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Gaming Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 preview

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by brumgrunt, 25 Jun 2012.

  1. brumgrunt

    brumgrunt What's a Dremel?

    16 Dec 2011
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  2. Mongoose132

    Mongoose132 Duckmad

    23 Aug 2007
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    So you love it? :p
  3. steveo_mcg

    steveo_mcg What's a Dremel?

    26 May 2005
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    Bloody fan boys, just tell us what you think. :D
  4. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    Scathing, I like it.
  5. cjoyce1980

    cjoyce1980 What's a Dremel?

    17 Jul 2007
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    I burnt out after MW2, I did try Battlefield 3 but I just can't justify a £40-50 quid purchase for which is the same game just in a different wrapper. I'm still a shooter fan, and I'm currently enjoying Max Payne 3 change of pace and setting even though its not a FPS, but its still a shooter! :)
  6. longweight

    longweight Possibly Longbeard.

    7 May 2011
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    I enjoyed blops on PS3 whilst recovering from an operation.

    MW3 was just crap!
  7. Rustypouch

    Rustypouch What's a Dremel?

    5 Feb 2011
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    Innovative as always. Another game I'll have to loathe talking about with my friends. Must admit though, I am also another one who has really been enjoying Max Payne 3. Fine change of pace.
  8. will_123

    will_123 Small childs brain in a big body

    2 Feb 2011
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    Stopped at black ops. Nothing ever compared to MW the original it was just sensational. I spent many hours blasting away with a MP5 and silencer!
  9. Necrow

    Necrow Minimodder

    24 Feb 2009
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    BF3 is evolving nicely with the DLC, it is still not as good as BF2 or BF2142 but at least it is evolving, This is where COD failed as they seem to have stopped evolving after MW and just pumped out the same game but with just different levels and renders. Shame.
  10. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    These games aren't aimed at most of us. They're aimed at all the people in my facebook feed who weren't video gamers 5 years ago, and got into xbox and then those sorts of FPS. It's video gaming for people who look hollywood action movies and X-factor.
    Ficky Pucker likes this.
  11. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    Apparently the pc version of Black Op's 2 will have Ranked Dedicated Servers again, but also apparently it will be a DirectX 11 game which I cannot believe because it means the developers are actually working on the pc version rather than just, hitting the copy & paste options.

    I will be getting it, either way simply because I enjoy playing a few games of COD with my mates until we come across the usual cheaters as they never get banned.

    I have a few games to buy this year this is one of them unless they announce something stupid just before the release date like they usually do.

    At the moment Battlefield 3 is keeping me busy with the odd game of MW3 thrown in for abit of variety.

    Maybe if the developers of games actually did something different than just copy the previous game then more people would be interested but it doesn't seem they can do it.

    MOH Warfighter is basically going to be a mash up of BF3 and MW3, with a few bit's of other games going by the trailers I have seen so really that is looking like a game up to now I won't be buying, because of the fact that MOH was alway's COD's competition where as now it's just a copy & paste job of Battlefield with a new name on the tin.
  12. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Oh, totally. There's even a secret sixth episode of Unlimited Hyperbole coming up where I basically profess my love for the series in the form of a sonnet.

    (Um, no).
  13. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer What's a Dremel?

    30 Mar 2011
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    Those little droid like things remind me of Homefront which I thought was a good little game and considering should have got well more players than COD ever had. If this new COD game gets yet again more players for bringing nothing new to the table then online gaming should be ashamed.
  14. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    Homefront was really good but it was infested with cheaters.
  15. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer What's a Dremel?

    30 Mar 2011
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    That is a shame. I wonder if KAOS Studios would have cracked down on the cheaters would it still be popular. But still, COD is full of cheaters and even BF3. Gladly, I go on a heavy moderated server so any cheaters found are booted straight away :)
  16. lilgoth89

    lilgoth89 Captin Calliope

    12 Mar 2011
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    most games are these days unfortunatly...

    the only real noticable exeption is WOT and thats simply coz everything happens serverside

    as for COD i dont belive this will ever live up to COD4, but i STILL play COD4...might be worth picking up...
    will have to wait and see

    *waits for the inevitable fanboy bashing :worried:*
  17. MachineUK

    MachineUK What's a Dremel?

    27 Nov 2007
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    This definately sounds right!! I have quite a few friends who were not in to games when back in the day I was playing indiana jones and the fate of atlantis or wingcommander 3.....and now they button mash through endless cinematic FPS cack......definately a target market for action masses!! I swear it must only be one step ahead of QTE gaming!!
  18. Bede

    Bede Minimodder

    30 Sep 2007
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    Looks like a Mammoth MkII in that picture on the first page :)
  19. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    Pretty much. I figure, people like me, well I've been playing video games since I was 2 - I played insanely hard games which I never completed for years on end, when I was a kid all games came with "hardcore" mode switched on and there weren't any options to turn it off - you either got better or you gave up. There aren't that many of my (/our) breed., so we don't bring in much money and so are no longer catered to by most video games*.

    On the other hand, there's the majority of an entire generation who never grew up playing video games, and instead of being annoyed if they finish a game within a week, get irritated if they have to endure more than a 5 second learning period before getting the instant gratification of being a Navy Seal tank commander pilot-spy with nothing to lose except 3000 kg of ammunition which he keeps in his sexy designer trousers. They've got more money because they're a larger group, they're not familiar with what I'll call "non-casual" gamers considered to be the implicit contracts between user and company (we pay our money, we get more than a 4 hour experience in return, we get patches, etc.). Because they don't know there ever was this expectation, they don't hold anyone to it. They don't care that instead of being patched, they have to buy a new version of call of modern battlefield sports 2192 every year because they've never known anything different, and because they just want the instant gratification of being the dude with 3 tonnes of ammo in his pockets who can't die and kills godzilla every time, they're easy to cater to. Give them the same story every Hollywood action movie has and slightly better graphics and they'll buy it once or twice a year. How do we know? Because Hollywood is still around, that's why.

    In short, non-casual gamers can't compete. We'll never have enough money to be interesting to the big studios, and so we must resign ourselves to what all who're really interested in music and movies already have. You hunt down the low budget indie stuff, and avoid the mass consumption content that's everywhere, and accept that the production values are lower and the special effects/mastering could be done by someone 10 times better and still not be good enough, but hey, at least the content doesn't completely and utterly horribly suck.

    *The one exception I've found to this is competitive FPS (I imagine RTS is the same). Because competitive FPS gives everyone the same tools and essentially just boils down to skill, even if there is no learning curve, those who're used to studying a role, figuring out fastest routes on maps, learning weapons like the back of their hands - those people can really excel and leave the casual gamers behind (cue accusations of cheating, though). Still, at least it's somewhere where skill still counts and things feel just. This may well all change as micro-transactions inevitably will begin to give the players who'll pay the most the nukes and the most tenacious FPS gods mere pea shooters, but c'est la vie.

    Anyway, what was I talking about?
  20. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    Developed by Treyarch... Kind of says it all really.
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