As title. Post your in game Commander name. I'll update this first post with a list when it starts to grow. Would be good to friend each other, or at least watch out for each other in game. Blogins = Commander El Viento Cerberus90 = Commander Cerberus90 Chicken76 = Commander Chicken76 GMC = Commander GMC GravitySmacked = Commander GravitySmacked Lenderz = Commander Lenderz Moppi = Commander Moppi nimbu = Commander Nimbu phinix = Commander Phinix Pieface = Commander Sir Pieface Pookeyhead = Commander Eldorand suenstar = Commander Surren Starr ThirtyQuidKid = Commander 30QUIDKID Voluntary_Pariah = Commander WillingOutcast
Cerberus90 Complete noob so please don't blast me out the sky....wait space. I'm playing solo at the moment though while I get my bearings, then I'll switch over to online.
CMDR Surren Starr. Haven't gotten around to much other than the training bits yet, so I'm not all that familiar with the game beyond the basics. Will put a fair bit more time in when I get a replacement HOTAS.
Hi all, thought I'd try to ressurect this thread now that wings has launched. Anyone up object to being befriended in game? Would anyone be interested in joining a Bit-Tech private group? Very few of my social circle are gamers and it would be nice to play with people. What do you think?
CMDR Fix-the-spade So it was you I bumped into the other day! Sounds like a good plan for trips to high traffic (read troll heavy) systems.