very original. I thought the pump on the gpu loop looked much better.... it just made the cpu loop look weak. It didn't even look like it had a vortex spinning. however, the spinning of the gpu loop looked great. If you can get that speed with a block on it would be nicer.
dude very very nice... how many years experience do you have with such machines ? Also how do you figure such things out , are you getting a helping hand on ideas or is this all your own from top of your head...
Must be one of the best mods ever to have seen the light... but seriously dude, have you ever heard of work safety!? Gloves at rotating power machines? Your arm could be off quicker than a wink... other than that, way to go
really amazing work mate... i can appreciate a lot more now that i'm following a cnc-cad-cam course at school... great ideas and great realization!! ciao-ciao
that is simply amazing! how buch dues it weigh? i think you should add an extra pump so both vortexes will spinn at approximately the same speed. (sorry if you already wrote something about this). what do you work with to get your hands on that kind of equiptment?
I said to a friend that i didnt think you were using the tools to full potential. I think you've just made me eat my hat very nice work, interesting stuff.
WOW! that looks amazing, ive been meaning to ask, why dont you make your own blocks? (it might of been mentioned, but i have to cure my curiosity) i think you could make some really kickass blocks with all of those lovely tools plus they'd match better with your project if you made them mod on
i think that the one on the left is spinning faster cos it dosent have a waterblock in line so there is less resistance, wait till he gets a block in, it'll slow down to the speed of the other one. Snood
Dang! I never in a million years would have thought of doing that with the reserviors. VEry nice creative work!
Just amazing, the blades in the rez's are cool as crap. Definitely original. I really like the work you did on the supports, especially the acrylic posts!! Excellent work!!! Mafia
well imho I must say im impressed this is more than just having some cnc machine fabricate everything, this requires some kickass skills