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Scratch Build – In Progress [cip] Project Redstyle last update 6-04-2008 painting the case

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Realiks, 23 Feb 2008.

  1. Realiks

    Realiks What's a Dremel?

    23 Feb 2008
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    today i've put the inside of the case in primer its the firs layer of paint. I will have to sand were i've put to mutch paint on.





  2. Grunnsetning

    Grunnsetning What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2005
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    Looking good, makes me wanna build a wood one. You can do so much with them compared to starting with a prebuilt case.
  3. Realiks

    Realiks What's a Dremel?

    23 Feb 2008
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    After some sanding work I could finally start painting. I sand for at least 1 houre and 30 min to get all the bugs out of my case. With sanding you get allot of dust so I cleaned the case with a scrap and some water. This is the first layer The collor hase to get darker but because I have put on a white primer the collor is a bit light. I will have to put 2 layers of paint on the case to get the dark red that I want.

    This is a little pic of the case before the painting. I tryed to get the room as dust free as a could because the paint is a bit sticky and hase to dry at least 18 houres.


    The paint: Yesterday I went to the paint schop to get my dark red. I also bought some alu gray paint.


    the tools: I will try to paint the case with a brush. I hope that I get a nice result.


    The collor: Dark Red really nice.


    sidepanel: The sidepanel with a first layer of paint.



    Some pictures from the inside of the case




    Pictures of the outside of the case



    edit: i also bought this: [​IMG]

    That's it thanks for reading and watching. If you want to ask something don't hesitate. Or leave a comment.
    Last edited: 29 Mar 2008
  4. Realiks

    Realiks What's a Dremel?

    23 Feb 2008
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    After the first layer of paint was dry I began with the second layer. It looks mutch better.



    I dont have pictures of the third and fourth layer because its al the same ^_^

    Now the stripes. Its a bit difficult because it hase to be straight. I jused alot of tape :p





    Alu paint


    You can see that the paint does not cover the red verry well. A second and third layer will be essential.







    Thats It thx for reading. Leave a comment more updates soon

    ps: sorry for the bade pictures next week I will have my new digital camera ^^

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