enough IP for Kennen, and then to either start saving 3150 for Blitz or 3075 for AD quints... Gotta love a grind!
  9. Kylevdm

    Kylevdm The Mod Zoo Podcast Host

    4 Oct 2007
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    I will read the soraka global as getting assists in fights in other lanes :p Or that is what I do anyway. The likes of Soraka normally do not do any real damage unless you build shed loads of AP. So I normally just build loads of aura items and wards lots and lots of wards!

    Ok, will give you an add tonight. Can see what happens, Blitz is broken as support if you are playing bot lane with Graves! Also is great for early invades on Blue and Red as you can just pull the lizard through the walls :)

    I stopped play AD carry lots just before the nerfed graves, but my build was normally.

    Boots + 3 health pots
    Back at 1050 for 2 dorans blades
    Lvl 2 boots (of choice really)
    Blood Thirster
    Infinity Edge
    Frozen Hammer
  10. SamL

    SamL What's a Dremel?

    27 May 2009
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    just sausage is my name on EUW

    There's a story behind my name, I promise... and it's not of the homosexual nature either
  11. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    This weekend I remembered WHY i originally stopped playing.
    Good lord the community can be annoying and arrogant.
    So in the team:
    Karthus, playing mid
    Shaco, Jungling
    Warwick, wanting to go Solo top
    AP Teemo, wanting to go solo top
    Caitlyn (me) being a bit unsure of my skills yet, I would like to go Bottom with someone.

    Shaco plays well. Does what a jungler is supposed to, pops in and out, and kills people effectively.
    Warwick spends more time in the jungle than in top lane.
    Teemo (bullied into playing bot since he's a mate of mine) does nothing but spam shrooms.. mostly in the jungle
    Karthus holds mid very very well, and even gets some nice finighing kills in with his R.

    My build is
    Doran's Blade
    Inf Edge
    Bloodthirster for added damages

    Teemo keeps pulling their Ashe (lane Ashe... strange), and keeps getting me crit'ed. Partially my fault, though. If only he didn't pull the Jax with the Ashe, that'd be ok.
    So sooner, rather than later, I am 2 levels down, since I have to B... quite a bit.
    Then I go help in mid for a second, Teemo doesn't manage to "deflect the pull" and dies. Twice. I then decide to push top a bit, since WW is in the damn jungle, stealing XP from our Shaco. I thought he wanted Solo top...

    Later in the game, Karth an myself (Still, inevitably being -2 relative to the rest of the team) try to hold mid, while shaco helps where he can and the other two seem to be too busy jacking off with mushrooms or solo-top to realise that we're constantly being killed by a fed Naut (that's WW's fault) or falling back.

    After raging for a while, it all comes together and the game ended in a victory thanks to Karth and me rushing for their nexus as the other three finally come together and defend our last nexus turret.

    That game made me SO angry that I left the lobby afetr the game and decided to do the dishes rather.
    My mate (who played Teemo) then texts me half an hour later, saying the other team was still raging until then about my Ulti, Karthus being fed and Shaco being OP.
    But sinc I was PO'ed with him I ignored him.

    I guess i'll go back to Solo cueing for a while, until I meet some players on my skill level that want to win and spend time strategising rather than flaming each other again...

    On an up-note, I palyed a solo-queue game as Morde, and was 0-3-1 by level 8. Not great. So just as our (well played) Yi, who is 6-2-1 at that time goes "I report Morde - he sucks", it all comes together when I manage to R the other team's Xin in a team fight. 90 seconds later, I am 5-3-1, and our Yi goes "...Maybe I will not..."
    It had me chuckling, and being quite chuffed at myself.
    In short, I realised again that Morde is an off-tank at best, that's nothing without his abilites. When the R comes in and works, he becomes one of the tide-turners, and 5 champ kills feed him nicely.
  12. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    So after trying my hand at Caitlyn, and realising that somewhere between my ping (~250-300ms said to get better in the next 60 days sometime), and my clear lack of skill, I am not great with her. I get ganked a LOT, and I need the right people to play with. Maybe I just need some more time with the game. Who knows.

    So I went and started playing teh-ultimate-n00b-champ: Teemo.
    Right now (4 or 5 games ith the little fellow), I am all positive K/D/A ratios, so I am pretty chuffed. I found that I like playing him with with Doran's Blade, Boots, Malady, Nashor's, Bloodthirster, then Mallet (if the game goes on, though suggestion seems to be to push for Phage early), then bloodrazor.
    I'm not entirely set there yet, and I have explored a bit.
    I lvoe the mix of AD/AP on teemo, and I love the escape mecahnic in his W and Ghost, especially combined with shrooms. It stops chases dead.

    I also love the fact that with some AS and AP, he can be surprised by a average Twitch and kill the rat (had that happen to me once: Twitch appears and goes "Surprise", starts his nuke-run. I hit Q, W, GTFO. Twitch gives chase, hits a shroom, I turn around, Auto Attack, ignite, Q, auto attach, dead. I simply responded to his greeting with "Surprise back atcha" ).

    This weekend had good games in it, with my first twitch game going somethnig like 15/7/12 or something, which is a personal best. :)
  13. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Two Words:

    Pulsefire Ezreal.

  14. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    Hah, yeah.

    I don't own him, but I've always liked Ez and enjoy playing him when hes free. The Pulsefire skin for him is perhaps the best skin they have ever made, it is amazing.

    My friends have told me to pick a champ and play it until I know it inside out, against everyone. I've chosen Kennen as then at least I can have a bit of versitility and have more chance of getting a position instead of just instalocking (which I would have to do if I picked other champs).

    Hes actually amazing fun but quite squishy against a lot of top laners (Irelia and Jax are nasty if the player is 1/2 competent). I haven't been playing normals all that much as its a bit of a commitment considering games can go on up to an hour. Played one with my friends and was Vs a 1500+ elo Pantheon which was interesting. He bullied me in lane and my farm was pretty low, but our other lanes dominated so we won pretty easily.
  15. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Kennen's actually a really strong pick at the moment and is known to stomp pretty much anyone that's not Riven (and even then, it's a toss up in terms of competence and coutnering).

    Irelia's unfortunately pretty weak right now, especially in the early game (and the nerf to her sustain) and you need to rely on constantly wearing her down which Kennen excels at with the use of Energy.

    Last hit until you have a Shuriken Proc thing (the one that pops a Mark of the Storm on the enemy) and hit them with it into an instant Electrical Surge. Keep throwing Shurikens (Q) at them and go into Electrical Surge. If they get aggressive, pop your Lightning Rush, tag them once with it, throw a Q whilst retreating and Electrical Surge again.

    His harass is pretty insane and as long as your runes and masteries don't make him too squishy, he can boss everyone around in top lane.
  16. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Kennen is a mean harass. Always has been, pretty much.
    It's one of the few champs that I'd be tempted to play in mid or solotop all the time. His Harass is probably one of the best in game, even against multiples.

    Not convinced of him as a champ killer, but his lane control isd efinitely up there, and with the harass against multiple opponentst, he is good at out-levelling opponents.
  17. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    So after some more playing, I am starting to learn a thing or two (I hope... would be about time).

    1) Ahri is damned dangerous. IMHO her Blind-ball needs to get nerfed a bit...
    2) Teemo AD is ok at best. When AP comes together, he's a mean nuke.
    3) New champ I have only seen played once, and he got raped. A lot.
    4) It is possible to play a bad Ez. For that matter, every time I have so far seen Pulsefire Ez, he was merely OK at best.
    5) A good jungler is one that helps ganks. A Bad jungler might as well not exist (I had a Jax-jungle on my team in one game that was supposed to play in bottom lane with me. By the time my teemo was hitting level 9, he was level 6 and killing Golems rather than helping me get rid of Malphite).
    6) Teemo needs teamplay. When played in AP especially, he can be super valuable (teamfight, spread poison, Kill the Carry, then spread 1000-damage shrooms around the escape routes - even 5 minutes later, he can be dead and still score kills)

    My teemo build (so far, and adaptable):
    Amp. Tome + HP --> Kage's Lucky Pick
    Boots (into mostly Sorc. Shoes)
    Pick->Deathfire grasp (for extra nuke, and to cut tanks down in size a bit)
    Lich Bane (never got this early enough to check something, so maybe someone can shed some light here: does Lich bane Stack with Teemo's always-on E?)
  18. Kylevdm

    Kylevdm The Mod Zoo Podcast Host

    4 Oct 2007
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    1) Ahri is damned dangerous. IMHO her Blind-ball needs to get nerfed a bit...
    -The problem with Ahri is that she has not guaranteed damage, it is all skill shots. Only no skill shot is firefox which is ok but does not doe enough damage on its own.

    2) Teemo AD is ok at best. When AP comes together, he's a mean nuke.
    -AP Teemo is awesome as a support MUSHROOMS EVERYWHERE!

    3) New champ I have only seen played once, and he got raped. A lot.
    Jayce is a very different champ to what most people have played... willl take some time.

    4) It is possible to play a bad Ez. For that matter, every time I have so far seen Pulsefire Ez, he was merely OK at best.
    -Ez is alright if played AD, I have been banning him in draft just so I do not have to see pulsefire!

    5) A good jungler is one that helps ganks. A Bad jungler might as well not exist (I had a Jax-jungle on my team in one game that was supposed to play in bottom lane with me. By the time my teemo was hitting level 9, he was level 6 and killing Golems rather than helping me get rid of Malphite).
    -Jungling is not something that normally occures at level 20~ runes help a lot! However, you are right! I do not like jungling if I do not have at least one lane on skype with me, miscoordinated ganks can be the turning point in games!

    6) Teemo needs teamplay. When played in AP especially, he can be super valuable (teamfight, spread poison, Kill the Carry, then spread 1000-damage shrooms around the escape routes - even 5 minutes later, he can be dead and still score kills)
    -His shrooms are the only useful thing he has!

    My teemo build (so far, and adaptable):
    Amp. Tome + HP --> Kage's Lucky Pick
    Boots (into mostly Sorc. Shoes)
    Pick->Deathfire grasp (for extra nuke, and to cut tanks down in size a bit)
    Lich Bane (never got this early enough to check something, so maybe someone can shed some light here: does Lich bane Stack with Teemo's always-on E?)

    -Unsure on this, think it only works with other ablities... not always on.
  19. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Teemo is a bit second-tier, perhaps, but I actually disagree on the shrooms are his only useful bit...
    He's easy enough to counter in general: Squishy with loads of MD and some AD. That means focus his ass down, and pack some MR to avoid that nasty poison.

    The one issue he has is that he's almost exclusively played hybrid/AD, which makes his shrooms mediocre stuns, and his damages output second-rate. ESPECIALLY since that build normally goes AD heavy (at least the ones I see): Doran's Blade (MAYBE shield), AS Boots, Malady, Bloodthirster.
    He's a REALLY second grade AD champ, and has nothing that pumps up on AD.
    AP is harder to play and makes him more counterable, but that's where his support comes in. He should ALWAYS be played (like most champs) to support the team, and in terms of versatility, he's hard to rival.
    If your team playes heavy AD, play him MD, etc.

    His strength is (IMHO) the versatility and the ability to get perfect positioning on the opposing carry (much like Twitch), as well as the ability to nuke and GTFO (thanks, shrooms), as well as zoning.
    He's a pure support, but the amount of times that I have seen enemy champs run into a Teemo and bail too late (thinking he's AD, when he's AP), thus dying from that nasty poison is bordering on ridiculous.

    I partially agree with you, Kyle... but I do believe that people put teemo in the wrong class because he's so easy to play "OK", and so few people play him well. (note: I wouldn't dare imply that I do, but clearly, AP is catching people off guard when/where I play).

    My next champ (but that wills till take a while - I have made the decision to NOT get another champ until i have played at least 20 wins with Teemo) will likely be Kennen..

    Side note: I have noticed that Skillshot champs are harder to play with lag than without, though.
    My ping is normally around 250ms, and while it's rumored to drop soon (as soon as London gets around to our Telecom's routing crapola), I'll believe it when I see it... for skillshots, 250ms makes a difference, though... just like it does for avoiding Lux's ulti.
  20. Krazzi

    Krazzi What's a Dremel?

    8 Jul 2012
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