I wouldn't normally do such a shameless bit of non-Bit-tech self promotion, but I know there are fair few whisky lovers in the Bit-tech forums, as such I felt obligated to tell everyone about a whisky tasting event my Dad will soon be hosting. A little background: James Martin (or: My Dad) has been a whisky journalist for a number of years, with his own series of podcasts called The Malted Muse. He also runs a website, which genuinely captures what you'd expect the website of an old-man whisky-drinker to look like. He'll soon be bringing out a whisky of his own too, which I've plugged in my sig. As well as being incredibly knowledgeable about the topic though, he's also a fantastic host and the private tastings he's held before have always been great, filled with stories to make you laugh and details to make you ponder. Seriously, it's really good. Anyway, the event is on Saturday 1st October in Chesterfield. Tickets cost £21.50, which is pretty good for a tasting of some fine whiskys. The venue is a fancy new chocolatier cafe place called Mes Amis Lounge. If you're interested in getting a ticket, you need to contact the venue directly. You can also contact, um, the host over Twitter - @themaltedmuse. /Endofplug
Chocolatier Cafe in Chesterfield?! The town where, previously, 4 Greggs bakers were able to coexist within a 200m radius of each other!? I'm glad I got out of that town, it's becoming far too cosmopolitan for my liking. I'll let my old man know about this one. I'm sure he'll manage to justify the ticket cost even though he only told me last weekend that his whisky budget for the rest of the year (read: 'month') has just been blown on a 21 year old Glengoyne. It does, however, coincide with the Sheffield Beer festival.
He made a whisky? Or didi he buy/reserve a cask and has the right to design his own label? The latter is not uncommon.
Aww man, would love to come to this but Chesterfield is a mission and would need to drive which I obviously would not be doing coming back! Good Luck with the event for your dad though!
So far away! I'd love to sit around at a tasting session. Sadly if the distance wasn't a killer, it's also on the same day as a birthday.
Very nice, however Chesterfield is a little too far for me to travel to taste some whisky I may, however, nab a bottle off the website when it becomes available
Damn you island of fine drinks! Would love to come but air fair would kill my budget right now. Did your dad distill the whisky himself or just age it?
4.5L of whatever this is.. There's a 4.5l bottle of Smirnoff Vodka and Jack Daniels next to them as well..
...I've got a bottle of Vat69 from my grandfather in a shape that hasn't been sold for over 40 years (the label has been reduced to about a third) waiting for the birth of my first kid...
Sounds like an event worth attending. Sadly it is a bit of a mission from where I am to say the least.