The bottem or base of the new plex chassis is glued into place, with this glued on i will be able to stand the unit up. The micro atx motherboard-wall/back panel can now be put in place. the mother board is sat into place and the brass locators are marked for threading. after the locators are screwed in the mothercan be screwed in and the back wall can be marked for cutting to accept the rear metal IO panel. after some carfull meauremants and some dremal cutting the IO panel can be checked for fit. Next is to remove the unit, and check for what will be the 4 exhaust fans. since this is such a small case, ive opted to use 4 x 40mm fans, 2 will move the air from the backside of the mother board where the psu is and 2 to remove air from the top side where the motherboard and HDD will be sitting.
looks awesome so far really looking forward to see the rest of the project and how it will look at the end
Flipping the Case upright i can next see how the HDD will sit, and check to top " roof cavity " panel for the Fan Rad mod! The top section is perfect to acommodate the cooling duties, it was the first thought i'd had for this mod, and has almost work out too perfect. The section is almost perfectly vented to handle to mod. the side vents will allow cool air in while to top vents will allow the warmed air out. the back will also be modded with mesh to allow better flow. a simple mock up shows that this will work fine. some custom brackets will be welded in. Some old speaker grill mesh will be used to make the new rear......the top section is put on hold, i'll be going into Xcom tommorrow to see if the new cooler master watercooling kit will be a better way to go. Moving onto the back panel after the metal io panel is painted with matt back the previously marked back panel is cut. with he 4 x 40mm 2 x frontside and 2 x backside fans are bolted in. thanx to some very carfull measuring the assembly fits perfect Standing the unit up shows even @ this early stage of constuction it will be a very solid unit! more to come
Very sweet man. Glad you decided to make your own case and not try to adapt. Makes it all the more unique. I kind of have a think for smoked/black plexi to.
I really like how the motherboard is seperated in a different chamber than the power supply and CDrom and etc.. This will make for interesting cooling results.
I have no doubts in my mind he will finish this, SO what happened to HP Res III MEGA kinda come to a stand still with that one???
dude, that is, seriously, the slickest looking case i have ever seen. its just so amazing, its like its not real! its so simple looking, yet sophistocated at the same time. its uncanny, i cant wait to see it done. subscribed!
Stuntman says "This thing is gona be HAWT! I want your tallent. What kinda lighting are you gona use? Or did you already mention that?"
yeah! this thing will be like the subwoofer-pc of god! people will bow down and worship it and its ability to make people be confused about what it really is.
hehe thanx for the great responses guys, Ive got my hands on a Coolermaster Aquagate 120,altho the AG120 isnt a hardcore cooling solution, i think this is the perfect water cooling solution for this mod.
You know not all of us have the money to put watercooling in every system, not that we/I have that many systems. Be happy with whatcha got! By the way, what are the full specs?