I love it, Minus the hard drive flopped on the bottom But other than that, great work as usual! -Brad
thanx for the great comments guys is really a cool little PC to have around.... very light and super stong, the sealed AG water system makes things easy when you need to just pick the sys up and go! I cant remember the actual model number of the sub soz Fozz but i'll check if theres someting still on the back of the old wooden box. I'd be honored if you want to copy the idea
Yeah, he probably took 6 hours measuring, testing, and calculating which spot would strategicly be the best for heat disapation, looks, and structural support.
Could you let me know where you got the mesh for this? http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/Defyantmods/Concept PC/IMG_6037.jpg That mesh would be absolutely perfect for my current project.
thanx guys i prolly did put 6 hours of thought into that bloody HDD moutning The box was built to be used as a MP3 server here @ home in the stereo room, The idea of having to pull the whole case apart to take out the HDD out-weighed the practiacallity of having it mounted where it is. the mesh i use on all my mods is sourced from a local metal scrap yard!!! for free but you can buy it from metal/alu suppliers.
I've been looking everywhere and I can't seem to find that exact pattern. Oh well I guess I gotta keep looking.