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Hardware Dell SP2309W Monitor Review

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Sifter3000, 23 Jan 2010.

  1. azrael-

    azrael- I'm special...

    18 May 2008
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    Well, I might have expressed my opinion a bit too strongly earlier (and for that I'm sorry), but in my experience I truly have never seen a really good TN-based monitor. This could very well be the best TN-based monitor out there, but I'd still rather pay a bit more and get a monitor with a really good panel. After all, most of us use a monitor way longer than most other components... :)
  2. etudiant

    etudiant What's a Dremel?

    25 Jan 2010
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    This is a good screen for a modest price.
    A nice extra thrown in is the built in 2meg screencam, about comparable to the Logitech unit, but not flexible in terms of positioning.
    The generous output ports are another plus, although the USB ports are unfortunately turned off along with the screen by the screen's power switch.
    Also a plus is that the screen can be raised and lowered as well as tilted much more widely than most similar units.
    Overall, this is the kind of product that DELL built its reputation on, good performing but inexpensive and with some unexpected useful extras.
  3. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Lol, true about using the monitor way longer... instead of forking out for a monitor for my gaming rig at uni, i've just pinched my old one from back home.... it's a 16" Sony TFT that seems stupidly tiny lmao.

    Coincidently, my parents replaced said TFT with the reviewed Dell lol. Although i don't really have the eye for much graphical quality.... difference between HD, SD and other resolution based visuals fine. Not for contrast, clarity and colour vibrancy though, so i'm just glad that it was cheap and supposedly good to look at lol.
  4. Xir

    Xir Modder

    26 Apr 2006
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    220euros from Dell gemany...not bad.

    I sit with my back to a window though, so glossy panel are an epic fail.
  5. Sifter3000

    Sifter3000 I used to be somebody

    11 Jul 2006
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    Just to point out to previous commenters - yes, you're right that the SP2309W which we reviewed is slightly different to the S2309W that Scan is stocking.
  6. GW42

    GW42 What's a Dremel?

    26 Nov 2009
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    thanks for confirming.

    (anyone know off hand what Dell's dead pixel policy is...)
  7. Sifter3000

    Sifter3000 I used to be somebody

    11 Jul 2006
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    6, I think.
  8. metarinka

    metarinka What's a Dremel?

    9 Feb 2003
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    make an excellent second and third monitor in a triple monitor setup. Only play games on the main monitor so picture quality isn't AS important after that.

    (triple monitors used for music production, need the screen real estate for all the sequencers)
  9. Blademrk

    Blademrk Why so serious?

    21 Nov 2003
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    Price has gone up by 40 quid to £219
  10. SinxarKnights

    SinxarKnights Minimodder

    21 Jan 2007
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    Surprise! I was just about to get this. Was $219 this morning. Get home and get ready to order... BAM $319. Oh well. guess i'll keep looking for a new monitor.
  11. Niode

    Niode What's a Dremel?

    10 Feb 2010
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    Got this for £210 including delivery about 6-7 months ago. Not been disappointed. Colours are really good for a TN, compared to my friends tn panels (Samsung/ben-q ones that are much more expensive than this one) this blows them out of the water. Only problem is the monitor has a very high frequency hum when it has been switched on for a couple of hours. However it's very low dB and is barely audible even when it's the only thing that is switched on in the room. When the PC is on with my studio monitors/surround system you can't hear it at all so it's not a problem at all really it never bugs me.

    Regarding upscaling, 1080p movies look great on it and the games that don't support the 1152p resolution you can just run them in 1080p mode and it does a good job not blurring the image. There's a little blur on edges but I only found it's an issue with AA turned on, I guess the sampling technique used by the monitor doesn't work well when edges have already been smoothed.

    Oh yeah, I don't think it was mentioned in the article but this display supports 1:1 pixel mapping, so you don't have to worry about it blowing 1024x768~ resolutions up to full screen. I think you can disable it in the options but I never thought of a reason to do it. It's a bit weird playing something like Abe's Odyssey which is 640x480 since it's really small in the middle of the screen. I'd rather it be 1:1 than stretched like crazy though.
  12. Surnia

    Surnia What's a Dremel?

    25 Jun 2009
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    I agree with it being a nice panel, its been in use since October (when Dell had their sale on the thing for $289 CDN). I'm not sure how CPC managed to think it was a PVA, i have a cheapie 19" Polyview which is not a TN (never figured it out) but the viewing angle is FAR superior to the SP2309W.

    HD material actually works quite well on the monitor despite the odd resolution, I havent been able to notice any pixelation on videos at all, and I sit about 15-30cm away from the thing.
  13. Nikols

    Nikols What's a Dremel?

    13 Oct 2009
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    Nice review, read it last week on the back of the new alienware monitor review, got home put my samsung p2270 up for sale on the web (fixed position stand really pi$$ed me off)... Nice gentleman arrived 2 days ago and gave me €150 for it, ordered Dell monitor yesterday. Only problem is 5 more days with no monitor :-(
  14. metarinka

    metarinka What's a Dremel?

    9 Feb 2003
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    Ordered one a week ago, I was in shock! In the internet days they wanted 12 days lead time before they shipped. Plus 3-5 shipping. It's still coming just won't be here till the 12th of march.

    Really looking forward to it though.
  15. metarinka

    metarinka What's a Dremel?

    9 Feb 2003
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    Well Mine arrived, I have to say I'm quite satisfied, compared to my mac book pro screen the colors aren't quite as sharp and the gamut quite as nice, but that's not a fair comparator as it doesn't have such a fine pixel pitch, it isn't led backlit and is not nearly as pricey (as a mac book pro screen would be). It makes an awesome gaming screen, great for movies and general work tho.

    I'm more than happy and it does look vibrant on it's own.
  16. badsector

    badsector i7

    17 Apr 2010
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    I just have switched on the SP2309W for the first time, and I am using it now. I was interested in a cheap monitor to replace an older LCD. I found out about this particular monitor from this review, and having dismissed some more expensive alternates, plumped for this. I've also bought the Dell soundbar. This is a great solution for me. I wasn't sure about the gloss like finish, but it makes it seem like one of the expensive Apple monitors. Great value for money!
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