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News European PS3 has less functionality than US, Japan

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by WilHarris, 23 Feb 2007.

  1. Swafeman

    Swafeman Minimodder

    11 Feb 2003
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    Why do they not reduce the cost to the consumer for the EU launch then?

    Fair do's you can argue that its already cheap but it really isnt, apart from nintendo all console manufacturers make a loss on hardware and get it back and more on games, if there saving 25 quid by not having a PS2 and PS1 in there, why dont they sell it for a nice round 399.99, it would attract a lot more buyers.

    I really cant see Sony doing this, I could understand paying more, as we do anyway, but the consoles twice the price of the japanese one AND we dont get a Ps2 in there, so most likely we will get crap software support, like the 360 has got.

    Charging us twice as much AND removing parts i feel is just cheeky, even tho it was their long term plans, they shouldnt remove the PS2 inside UNTIL, the software perfect and will run all the games the hardware will, this will just lead to more people importing, importing is already cheaper and will have better compatibility, they just screw us EU over by not realeasing any PAL consoles with a PS2 in, so we cant import them and play UK PS2 games blah blah, DIE!

    Does this not mean the PS3s Ps2 emulation will now also be '****' ? Im afraid it does

    And seing as all consoles in other regions have PS2s in, then if they cant be bothered, they could just leave the specs as they are now and screw us over again, as theres no way sony would develop code for every single PS2 game to run on the PS3 just for europe
    Last edited: 23 Feb 2007
  2. rowin4kicks

    rowin4kicks a man walked into a bar ...

    5 Feb 2006
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    wordsb like nail and coffin come to mind!
  3. Swafeman

    Swafeman Minimodder

    11 Feb 2003
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    Whats that I hear?

    Its a super powerful nailgun to boot :D
  4. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    I can see the points made about software emulation always being the plan; but rushing it by using crappy emulation that doesn't work properly then pulling the chips and not having a price-drop is sick.

    It's just blatant profiteering and generally bending people over for no reason.
  5. randosome

    randosome Banned

    17 Sep 2006
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    true enough, but early adopters always get screwed, its a fact of life, if you want to adopt early, then you should expect to be screwed

    Nvidia, ATI, Sony, Microsoft - any early adopter will tell you its just hassle (nvidia & ati = drivers + price, MS = bugs + price, Sony = price)
  6. Jipa

    Jipa Avoiding the "I guess.." since 2004

    5 Feb 2004
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    So even lessER compability with the old games. I've seen some TERRIBLE screenshots from PS2-games ran on PS3. Shame on you, Sony.

    From the latest generation consoles it's not hard to say which one has failed. Wii is selling phenomenally, Xbox is.. well... Xbox and then there's this one that costs too much, came too late and doesn't have anything new except price tag.
  7. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    Cancelled my pre-order until I know I can play my PS2 library on it, I'll have to make do with my noise-box 360 :(

    That was fixed with an update.
  8. NuTech

    NuTech Minimodder

    18 Mar 2002
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    Sorry but that's the typical bull**** reasoning Sony's PR people use when justifying decisions like this.

    You argument would be 100% valid if it were not for the fact that Sony themselves have admitted the software compatibility will be extremely limited in comparison to the previous hardware-emulated units. If it "was their plan all along" then would ensure that in time for the European release, software compatibility should be as good (if not, even better) as the hardware emulated units.

    The problem most people have with the PS3 is the very underhanded strategy Sony is employing with the European release. Everybody knows that no matter how much the PS3 costs in the US and Japan, Sony is losing a *lot* of money on each sale. Now some smart marketing exec had a brainwave that because everything costs more in Europe (due to taxes, import limitations, significant warranties etc), they can inflate the price even further to make up for the loses in other regions. Does that sound fair? Paying more so some American or Japanese gamers can have it for nearly half the price?

    I would not be surprised if Sony break even with the UK (with a price tag of £450) as I highly doubt a PS3 costs more than $900 to manufacture and ship. Hell, I bet they even make a small profit.

    That last statement alone should be enough to not buy a PS3, as there is a very good reason AAA console games cost this much and AAA PC games cost this much - a games console should *always* always be subsidised by the manufacturer who recoup huge amounts on software sales.

    A little food for thought, it is also no secret that the industry is watching Sony's situation very carefully. If they do somehow manage to pull this off and come out relatively unscathed, this could mean a lot to the European games industry. What if on the next round of consoles, Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo all decide to use Europe as a little money-maker on the side while taking it royally in the arse in US and Japan?
  9. Bladestorm

    Bladestorm What's a Dremel?

    14 Dec 2005
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    I feel I have to point out that of a £450 price tag, about £79 of it will be VAT by my reckoning, so the actual US equivalent is nearer $740 than $900, probably just enough to break even.

    I think its not impossible that sony shareholders dissatisfaction etc has forced them to cut back on the heavy loss-making they were previously doing and raise the price to the point where they break even here where they still can, though if that is true it likely means they will not be lowering any prices anywhere anytime soon as many seem to be expecting them to and all that implies for the consoles future market share.

    Removing the hardware compatability in favor of a software version while it is still "significantly less" effective combined with the price hike definetely hammers home that sony care more for the bottom line right now than they do the buyers for me though.
  10. sbarts

    sbarts What's a Dremel?

    1 Nov 2004
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    I've never felt so cheated by a compnay as I do by Sony. I preordered my PS3 dispite hearing horror stories about the actual capability of the hardware and the huge price tag. It's saving grace to me was that HD games would be avaialble for it and that I could dispose of my bulky PS2 and use the PS3 for all my gaming needs. Obviously Sony has a different idea. I think someone has already hit the nail on the head when they said it wouldn't be as bad if all PS3's were built equally but our nieghbours across the water have 2 games machines for the price of 60% of one of ours. I've cancelled my pre order and I encourage everyone else to do the same.
  11. naokaji

    naokaji whatever

    8 Dec 2006
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    ps3? late, expensive, and now also gutted if it comes to backwards compability...

    xbox360 and wii are both avalaible in masses, and are cheaper.......
  12. atanum141

    atanum141 I fapped to your post!

    22 Jul 2004
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  13. K

    K 528491

    31 Oct 2001
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    I guess it would be safe to presume the hardware will eventually be removed from all region's consoles (good business sense) but the fact that Europe gets the 'reduction' first is pretty hilarious. Way to go Sony.
  14. Cthippo

    Cthippo Can't mod my way out of a paper bag

    7 Aug 2005
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    What I find most interesting about this and a number of other recent threads is the self-declared Sony fans declaring that they're being screwed and that they no longer want anything to do with Sony. Prior to the release of the PS3, it seemed that Sony's biggest competitve advantage was it's loyal fans and that no matter how bad it flopped, it would still sell a bazillion units. Now even the fans are realizing how bad it is and the inventory is sitting on shelves because the public has heard enough to stay away.

    All this has to be hurting Sony bad and hopefully they will learn from the expierience and start caring about the people who give them money.
  15. Rich_13

    Rich_13 What's a Dremel?

    12 Feb 2003
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    tbh i am a bit of a nintendo fanboy and my last console was a dreamcast but you have to admit how hilarious it would probably be to sit in on a sony corp business marketing meeting.

    Team leader: "so guys..., anymore wise ideas to make some money back"

    Work experience guy:"we could make two people share one controller and charge twice as much for them!!"

    Team leader: "I love you man !"
  16. genesisofthesith

    genesisofthesith complete spanner

    4 Dec 2004
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    I'd be willing to pay the extra for the backwards compatability, taking it out just makes a bad deal worse. One ting I loved about the ps2 was how I could play all my ps1 games and the classics I missed out on, without having to keep an extra console there (I actually traded my ps1 in when getting the ps2).

    The cost of the extra hardware was probably miniscule, and was one cost cut that shouldn't have been made.

    I the software emulation just works, then all will be forgiven, but I seriously doubt it will be that smooth.
  17. rupbert

    rupbert What's a Dremel?

    28 Jul 2002
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    Indeed the Xbox 360 backwards compatibilty problems are well known however unlike Sony, Microsoft didn't come out with this statement:

    Ken Kutaragi

  18. unrealhippie

    unrealhippie What's a Dremel?

    24 Jul 2004
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    Haha, good quote.

    I don't care about Sony doing this at all though. You lot would get your knickers in a twist over a £5 price increase.

    Software emulation as pointed out was the initial aim, and I still believe that with time it will be sorted. At the end of the day, I am not buying a £400+ console focused around image quality to play some 2 year old game. You buy a PS3 to play PS3 games, this generation games, this generation graphics.
  19. rupbert

    rupbert What's a Dremel?

    28 Jul 2002
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    Why are the Xbox Live Marketplace, Virtual Console and PSN so popular then?

    It seems quite a lot of people are interested in playing 'older' games.

    It's the principle that's the issue...
  20. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    I've not bought a 360 because honestly, there aren't that many games I want to play on it. But that's neither here nor there, really.

    It wasn't that long ago that I was saying, "Hm... the price of the PS3 isn't as bad as I feared it might be" (given that quite often the exchange rate between the USD and UKP is roughly 1:1 when it comes to things you can buy on both sides of the pond...) but this is really getting stupid.

    I don't expect perfect backwards compatibility - it was patently obvious they couldn't get that right even with the PS2 chips inside the PS3 - but to say that one sales area is going to have something else cut out, when we've already got it later than the US and Japan, and at much higher cost is just the final kick in the proverbial groin.

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