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Gaming Call of Duty 4 hands-on preview

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Tim S, 20 Oct 2007.

  1. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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  2. UncertainGod

    UncertainGod Minimodder

    18 Oct 2007
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    C.O.D 2 might be widely regarded as the best in the series, but for me there is nothing better than holding the bridge in the original while that music builds. Never had such an emotional attachment to a gaming moment as that..... unless you count my deep love of the Portal credits.
  3. Solidus

    Solidus Superhuman

    26 Dec 2005
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    Cant wait for this game, im more concerned about the multiplayer however rather than the single player. I'd love to know how that is like, are there specific classes like medic, assault, special ops? their abilitys? tanks and aircraft, how do they play?

    Im an avid multiplayer gamer, i buy games that are all about team play because it offers better value and longetivity in play for games, id really REALLY like to know what its like!

    I sit here waiting for more info on that :)
  4. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Unfortunately, I've got no info on the multiplayer other than what I've read off wikipedia and a few scraps off Joystiq etc. Our hands on was singleplayer only and I missed the public beta.
  5. Yemerich

    Yemerich I can has PERSUADETRON?

    15 Sep 2004
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    I still LOVE this site, but i really miss the modding pros...

    The last time I saw a featured mod was "Nakamura" by Greensabath in april 9
  6. Solidus

    Solidus Superhuman

    26 Dec 2005
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    No probs cardjoe! just thought id tell you what i lookout for in games, the multiplayer is what attracts me, im in love with teamplay games, battlefield 2142 is my current fave but i need something new - im hoping this could be it or team fortress 2.

    Hopefully we will findout what mplayer is like soon :)

    nice preview!
  7. DougEdey

    DougEdey I pwn all your storage

    5 Jul 2005
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    There are classes and customisable classes.

    Each weapon has powerups, with different sights, 2ndary fire and camo.

    You can have 3 powerups for yourself, such as stopping power, health boost, speed, don't show up on UAV. you can have 3 at a time and some cancel each other out.

    There were no controllable vehicles in the 360 multiplayer beta.

    You unlock things on killing streaks:
    3 kills UAV
    5 airstrike (or 7)
    7 or 10 gives you the helicopter which kills on your behalf and can be shot down by RPGs or missile launchers.

    Each weapon addon unlock comes from using the weapon more, headshots, kill streaks, overall kills, accuracy etc.. unlock the bonuses and give awards.

    Some unlocks come from gaining exp and getting promoted.

    You get to choose your own choices of grenade (limited to one type at a time)

    each of the custom classes are savable.
  8. Solidus

    Solidus Superhuman

    26 Dec 2005
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    Sounds decent, hope it works well ingame!
  9. Jipa

    Jipa Avoiding the "I guess.." since 2004

    5 Feb 2004
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    It seems like this preview is writed solely based on the single demo-mission that took like 6 minutes to run through... Frankly I don't give a **** about the singleplayer, running through a pipe fragging vast amounts of mindless bots just doesn't give me anything. Thus I tend to compare the multiplayers and in this category CoD2 only has better graphics compared to the multiplayer of CoD:UO. It's a shame that great game has so few players these days, because I'd rather play it than CoD2 or any other FPS multiplayer I've tried so far. Vehicles, built-in sprint, no shotguns (THAT BUG), no climbing over walls (THAT BUGS), satchel charges.. Basically it has everything built-in that CoD2 only has as glued-on mods.

    That's the end of my rant, sayin CoD2 as the widely regarded best in the series just set me off.
  10. Cupboard

    Cupboard I'm not a modder.

    30 Jan 2007
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    Nice review, but strange titles!
    that was in COD2...
    And this is being released on the DS? What a joke!
  11. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Well, you have to allow for different tastes I suppose. To me, COD has always been about the singleplayer, though if I'd had chance to do a multiplayer preview I would have leapt at it too obviously. However, given that the multiplayer beta was public, it seemed like a singleplayer preview would have given folks more info. I got to play the game at the microsoft hardware event a fortnight or so ago and that's where I pulled most of the info for my preview from, though I did also play through the demo through a few times to get a feel for the PC version. It certainly wasn't based only on the very, very short singleplayer demo.
  12. Nature

    Nature Minimodder

    21 Nov 2005
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    (Inaudible mumbling)
  13. Guest-17499

    Guest-17499 Guest

    ut3 > cod4
  14. DarkLord7854

    DarkLord7854 What's a Dremel?

    22 Jun 2005
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    I wish they have co-op thrown in there but I won't get my hopes up..

    The demo was lots of fun, CoD2 in my book wasn't as great as CoD & UO, it felt like they did a little slump, specially when cutting out MP rankings, removing sprinting and stuff. It was fun.. but could have been better.. CoD4 on the other hand I was skeptical about, but now it's a buttload of fun and pre-ordered :p
  15. Solidus

    Solidus Superhuman

    26 Dec 2005
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    LOL what are you smoking? UT3 has been and seems like it will always be the same recycled BS its always been with prettier graphics each time - thats it.

    Run around like a mad man shooting and jumping at everything - that borders more on luck than skill.
  16. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    You my friend, are ignorant.

    I rarely go out and call people I don't know noobs, but when they talk about ut as being all about random rockets and ****, I get mad. UT requires a lot of more technique than most of the other games. Of course if you only play beginers, you will not have much else to do than spam them rocket but try and go play an advanced player and you will see just how wrong you are.

    It is your comment and your view of the game that is complete BS , not the UT games

    EDIT: removed the useless comment
    Last edited: 21 Oct 2007
  17. Tulatin

    Tulatin The Froggy Poster

    16 Oct 2003
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    UT, technique? It requires you, a bunnyhopping asshole to be able to track another bunnyhopping asshole, and blow them away.
  18. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    You have no idea what you're talking about. How can you even say something like this if you have never competed to a level higher than a demo server full of bots and first time players ?

    It's as if I was saying that all it takes to kill someone at cs1.6 is to fire randomly through walls and flash every corner to blind people. The more you say comment on something you don't know, the more stupid you look
  19. Solidus

    Solidus Superhuman

    26 Dec 2005
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    Read below
    Last edited: 21 Oct 2007
  20. Solidus

    Solidus Superhuman

    26 Dec 2005
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    Im actually pretty good at FPS games, im quite handy at Battlefield 2142 and usually top 5 of every round, occasionally top 3 on the server which isnt bad considering im simply a casual gamer, not even hardcore. Heres my profile for my charector named Mephestic: http://www.battlefield.ea.com/battl...aspx?Lang=us&PID=81372206&SrchName=&Profiles=
    UT is a load of ****, it has been for a while, when your jumping around like a bunnyhopping idiot and simply firing like mad - sure there is a level of skill and reaction in it but the sheer amount of jumping and running around you do, it opens the game up to a lucky shot here and there.
    Im not a beginner with FPS games, i have about 2000more kills than deaths, over a hundred badges in coming top 3 on servers which include bronze, silver and gold in bf2142 so im quite caperble considering i play for fun, just take a look at my profile.

    UT is ****, it has been for a longtime. Now im not saying proffesional gamers like Fatality are crap, they have perfected the bunnyhopping down to an art form but the game itself is a glorified graphic fukfest which is stuck on the fast forward button, whats so good about it? playability? how so? battlefield 2142 isnt amazing but its a great game as it offers some sort of comprehensive playability, you can understand its level of realism, players dont run around that fast, they cant jump high and need cover and when you compare that to UT where players run around in the open jumping around like rabbits shooting everything hoping to get the lucky shot in or quicker timing - wheres the value in that?
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