I worked on the second floor, inserting the screen and the Lamptron fan controllers in a front plate, it's not as high as it was because I finally choosed a 4 inchs screen, but this plastic material is really hard to work with,... if I use any electric tool, the heat is melting the material, it makes a kind of a soft dough drying imediatly and the edges are fusing together again...not the best choice as a plastic material but with patience and hand tools it works.
Sounds like an extruded plastic. If you are not recycling, you should find some cast plexiglas. I'd give up on the solid wire connectors. I tried using some fairly stiff wires before and you can never get them clean looking.
you're right Cheap, I think I will just order some real cast plexi and redo the plate, but for the stiff wires, after trying several ways, I finally obtained something rather clean, you will see I realise that I need to finish the case to have the correct lenghs of all wires and cables, so I measured everything and cut the extra lengh of the case, the final case is 92 cms high
excellent, I know it's a splurge, and I reckon, I am a tad excessive ohh, and I didn't notice the broken ceiling was visible LOL, what a silly photographer I am, yes, that small room has been open hastily for modding, and the work is still on the to-do list
I worked on the back of the case those last days, still some work to do but it gives an idea... I painted the Lamptrons front plates to match the color sheme (I'm not yet satisfied though, I must sand and add a coat of paint again ) I found this (from a car calculator I think), I put it in the bottom of the case for the look of it and for allowing a little clearance for the wires (220 v !) Don't mind the screws, they are temporary...I still have holes to drill behind that plate...
Neat part find. You should ask a mod to move you to the project logs section. Stuff gets lost in 'modding'.
thanks Cheaps...you're the best, always a nice word to motivate the troup even the slowest modder ever , well, you're not far from the truth, I hide my worklog here because I have the experience of my previous worklog, I stopped the work, despite my willing to finish it, and I will finish it, but it took me like a whim to finish this chunky beast (and stop seeing it with it's guts spilling out ), and even with lockdown and unemployment ( as it is actually still my case ), all I manage to do is gardening like a mad , you can't imagine how big is my garden , and I've been lazy last year ...so, I don't dare to start another neverending worklog on the project logs, when I see every days, so many talented guys modding continuously but...seriously, I think that, when the case itself, with all mounting holes and parts will be finished, I will select a bunch of the best pictures and post a thread in PL, but as of now, it's too early the alley another part and the veggies garden started...behind the walls, it's still my garden Thank you Mojo, you're kind because it's still a draft, so thank you, but I agree, I like the shape it takes too , honestly, I will redo this back plate, this one is the third version (2 previous ones failed) and this one doesn't satisfy me neither, but now I know how to correct my mistakes yes mate , you're right, I can't even hold it without half of the parts and hardware not mounted yet, unless I remove all the drives previously , but it's not made to be moved anyway so...
Lovely. That last pic of the veg garden: Picture it with a million squirrels. -That would be here. My mom gave up when she had a cantaloupe almost ripe. A squirrel chewed it free and rolled it 30 feet to the base of his tree. When he realized he couldn't get it up the tree he chewed a big hole in it. -Also you can fit a LOT of yellow jackets in that juniper.
, OMG, I'd go nuts if squirrels were as numerous and bold in my garden , no way I let them chew my cantaloupes , but I heard squirrels were kinda bold in Minnesota, even messing around during baseball games sometimes however, your right: yellowjackets and hornets take up residence in the thickets and stone walls, I spotted out a nest of hornets inside an old stump recently, I engaged the war with a spray, they quickly stirred up and stroke back violently that I had to get outta dodge or be attacked
US standard grey squirrel: They chew through your 2" thick deck planking, eat your potted plants, throw things at you from the trees, disco dance on your window screens at dawn, tease your dogs...
It's pourring outside , for days they said , so, let's stop gardening and start modding a bit ...I need to cut out a motherboard shroud, several reasons why, first of all, it's not a real black PCB rather dark brown; then, the golden capacitors do not match the color sheme, also, I must cover all the PCI slots to hide the risers, and finally, it misses something nicer to cover up the I/O ports and to conceal the wires routed to this very improperly positioned but compulsory Molex plug I started by cutting out a stiff paper mock-up to adjust openings, and reported it on a polycarbonate sheet...
A rainy day, a day spent sawing, filing and grinding, though, I'm only 80% done with that armor, some more settings here and there...
Finally, laying down the case flat on it's back, and placing hardware parts to have a final opinion of where everything goes, I find the case too small in height, in width, in depth , yes, first there are only 15 cms of clearance between the GPU and the top plate...and the CPU radiator (not here yet) but represented by a 2x140 fan bracket on the left, is overlapping the GPU, it would have been better if not, and about depth, well, it's only 23 cms, not that large for such a high building happy or not, I gotta do with it or it will never end... have a good sunday