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News Fallout 3 already pirated for the Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 10 Oct 2008.

  1. julianmartin

    julianmartin resident cyborg.

    25 Jul 2004
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    It's opinions like that that make people worry about Big Brother in the first place.

    Mate, you seriously have your facts wrong. I challenge you to find any torrent site that hosts a pirated piece of software. The torrent sites aren't doing anything wrong, they are just providing an index to its users who most definetly ARE doing something wrong. That's why governments only go for the really big torrent sites to try and slow everyone down. But no government will ever be able to stop torrenting, because of it's massively distributed upload nature, it's virtually impossible to wipe it out completely and it'll never happen.

    If enforcement agencies really wanted to do something about piracy then they should be aiming for the scene.
  2. seveneleven

    seveneleven What's a Dremel?

    26 Dec 2007
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    Or don't have the money to spend on several $70+ games woth only a ~$350 salary.Think about that before you start bashing...

    Also how am I suppose to know if the game is worth my money when there's no demo for Fallout 3?How can I be sure that the game is of the quality one would expect when paying $70+ - just look at Stalker: Clear Sky...
  3. seveneleven

    seveneleven What's a Dremel?

    26 Dec 2007
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  4. Silver51

    Silver51 I cast flare!

    24 Jul 2006
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    Bit-tech reviews, youtube reviews, friends, forums, in store demos, Zero Punctuation...
  5. UrbanMarine

    UrbanMarine Government Prostitute

    7 Aug 2008
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    I have a list of games that got good reviews and I bought the game soon to find out it was a fanboyish review. Spore got 9s and I didn't like it one bit. Halo got grand reviews and I didn't like it. So there goes $100 down the drain. Fallout 3 might be on the list. I wasted $400 on a 360 because of the industry change. Sony blew it on their next gen system and titles are lacking.

    Oh well....everyone has their genre just like they have their own ways in testing, reviewing etc a game.
    Last edited: 10 Oct 2008
  6. Guest-2867

    Guest-2867 Guest

    Spot on, all these downloads are worthless without the effort put in by crackers to create keygens/nocd cracks or bypass drm.
  7. devdevil85

    devdevil85 What's a Dremel?

    29 Nov 2006
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    C'mon Firehed. Your jokes are usually better than thattttttttt.......:yawn:

    Exactly, another reason more developers should develop for PS3 IMO. Less piracy.
  8. Tulatin

    Tulatin The Froggy Poster

    16 Oct 2003
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    Yeah, and I totally saw this movie at my friend's house, and now I'm never gonna' buy it.

    You seem to think that EVERY SINGLE Xbox 360 in existance is modded. You seem to think that every single person with a console has the know how on how to do this. If someone was going to pirate the game, they'll do it now, or in the 20 days when it came out. The fact that it's leaked early is meaningless.

    To make it simpler for your linear brain [Black, White; discard thought path], when something gets leaked to a crowd that's going to pirate it is irrelevant.

    As to console safety... it's just as hard to pirate for them as the PC, sadly. But hey, when it comes to piracy protection, shed the restrictions management, and go with a good CD check. That way buyers can play without issues, and piracy remains unchanged.

    Also, as to the idea of a government going after other countries to protect the IP of it's citizens, that's not care, that's facism. Let's enforce our rules on the rest of the world, right?
  9. Amon

    Amon inch-perfect

    1 Jun 2007
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    Take that 'exclusive' PC piracy horseshit and shove it right up their asses.

    No. I don't care whether Fallout 3, or any other game, was pirated. I do care about the organizations behind curtains that have the game industry on strings and what their next move in reaction to this will be.
  10. B3CK

    B3CK Minimodder

    14 Jun 2004
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    Just food for thought, but with the whole trend of releasing games before doing a thorough bug check is getting so popular, this whole discussion has got me to thinking about something else... Not many people that play pirated games are using them with online service, (xbox at least), and if they ship the game with a game breaking bug, but allow the update feature from live to fix it, then they could actually slow immensly the amount of pirated copies out there.
    Seriously, you can use xbox live silver, without paying a cent for live service. So you can get the updates even if you don't want to pay for the whole gold membership. But for those without an inet connection, you would be out of luck, so just put a nice little sticker on the outside, stating xbox live enabled account is a requirement to playing the game. It's not like there aren't already games released that are required to have live service. And if you don't have live, don't buy the game.
    So now, in the future, if you want to play a game, you have to dowload a "key" that is in reality the last 2% of the game in order to play it.
    Anyway, just food for thought.
  11. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Great for those people who have the internet and don't mind buying a broken product, sure.
  12. Evildead666

    Evildead666 What's a Dremel?

    27 May 2004
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    I'm looking forward to this one....hope it will be available on steam....

    For those who are strapped for cash, get steam.
    Every once in a while they do special offers.
    I got the whole Rockstar collection a couple of weekends back for $34.99. All the GTA's, Wild metal, etc etc...

    Oblivion wasn't very well protected, and was actually passed to me on DVD. I was very surprised it had little to no copy protection.
    I now own Oblivion and all the add-ons, which I bought, even going the extra mile to buy horse armour when it was free on the expansion pack that came out a little later...

    If its a good game, it will sell....
  13. willowthewhite

    willowthewhite Minimodder

    7 Nov 2006
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    Joe isn't that every PC gamer, and seems to be most console gamers, every PC game that I own requires a patch and 4 out of 5 PS3 games that I own require patching, and the 360 is just as bad.

    The 360 has had it's games pirated since release, it's easier to get the console to play pirate games than any of the previous generations (you don't even need to chip it). Of course the developers will continue to blame the PC for piracy and will ignore the 360 piracy the same way they have been for the past few years.
  14. Marc5002

    Marc5002 What's a Dremel?

    26 May 2008
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    Never needed patching beside the game i rent from club does people use them as disc trowing device and nail polishing
    it my only theory of so much damaged disk :D
    anyway i can't wait fallout 3 + Fable 2 : TWO RPG. 5 DAY OF Launch difference
  15. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    if it is good it will sell, piracy will play only a minor role in this scenario.
  16. Kurayamino

    Kurayamino As long as the Raven flies

    5 Sep 2005
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    HAHA, I love this, I'm not going to download it I might add! Never downloaded a game illegally. But seriously after some rants from people in the game industry delaying games etc..... Well just goes to show that PC isn't the only format being torrented. Give PC some more love!
  17. SuperNova

    SuperNova What's a Dremel?

    13 Nov 2007
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    There is an irony to all this...

    The "consoles business" or what you call is aims to make the console more and more like a PC. You play games on it, you should be able to surf on it, run folding sessions and so on. So the the base line for consoles to come is to make them into small PCs. Then developers stop making games for PC due to "piracy"...

    The sum is: You stop developing games for PC in favor of consoles. The consoles manufactures goal is to make the console into a PC.

    Is it just me that starts to see an circle here? Once the "consoles" have taken over the piracy will have moved... There is just one way to lessen the effects of piracy: Make gamers happy - A happy gamer buys games. If you release a demo so people can see that the game works on their rig you eliminate the "i download to see if the gem works on my computer" argument. If you remove strange DRM you eliminate another reason. Perhaps you could lower the price a bit to so more people would find it very attractive at launch.

    As is see it there are three types of piracy or causes to why people download:

    1. The people who just don't want to pay for the game - This group cant be eliminated by any means.

    2. The ones who download the game to test it and don't buy it later (as some of you already have said, when you have completed the game the urge to buy it goes down) - This can be solved by releasing a good demo and change routines when releasing the code.

    3. The ones who actually don't have enough money to pay for the game, young students and so on - This could be solved by lower the prices a bit. There has to be a break line where the total profit due to more people buying the game overweight the loss due to price cuts.

    In the end it come down to fight the battles you can win. I know its far from easy but i hope things can be solved. I don't like to hear people comparing console vs PC rations since this is dragging the pc down (more than it should be). Piracy on the PC has always been present but we have a great gaming industry anyways. Just because the numbers on the console are lower you don't have to assume that the numbers on the PC gets higher in a linear fashion.

    You could release a game on a 100-layer holographic disk bundled with a reader to a console and claimed 0% piracy and then compared it to the PC version (regular dvd) of which 5 have been pirated (out of 10000) and then yell 500% more piracy on PC the business is going down!!! Buts that far from the truth, you have to take the total number on games into account. I mean you said that there are 50:1 rations when comparing PC to console (i have no idea if that's true so ill have to take your words on that) but I'm pretty sure there are more than 50 times more games out for PC than xbox360 right?

    I know it isn't always as easy as i might have explained thing but it sows you how i think things could be solved, shows you the principal... English isn't my native language so sorry for any language mistakes.
  18. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    Again, no developer ever said there was no piracy on consoles.

    I'll repeat what I said in another thread. Publishers measure sales on each platform, the suits may be retards when it comes to DRM but they ain't when it comes to money. If they see that they're making more money on console sales than PC sales, they will prefer to sell on PCs. It wouldn't matter to them one bit if consoles had a higher piracy rate than PCs. The raw figures show the consoles make them more money, THAT is what counts. They might be a bit annoyed that they're "losing" so many sales through piracy, but so long as the platform is making them more money than the other, they'll prefer it from a business standpoint. Piracy is just their scapegoat for declining PC sales.
  19. ironjohn

    ironjohn What's a Dremel?

    10 Aug 2007
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    It's not pirating... It's theft!
    In any form it needs to be stopped.
    I had my home broken into and many thousands of dollars of things taken. It wasn't pirating!

    People need to found and put in prison, yes 14 and 15 years olds in prison, this is Grand Theft of multi-million dollar software.

    But, I guess if the Police don't care about crime, it won't stop.
  20. Krazeh

    Krazeh Minimodder

    12 Aug 2003
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