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News European PS3 has less functionality than US, Japan

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by WilHarris, 23 Feb 2007.

  1. randosome

    randosome Banned

    17 Sep 2006
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    they cant remove the six axis

    namely because a) you wouldn't be able to port games
    b) everyone would be mad as hell at Sony <_< (well more-so then usual)

    thats a very good point

    although, they usually only subsidise consoles to start, so your probably not getting a subsidised console the second time, or the PS3 will have broken in 2 years and if they can sell an "improved" one you might continue buying stuff for it
    Last edited: 26 Feb 2007
  2. Fod

    Fod what is the cheesecake?

    26 Aug 2004
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    remember USA warranty is 90days

    euro warranty is 1 year.
    think about how much more units fail in a year compared to the first 90 days. they have to recoup their costs for replacement somewhere and it would be unfair to burden the US consumers with that. why should they pay more for something they don't get?

    they also have to ship them further.

    it all adds up.
  3. mclean007

    mclean007 Officious Bystander

    22 May 2003
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    If they made and tested them properly they'd last at least a year. I have never had a quality piece of electronics fail on me in less than a year if it held up for the first 3 months (i.e. if it wasn't carrying a latent defect from the beginning). In order for Sony to justify, say, an extra 10% on the price, 10% of units would have to fail in the 3-12 month period. If this is their expectation, then they really need to go back to the drawing board. This cannot possibly account for the price differential.

    Shipping - hmm. The PS3 may be big and heavy, but it's not that big or heavy. Boxes of (bulky and heavy compared to their value) clothes, shoes etc. made in the far east get here cheaply enough for Tesco to sell them for about 3p and still turn a profit. Again, I think Sony needs to come up with a better excuse. It may, as you say, 'all add up' to the fair equivalent price being £380, but definitely not £425, especially with reduced functionality. I bet we'll be expected to pay more for the games as well.
  4. DougEdey

    DougEdey I pwn all your storage

    5 Jul 2005
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    Shipping from the US will probably cost you at least £40-£50 for a unit of that size, insured will take it closer to £60.

    So £412 or £425.

    I;m not trying to defend Sony, £425 is a lot for a console.
  5. randosome

    randosome Banned

    17 Sep 2006
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    dont forget - everything goes through phases of failure

    Infant mortality - It dies early in its life
    Standard Lifetime - The unit enters its most reliable period, and is least likely to fail during this time
    End of Life - as the unit grows older it becomes more an more likely to fail

    (the actual headings i used are probably wrong, but i cant remember them exactly, however you get my point)
    So really, the 1 year guarantee is pretty useless, as it covers the infant mortality period, which is good, but then the area of best reliability
    This is why extended warranties from Curry's and such are such a stupid idea, because your paying for the most reliable part of the units lifetime
  6. mclean007

    mclean007 Officious Bystander

    22 May 2003
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    Yeah, shipping from the US for a single unit MIGHT cost you that much (quite a high estimate IMHO), but (a) they won't be shipped from the US, they'll almost certainly come direct from the far east (not sure exactly where they are manufactured, but I'd guess Japan, China or S. Korea), so the figure you should use is the difference between Japan-US vs Japan to EU, and (b) Sony won't be shipping one, they'll be shipping a MILLION, which I'd imagine would bring the price down just a little.

    I see your point, that there are hidden costs, but they just don't add up to the price Sony wants to charge.
  7. mclean007

    mclean007 Officious Bystander

    22 May 2003
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    Stupid idea for the consumer, great idea for Curry's and the salesman (who gets a healthy commission because these things are about 90% profit).

    Also, there's the fact that you pay about 10-25% of the cost of the item for the extended warranty, which is massively more than the risk of the thing breaking during that period. Massive consumer rip-off. My tip is - go to John Lewis, get them to price match wherever's the cheapest, bada bing bada bay, free 5 year extended warranty. Have it.
  8. randosome

    randosome Banned

    17 Sep 2006
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    richer sounds are also very good with their warranties

    their deal is, if you haven't claimed on it after it expires, you get the money back (of course they've earned interest on it all that time) not a bad deal though
  9. Dr. Strangelove

    Dr. Strangelove What's a Dremel?

    13 Mar 2005
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    Just think about how many tons of electric equipment Sony has to ship around the world a month, don't forget that Sony does not just make Playstations, they will be sending off container ship after container ship. I actually really don't think that shipping the PS3 will increase the total shipping expenses that Sony has a month (at least not by much). It's not likely that Sony has a PS only container ship, more likely that the PS's are just a few containers (you can pack a lot of consoles in a container!) on a ship full of TV's, computers, ect.

    A thought, we all talk about how many PS3 units are sold a month, wonder how many TV's, computers, camcorders, MP3 players ect that Sony sells a month..? Probably a lot more than PS3 units (not just because they are selling badly).
  10. mclean007

    mclean007 Officious Bystander

    22 May 2003
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    I totally agree with all that. I cannot accept that the combined additional costs of VAT, shipping costs and warranty make up the difference between US/Japanese and EU pricing, especially given we are to be fobbed off with a cut down unit. We are, without doubt, about to be ripped off. Again.

    When will these corporations realise that, in the days of the internet, where instant price checking across the globe is possible, they can't get away with sneaky territorial price differentials?
  11. DarkReaper

    DarkReaper Alignment: Sarcastic Good

    9 Jan 2004
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    But they can - the damn thing will still sell here...
  12. Flibblebot

    Flibblebot Smile with me

    19 Apr 2005
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    Maybe it's a bet from the Sony guy who said that they would sell anyway. Kind of "let's see how much we can screw them over, and see if they'll still buy"
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