I need to go back to it because it's sucked the fun completely out of the game for me, but the Half-life 2 strider battle towards the end of one of the chapters (2?) is going to be getting this treatment when I do. It's had a bit of it so far but I think I saved at a stupid point that may require a rewind, annoyingly.
I'd say the same, Half Life 2. I mean, when you hear "We don't go to Ravenholme", you know you're in for a bit of a wild ride. Pretty much every time I heard something, the quick save button was tapped.
Far Cry, once you get to the mutant monkeys it's basically pot luck whether you'll suddenly die when rounding a corner or emerging from a bush. Actually not sure I ever finished FC1... Crysis, same as above but swap mutant monkeys for boats, trucks, snipers, turret emplacements, tanks. Honourable mention to MW2019's campaign on highest difficulty, which was basically 2 hit kill but had such well placed checkpoints that I never missed the quicksave feature.
Games like Shadow Tactics and Desperados 3 more recently, but also when I played the original Desperados, then again those games are literally designed to use quicksave/load extensively.
This is probably common knowledge as I'm usually late to the awareness party, but Enemy Unknown (not sure about any others) saves its PRNG rolls several moves in advance to prevent save/reloading, so if you save now, make a mistake then reload your save, the next few rolls will be exactly the same as if you'd just carried on playing. Or so I heard.
I dunno how the system works, but I think I'd manage to trick it by doing things in different orders, subtle changes in positions, or changing what I originally attended to do (e.g. hunkered down instead of shooting). Took me about 140hours to finish XCOM 2! And that was before The Chosen was released. I'm not going through it again...