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Case Mod - In Progress Bit-tech Modding Update - July 2015 in association with Corsair

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Combatus, 30 Jul 2015.


What are your favourite projects this month?

Poll closed 23 Aug 2015.
  1. FIORE by Ironknocker

    10 vote(s)
  2. Prodigy RMK-02 by LiljHoN_05

    3 vote(s)

    7 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Combatus

    Combatus Bit-tech Modding + hardware reviews Lover of bit-tech Super Moderator

    16 Feb 2009
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  2. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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  3. Combatus

    Combatus Bit-tech Modding + hardware reviews Lover of bit-tech Super Moderator

    16 Feb 2009
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    Waynio - dude chill ;) I had to speed through this month as we have some big hardware launches next week that I'm working on so aside from only doing three projects instead of the usual four, I wasn't able to include everyone that had finished/submitted as well. I'm sure we can slot you in next month and do please keep submitting them!
  4. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    :lol: Sorry Ant, will do. :D

    It's OK skip me on the next update, surprise was ruined by myself. :D

    But do all submitted projects go into the case mod & scratch build index or is it only when they are featured in the monthly roundup?.
  5. Ironknocker

    Ironknocker Minimodder

    4 May 2014
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    Thx for the nomination
  6. Ironknocker

    Ironknocker Minimodder

    4 May 2014
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    Thank you for your votes. It is an honor to have won here
  7. arg-ist

    arg-ist Minimodder

    21 Dec 2013
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    Criticism to Abbas is beyond me.Bu most of his cases at last time is, models or adorned cases not realy PC Cases.

    The same samples we can see at Casemodding-Meisterschaft s in Germany.

    At last years we see as mooding PC cases ,which are adorned ,not modified.









    The modification is not, to add a mass ornaments to the case.

    Added things to the pc must have a relationship with PC. It is a must.

    I dont like PC cases like this


  8. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    Looks like a giant candy bar on wheels. :hehe:
  9. Mosquito

    Mosquito Just 'Plane' Crazy

    24 Mar 2011
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    If it didn't come on the case from the factory, it's modding the original case. Lighten up and let's allow anyone to have some fun how they like, no?:duh:
    mnpctech likes this.
  10. Ironknocker

    Ironknocker Minimodder

    4 May 2014
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    @ arg ist: what's Casemodding for you.

    Parts from cnc mill. Thats putting parts together and no modding.

    I have do a lot of parts and Modifikation. You only have to watch the worklog
    mnpctech likes this.
  11. arg-ist

    arg-ist Minimodder

    21 Dec 2013
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    New guy forGermany(with your identification).

    Tell me, why you are angry with my critic. I have nothing to say about your mods.

    But ı said , most of mods from Casemodding-Meisterschaft s in Germany are modding,
    not case modding.(PC CASE of course)

    You say “ You only have to watch the worklog “

    yes I must learn alot of things from you about case modding…

    And you say “ I have do a lot of parts and Modifikation. “

    I have nothing to say about my mods.. I do not like to talk about myself.
    Becouse you say in Germany “ E….. nennen sich zuerst “

    You ask “@ arg ist: what's Casemodding for you. “

    For example A recent worklog.This is a good worklog for me


    But not this. What is the theme of this case
    probably died of waiting internet…

  12. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    @ arg-ist
    for me critic means a different way of seeing things, i can accept that. destructive useless and non constructive comments dont get anyone anywhere. you seem to think you have found the ultimate philosophie and the holy grail of modding and want to redefine what we have all been doing for years. if you are such a massive bunch of skills and have such a vast knowledge of case modding and modding in a whole, which is by the way modifying hardware and electronics, whether with a case as a base, or without, then do let us thousands of ignorant would be modders share your unendless infinite knowledge of this material.
    once again, seeing as critic is a simple way of saying you dont agree, well then i must criticise your words and say, you are way off track here. if you really think slapping a few industrial made parts together which already shine and haev a certain well finished form is modding then you seem to like taking the easy way home. you probably prefer that and call it modding, but thats making things much too simple. making something that already looks good, look euqally good or better, is easy. you dont seem to know much about what we do, do you. if you think slapping a new mainboard and ram and cpu and grakas in a new case is modding then you are way way off course and this is not the right forum for you. like i said, making something new and formed and shiny and handsome to look better is easy. we are also inventors, we make and invent and innovatively change and remake parts, do you, you seem to like to buy, but hey they are all ready made and look good
    being able to plug modular parts into eachother and installing an os does certainly not make you a modder. it just makes you another brick in the wall of mainstream computer users.
    so next time you offer us your criticism, maybe you should make sure you know what you are talking about, other wise,,,,,, well you know the answer to that dont you.:naughty:

    another thing is you said something about adornation. now if i understood you right then you mean supplements to make it more attractive. well mate you actually hit the nail on the head there. yep you got it, because thats what modding is all about. with or without function. the truth is, we all need a functional pc but we dont need leds, or that they change color or that the water cooling liquid has color or thats it has a side windows or, or, or,,, but hey thats what this art is all about. we call it modding, and we have scratch build and case which we modify. for petes sake find your self another forum to express your aversion against what you dont understand or cant make yourself if you cant , wont and dont accept that, because this is certainly what we do, have done and always do. ITS CALLED MODDING, OK???
    Last edited: 3 Sep 2015

    B NEGATIVE All Hail Kim Jong Magoo!

    8 Aug 2011
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  14. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    Quality post Abbas. :clap:
  15. Maki role

    Maki role Dale you're on a roll... Lover of bit-tech

    9 Jan 2012
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    Other points aside, this sentiment actually annoys me to the ends of the earth.

    It's as if people don't consider creating something using a CNC skill. Don't even try to say that it's the machine doing all the work. I was with the Parvum boys today trying to fix up a file to get it machined, it's not easy, and that's with buckets of experience and a fantastic machine.

    To boot, I poured over 100 hours of my time into that build only to have some people say the work I've done means nothing because I haven't constructed it with my bloody fingers.

    This following bit is directed at the "discussion" above.

    I have very strong opinions about what I like and don't like, but I do try to keep them to myself for the most part. It would be nice if other modders could do the same. There's nothing saying that we have to like everything made by everybody else, but it's wrong to just rubbish somebody else's effort just because you don't like it.

    Personally I hate the 2002 transformer look or the "I've added way too many details and now it looks tacky" look, but equally I know many people hate my projects too. They call them soulless and clinical, but I can live with that as it's personal preference.

    The key to success is partially just knowing when to shut up and not comment.
  16. Ironknocker

    Ironknocker Minimodder

    4 May 2014
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    @ Arg ist: "The modification is not, to add a mass ornaments to the case" I thought you meant my mod ;-)

    @ Maki role:
    I have produce even cooler with a CNC milling machine and 3D Printed Parts.
    For large quantities, the course makes sense.
    Or when the parts are to be finished almost impossible by hand and therefore still need to earn money with it.
    Here in the company i work we also have many parts milling.

    That which does not even meant.

    But for a square plate with a couple of holes and 120 mm holes for fan needs no CNC.

    Because I miss then a little manual labor.

    Since then, unfortunately, pass away is often days and weeks where waiting for parts.

    I think that's a shame because you certainly would have a lot of it is manufactured in time and with simple tools.

    I think it's always nice when you go out of the shop in the evening and see what you can create with your hands
    Last edited: 4 Sep 2015
  17. Paladin | Patrick

    Paladin | Patrick LiveModder

    6 Jul 2010
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    Funny, it will only get dressed criticized the Cases in Germany, as examples but are almost exclusively Casecons (Scratch build) listet (Post 7). I wonder why? ;)
    Last edited: 4 Sep 2015
  18. arg-ist

    arg-ist Minimodder

    21 Dec 2013
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    Is this a good Case modding for you Abbas


    I follow with pleasure most of the things you do. But most them only as modding. Not as case modding. Expecially at last times.

    For example ;
    if ı do a good architectural model and put a PC in this ,
    will it be a good CASE MODDING for you..

    If ı do a car model and put a PC in this,
    will it be a good CASE MODDING for you..

    If ı do a good ship model and put PC in this,
    will it be a good CASE MODDING for you..

    NOT for me they are only good models for me .

    A PC Case must look like as a PC CASE…

    decorative arts should not exceed to the forefront.

    DCMM looks like mostly fine arts and crafts exhibition at last years.
    Not as Case Modding Meisterschat.

    Most of case modding idols
    And you are very accustomed to applause

    İf we make :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

    You are happy :):):):):)

    But not acccustomed to critic
    You say :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

    you must purchase…

    Please make good CASE MODs, not good models…not dressed cases…
    If we want dressed cases we can go to TAILOR , not to Abbas...

    I know you can do it Abbas.

    I might mention more to you in my language, but not in english.
    This is the last sentence for me. arg-ist
  19. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    Show me your work. Then we will hard talk. Am out at the moment but will certainly comment again whrn i have my laptop insteadvof cellphone. Till tjen all i cam say us you seem to have some type of inferiority complex and also dont realise that case modderscalso build scratch builds. You are actually in the wrong forum and are insulting almost every modder here.
    Prove you know and can build better before you criticise the sheer philosophie of bittech. Everything else is merely complexed complaining about something you r not capable of. Pretty pitifull.
  20. l3p

    l3p www.^.nl

    1 Nov 2010
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    The whole machined, sponsored, casemod/scratch thing is getting boring.

    I wish people could just leave each other alone and let them do whatever they want to do. :sigh:

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