I am visitor of your web for a lot and I have been impressed with some mod's. Hello, I present myself in this forum showing my second mod. You don't wait great thing since I am 14 years old and with the studies I don't have time to be devoted it. http://img176.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img176&image=graficaact17nl.jpg The mod is not still ended. Forgive my English, I am Spanish and I am using a translator. Thank you for your attention. A greeting.
Are you kidding me?! That a great mod, don't be so shy! I'd want some daylight pictures of your mod. Nice job!
Thank you. When I can you I put pictures of the mod by day and maybe with the source of as amended feeding. I am awaiting receiving 3 neons more UV.
I like all those colors, I think it looks more interesting and playfull than one color theme. More lights?! Wow I hope you have a bright monitor
The measures of the mod are 50cm of height, 50cm of wide and 50cm of high. The last two comments have not understood them, the translator doesn't translate it to me.