Xorg 1.6 will only be supported by ATI Catalyst 9.4. ATI Catalyst 9.4 will only support cards newer than R5xx, meaning from R3xx to R5xx, support will be dropped COMPLETELY (unlike nVidia which update their legacy drivers, faster than ATI update their main drivers. My problem is, I have an ATI Mobility Radeon X2300, which has the chip M64, which in truth is a rebranded X1350, an M52 chip. Can someone tell me if my GPU will be supported by the new FGLRX or if I will curse ATI for the next few years?
why would you curse ati? they dont support the card anymore for a reason. You cant exactly play the newest games (or games yet to be released) with it anyway so they have no reason to provide drivers that are optimized for them. All the software that is out now, will work on that card with the current drivers.
I like your structured reply, almost criticizing I'd say, but it doesn't answer my question. Its not a matter of playing games at all. As for the software available now, Xorg 1.6, the current drivers don't work.
I'm sorry if my answer seamed rude. I guess my morning caffine hadn't kicked in yet. As for your card being supported in xorg 1.6 I wouldn't get your hopes up unless someone else decides to make drivers that support it. You could always send bug reports into the xorg team and see if its something that they are able to fix on their end. that being said, back when I had my 9000 pro (maybe it was my 9800 pro, cant quite remember) they had stopped making drivers for it but I kept updating them anyway. Sometimes it would fix problems in games. You could always roll the drivers back if it causes problems by updating them. Or you could always try something like the omega drivers. Although according to the website he wont be putting new ones out for a few months.
Can't play True Combat: Elite, Can't watch Videos with OpenGL rendering (all other outputs do terrible scaling), can't play Stepmania, it all either hangs after a while or doesn't start at all with the Radeon drivers (xf86-video-ati).
I mailed ATI tech support about the situation, this is the reply: Although we have drivers for Linux posted on the ATI website, we do not provide technical support for driver or multimedia issues in Linux directly. The Linux drivers available (For laptops, RADEON and All in wonder Products) from AMD are provided are "as is".
Welcome to the world of ATi Linux support I'm afraid. Leigh123linux on the Fedora support forum has detailed guides on getting the fglrx drivers to run with Compiz and OpenGL acceleration. The "official" ATi driver support have been pretty bad for some time. As Fedora is my distro of choice, for the last two releases they have used a beta version of Xorg, so to get 3D acceleration at all you had to downgrade the Xorg packages. What distro do you run? If all else fails, VirtualBox now supports OpenGL for Linux guests, so you could run your distro within VirtualBox for any OpenGL stuff you want.
As on my sig, I run Ubuntu, currently 9.04. I'm a bit afraid of downgrading xorg seeing that I don't know what kind of effects that will have on the system in general.