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News Duke Nukem Forever Review

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 13 Jun 2011.

  1. OCJunkie

    OCJunkie OC your Dremel too

    19 Apr 2011
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    Pretty much exactly as I expected... overhyped and past due. Glad I didn't preorder though I will still eventually play it just because of what it is, and the fact that I've waited like a decade. But anyone who was expecting it to be "revolutionary" either in gameplay or graphics was sniffing glue.
  2. IvanIvanovich

    IvanIvanovich будет глотать вашу душу.

    31 Aug 2008
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    I'm enjoying it too. I went into it expecting a linear run and gun twitch shooter with schoolyard humor. So what did I get? What I expected. Even with all of its flaws and shortcomings, it's still more entertaining than half the games I've played this year.
  3. DocWolfe

    DocWolfe What's a Dremel?

    21 Mar 2009
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    I don't think it's THAT bad. I thought Crysis was worse to be honest.
  4. V3ctor

    V3ctor Tech addict...

    10 Dec 2008
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    Just finished it... loved it, 12h of Duke :) in the end it unlocked some cool screens from previous builds of the game. There are lots of areas and gameplay that wasn't in this game, they must have dozens of levels that were scrapped. Hope that the next game will be a great game. This had it's problems due to his 14 years development, but i liked it even if it was flawed.
  5. Whindog

    Whindog What's a Dremel?

    16 Sep 2010
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    LOL look at some of these nutters, my mate bought this and we had a play with it last night. MIndless dribble that only 13yr olds would enjoy.

    I think the review over at ars technica is far more on the money than this one.

    "The Good

    The game doesn't last very long

    The Bad

    Everything else

    The Ugly

    I have to install and play this piece of garbage on the PC to see how that version holds up, and make sure there's nothing to be salvaged from the multiplayer"

    But what can we say, to ppl that think this game is good it shows that unfortunately there are morons even in the Bit-Tech community....this fact makes me sad :(
  6. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Well, that's not very nice. Each to their own, as they say.

    Not that I rate the game anyway.
  7. Whindog

    Whindog What's a Dremel?

    16 Sep 2010
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    In hindsight it was a bit harsh. Not meaning to offend any1.

    Heat of the moment stuff. I shall say a last word and leave it at that.

    This game flat out angers me, I did have a long elongated argument written out for this reply but I shall delete it as this is not the forum for barely playable, not funny, rampantly offensive games that the developer has said dosnt come under the class of toilet humor.

    Yet in the first scene there is......wait.....what was that first scene.......Toilet humor.....oh but hold a piece of Sh** in your hand and earning an achievement.......isnt toilet humor now is it???
    - What where the developers thinking? Did a 12yr old come up with this stuff?

    Every developer on this thing should be ashamed that it made the light of day like this, and the fact that they thought this game would be fun and enjoyable shows how outrageously deluded they where whilst making this thing.

    That is all I have to say on the matter.
  8. Toploaded

    Toploaded What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2010
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    Did a 12 year old write this post?
  9. dyzophoria

    dyzophoria Minimodder

    3 May 2004
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    just finished the game, I enjoyed it somehow, there are some quirks here and there , but I think they depend on your tastes (I for one don't like the animation duke-wise and screen wise when climbing a ladder,etc and when you are knocked back, it gives me the dizzies). I was expecting something more fun from the ending, but heck, wasn't surprised its duke. but I have to agree, it might be the nostalgia, but im not gonna say its a bad game, im gonna agree that may be the downfall of the game for some was the wait, it took too long to get out, people got over hyped.
  10. faugusztin

    faugusztin I *am* the guy with two left hands

    11 Aug 2008
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    Sorry, but you confuse me. You act like if you buy a GTA a game and then you will be angry because you have to shoot and ram people in the game. Or you go watch Benny Hill show and be angry due the comedy they make.

    This kind of the humour is part of what Duke Nukem is. You don't complain that in football there are 22 guys chasing one ball either, right ?
  11. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer What's a Dremel?

    30 Mar 2011
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    It's a DUKE Game, what did you expect? It's filled with childish humour, did you ever play D3D?
  12. feathers

    feathers Minimodder

    11 Apr 2009
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    It's not so much the humour in Duke. It's the dated gameplay. The boss fight with alien spaceship early on was just plain weird. I couldn't understand why I was rooted to one spot firing at waves of alien planes and why I could only hit the ship in one place to damage it (or could I?). It was just plain weird. It got worse later when I was suddenly made into mini duke for no good reason and then had to navigate through the boring scenery with limited depth of focus so I couldn't work out where I had to go. The game is an absolute pile of crap but then some kiddies will make themselves believe the game is fun because they don't want to admit the obvious: it's crapper than duke throwing **** at an alien.

    Yes, kids with low expectations (IQ) will no doubt say they enjoyed it. It might have been slightly more interesting with a nude patch.
  13. faugusztin

    faugusztin I *am* the guy with two left hands

    11 Aug 2008
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    Dated gameplay ? CoD has as dated gameplay as it gets, and people still buy it. CS and CS:S have even more dated gameplay, and still millions play it (unfortunately). Why do every game must be super serious, super realistic graphics, super everything ?

    By the way, you were miniduke because you stepped in the minimalizer thingy right when you stepped out of elevator. And do you complain in other shooter games too, when you don't see over the hills, so you have "limited depth of focus" ? Because when you were miniduke in the car, the destroyed parts of the building were exactly like the hills in normal shooter game.

    And yes, we need superserious superrealistic games all the time, if there is one game which doesn't take even itself seriously then it is the worst game of the decade.
  14. feathers

    feathers Minimodder

    11 Apr 2009
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    It has nothing to do with serious versus humour. The game is simply very bad in level design, AI and pretty much everything. You obviously believe the rest of the world simply doesn't get how good it is and that you know better. I would suggest you simply don't know the difference between a well designed game like CSS.

    Your example simply doesn't work because although COD maybe formulaic, people didn't have to wait more than 10 years for it and then be disappointed. All of the cod games after cod 2 were boring as far as I'm concerned.

    CSS was a lot of fun and I played it for more than a year. I know some who still play it each night but I am not one of them. CSS is a much better game even if it is old now.

    Serious Sam has been re-released in HD and is better than duke in every way.

    I guess if you paid for duke then of course you might not be willing to accept what most of the rest of the world thinks and admit the game is crap.

    Cod might be formulaic but at least the level design is better not to mention the character animation.
  15. Th3Maverick

    Th3Maverick What's a Dremel?

    23 Aug 2006
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    maybe we'll get a special edition that removes some of the new school kitschy stuff and makes it even more raw. Admittedly, it would mean bringing back some of its flaws, but it seems like they already did a pretty good job of bringing back some of the most annoying ones.

    And if not...I'm so buying this as soon as I get my xbox delivered here, just out of sheer loyalty to the one and only Duke.
  16. feathers

    feathers Minimodder

    11 Apr 2009
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    Loyalty? It's a puppet! Duke is not a real person and neither were the two girls giving him a BJ at the start of the game.
  17. faugusztin

    faugusztin I *am* the guy with two left hands

    11 Aug 2008
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    Special edition ? Just play the game on the insane difficiulty. It is pretty much impossible to play it. :D
  18. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Just finished the game myself. Thought it was tedious and immature in a way which, yes, sometimes made me smile, but which usually turned out to be trite and predictable. The difficulty hopped around between way too hard and unguided and way too easy, the mechanics were held back by console limits (two weapons, what?) that weren't intended for the original design.

    I don't know what the **** the developer was thinking in terms of huge parts of the design - like the strip club dream sequence - and I don't know how this is considered a sequel in Duke's style. Duke 3D was about big levels with many areas to explore, requiring lots of gradual opening up of new areas and secrets that could be discovered on the way. This was a corridor shooter with swearing and tits - and not a great one at that. It wasn't totally awful as a corridor shooter - not like, say, Conspiracy Island 2 - but it was pretty bad and was enjoyable only in the bluntest, crudest way.

    To be honest, I looked at the early footage from the unlocked extras and couldn't help but think that they looked a lot better. The 2001 version looked very tasty, in fact.
  19. mrbens

    mrbens What's a Dremel?

    15 Aug 2009
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    "My balls, your face."
  20. serial_

    serial_ What's a Dremel?

    11 Oct 2005
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    I am having an absolute riot with it. Laughing out loud constantly. Every time Duke spits out a one-liner I chuckle. The gameplay is phenomenal. It's straight out of my childhood, when games were about discovering new gameplay mechanics and learning how to overcome them. When game designers sole purpose was to make it impossible to get past this bottleneck or that (boss fights / tough rooms). Now games (and this isn't a bad thing) are all about being cinematic. Few games are games anymore. They exist to tell a story, to have a 50hr long interactive movie-like experience, and are focused on immersion. The gameplay still has to be there, but it's now a supporting role. In order to be as immersive as they intend, games now require stellar graphics or else the whole illusion is broken. So I foresaw a landslide of negative reviews and people that, frankly, didn't "get it."

    Those who did "get it" are the ones called for 9/10 ratings. I find it interesting that on metacritic.com's user reviews there are double the amount of positive reviews to negative, and (when I checked) there were a mere 7 neutral, compared to the 92 positive and 36 negative. It is also interesting to note that those who rated the game negatively mainly gave it a 1. No game is a 1. Sorry, but a game that makes it to production must be so deeply problematic, so bug-ridden, so overwhelmingly unplayable that even basic movement of the character in a coherent fashion proves impossible.

    Most people rating positively have a spread between 8 and 10 on the site. It seems as though the people who didn't get it wound up hating the game to the point they don't even quite know why. I hear bad graphics, poor animation, etc. The graphics were fine. It was like sticking Doom 3 and half life 2 into a blender, add a dash of crysis and bam. The graphics are a little 2007ish, but not bad by any means. Character modeling? Duke looks great! The other characters are on-par. Now, what I think people mean when they say horrible modeling is what was very obvious to me as a throw-back to the original Duke games. Whenever you see Duke's reflection, it is pixelated more than anyone else's in the game. He also moves like a character model from 1997 in his reflection. Seeing as how no other characters in the game move this way, I deduce this was intentional, and as a result--hilarious. I laugh my ass off running back and forth in front of a mirror, jumping just to hear the same identical "hyuh!" and see the same bent-leg animation. It's classic old-school modeling!

    Seems to me you either got it and love it or you missed the point, hated it, but can't come to terms with the fact that it went over your head. And I don't mean over your head in an intellectual sense. I'm not condescending that you're stupid, just that it soared over your head much like a turd freshly punted from Duke's boot would.
    Last edited: 16 Jun 2011
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