When I saw MW3 plastered all over steam I thought the soldier in the picture looks alot like George Michael.
tbh id rather rub **** in my eyes then willing hand over money for another cod. the series died 3 games ago imo
My cousin just rang me saying that MW3 has been cracked and is online if you know where to go. I am amused that the retail version has been leaked and the Steam Version is also online with cracks etc I may buy this next year sometime. But I have other things to play right now xD
id probably grab a copy one day if i need a break from BF3.... i need to play the single player content. its always top-notch IMHO. (i love MW1 story. MW2 story is good but not better... didnt play Spec Op)
The SP really is wonderful. I game with headphones on and am often oblivious to the outside world. My wife told me I'd been shouting out various words of wonderment as I played. But no ex-girlfriends' names, luckily.
How long before there is an alter version? That made mw2 just about bearable for me, iSnipe for one was impressive.
Wall hacks and no recoil hacks available 4 hours after release: http://www.callofdutycheats.com/11/released-modern-warfare-3-hack/ These guys did not just hack it, they have a web site, high definition footage and accept various credit cards. Unbelievable.
How is that surprising? They probably just did exactly the same thing as IW and ported the MW2 code straight over to MW3. Job done, now give us your money. **** off. Not this time.
I just played MP (on PC) and I think it's good so far. Especially now you can play in real servers, unlike the rubbish servers from Black Ops. And btw P2P is also not bad, I have played for 30- 40 minutes and didn't experience lag. I think they did well with this release (I vowed not to by any CoD when I was misled by Black Ops)
People really know how to ruin a game don't they. Really don't understand the point of cheating makes it boring and ruins it for everyone else. A**holes
Yes the maps dont suit sniping at all because they are soo cramped and full of hard corners - there's hardly any decent lines of sight. Snipers as weapons are more usable in this game than blackops though. I said before that you can't soundwhore, but it turns out you can to an extent. The footsteps are there you just have to turn up your headset volume to higher than watever you had before, because they have just decreased them thats all. In free for all I can soundwhore much better than before now (still not MW2 style sound but close-ish)
He's only human. What a load of garbage this game is. Yet again I find myself cringing as I listen to two blokes, going on and on about their weapons, both pretending to know what the **** they are talking about, each time they confirm each others ******** it gets worse and worse. I really hate this game lol
So many other good games out at the moment, and I already wasted my money on Drakes Deception. So, nope to CoD - it's been done to death. Hopefully if Activision stop making it, everyone else will stop trying to copy it! If you have it and are enjoying it, then great stuff.