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Other Games on your horizon

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by SuperHans123, 19 Dec 2023.

  1. MadGinga

    MadGinga oooh whats this do?

    19 Mar 2009
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    The only thing thats peaking my interest is the expansion to Boltgun, and probably whatever the next expansion is to powerwash simulator. just cant get excited about anything else at the moment :(
  2. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    :hehe::hehe: This did make me laugh, hookers definitely being the cheaper of those two choices.
    Never thought I'd see that in a sentence!
    You are? My list (in no order) is Control (right now), Prey, Witcher 3-1-2 (in that order), Titanfall 2, Fallout 3+, Dishonoured, Atomic Heart, Crysis 1+, Tunic, Mass Effect series, Boltgun and Cocoon/Death's Door. Also The Finals with the kid and others from this forum for socials, as soon as I can practice the basics. And Blood Bowl 2/anything WH40K for the 'stalgies. In fact, any time I read about a sequel to something, I add the first three from 15 years ago to my list.

    Starfield bored the tits off both me and the missus and she's never even seen it (I know it did the same to hers though because I played with them in bed the other night and she didn't even pretend to wake up, so they must have come off).

    At the moment, I think I'd take anything with a good story, graphics a bonus, plus it finishing in short order but with a bit of a challenge and gives me a sense of accomplishment - splendid. Which I'm guessing rules out most of the above. Just conscious of time as I don't think there's much of it left. Maybe I'll retire and be one of those "Let'sPlayV/Blogging"-ers.
    MadGinga and Pete J like this.
  3. MadGinga

    MadGinga oooh whats this do?

    19 Mar 2009
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    Its just so easy/relaxing, and good to play co-op whilst chatting. getting distarcted by chatting doesnt result in being dismembered by a zombie (L4D), sniped (BF/CoD/Halo), or any other of the numerous ways to die/fail in games!

    That and its effectively free via the combo of gamespass/ms reward points...

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