Hi, the bluetoothspeaker V2 is based on the bluetoothspeaker V1. This speaker is smaller, but the frequency is similar. ~40hz. In this project I choosed a 2 way speaker with 3” woofer and an AMT + 3” Subwoofer and 1pc. 4” passiveradiator. Volume: 4l. So, much smaller than the version 2. Battery, amp and DSP is exactly the same. The speaker is based on the CT298. I implemented just the subwoofer. That’s it. Ahaeffects coming through in the first minutes of soundcheck. DSP almost not necessary. I never expect that performance of this small Speakers even the simulation called it. It was my first time that I worked with a DSP and I will never miss that. I plan a Bluetoothspeaker V3 already as a partybox with much more level and lower frequencies with a bigger battery. But lets check the pix of the version 1. J Pix: Gradient CR080 Dayton AMT Mini 3“ Subwoofer Tangband W3-1867S 4” Passivradiator: DSP: BMS: Amp: Battery: Lets go: Lets have fun J https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QdzbhUeE80&t=1s