Nice werk Keir. What clear tubing are u using? Can I get specs on it and the fittings that work with it por favor? Also, what are your recommendations for a long lasting clear, clean & nongunky system? Like fluids, additives, silver coils etc.... Got STH10?
Thanks y'all And JdotH I,m using EK fittings and some BP stuff The EK fittings are the EK-PSC Fitting 10mm - G1/4 Black, 90° and 45° adapters And BP for the difficult angels and other problems For the tubing i am using Masterkleer 3/8 ID - 1/2 OD Clear For long lasting...dont use colored fluid, had some problems in the past with this This build i am gonna try Mayhems pastel Ice white, so hope this will last longer then my previous fluid. Sorry mate, little change of plans...tomorrow i will get a Caselabs Magnum M8 I tought a lot about the STH10 but I dont have that much hardware to fill this big beautiful case
Looking good mate, excellent work just like the previous one can't wait to see the finished result's.
Hello, Kier! Hi, Bit-tech! I`m a novice on the forum, but I`ve spent over a year looking through the project logs, and first of all I want to say, I`m a great your fan, Kier! I love all your projects - they`re absolutely awesome!!! great work, great stuff, great hands. I wish you luck in modding and stay turned on your logs
Hi Kier This is looking slick again, where do u get the time to build all these mods. I'll keep following this build , AGAIN!!!! Good L...... Oh you don't need it with your skills
None stop modding all neat as usual congrats on MOTM nom kier, tough monthly roundup, competition is hot.
Thanks you guys. I had a little modders dip so that's why I didn't updated my projects But i'm back with a lot of ideas. For now not a big update, but did some nice things with Bill's 3M DI-NOC
Looking damn good man! And just to let you know, since I love to do what others don't I'm not gonna use anything that looks like cf (or real cf) EVER!
Update!!! It's been a while since I've updated the Cosmos build, but here it is .... the long awaited update Where were we... the sleeved cables. For the Sata cables I've made 2 openings Sleeved some Sata cables First four sata placed Second layer on top It's all a bit messy now, but this will be better It need to be as tight as possible ... To get this so tight, I drilled some holes on the back from the mobo for the tyraps Tightly folded around the edge I will not use them all, but I dont want free sata slots. In the front there are still some open holes, So I've cut some mesh for this Placed the acrylic cover back again I wanted something more for the "fins" on top, so for this I have pasted some DI-NOC Looks better. To have the same DI-NOC effect in the front I have also pasted the slide panel And now the big moment ... making the loop ready for filling. For this I have cut the hard acrylic pipe and placed it Checked the remaining tubes etc. All connected...yes, fill it up Fill Port right above is to fill the first loop. Never mind the silver shiny stuff, don't have any black left and don't wanna buy new. This is not in sight And then it was really time to fill it with... Mayhem Pastel Ice White Starting to get full Nice color isn't it Just one more loop, but not today