Two great pieces of music both called 'Still Alive' ; What are the chances of that ? Great selection of music all round. But not many mentions of UT. For me, if I have something hard to concentrate on, there is nothing that gets me in the zone more than the soundtrack of UT99/GOTY. Total awesomeness.
No real life situation for this song. But it was a great song that plays during a mission in Ace Combat. A stadium full of people attending a rally play this song while you are defending them from an enemy squadron. Also love the breifing music and the presentations of the breifings from Ace Combat 5.
Just as a heads-up for other game music enthusiasts, is currently giving its users Tyrian2000 for free as a christmas gift. As is typical of their releases, it also includes the soundtrack. Alexander Brandon, the genius behind much of the music of Deus Ex, Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Jazz Jackrabbit etc was the composer for Tyrian2000 and there's 41 tracks in the release. I just went crazy on their christmas sale myself and bought a bunch of games. Getting the full soundtracks along with the games always seals the deal for me.
I'd have to go with Mechwarrior 3: Pirate's Moon And Supreme Commander too. oh and Resistance 2
Just been listening to the title theme from Spellforce The Breath of Winter for the last 30 minutes. I forgot how entrancing some of the songs in the Spellforce games are.
Merry Christmas everyone ! As a great way to start the day, here is an *epic* track from 'Jets N Guns'
More Frank Klepacki for this thread: Destroy (title music from Red Alert 2) Grinder (End of level music) Blow It Up (general game music) EDIT: I could never get Youtube embeds working Edit edit: Fixed, thanks people
You only need to wrap youtube tags around the bit after the equals symbol. So: Becomes: yEwskxxZFo4 Becky Kneubuhl - The Operative from the included soundtrack from NOLF.
Can't believe these 2 tracks haven't made it here. I've often just fired up the game just to have the music in the background and the music from the original trailer
It reminds me very much of this: Yes please! That is a awesome game. I got some I like too: Best Bungie game EVER: This hole soundtrack:
Much love for the FF bigking, what an epic album. I reckon it's just a catchy generic theme tbh. Knowing shift it could be from anywhere!